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Face To Face With A ET?

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posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 05:53 PM
I talked to my son today and asked him if he could pix me a picture of the same area that face thing showed up. Well, his answer was: "Mom, I would be sending you a picture of the side of the inner area of the fabric lined wall.". Hmmm, just relaying that is what he told me. And not that it matters but, in the pic of the rip in the side of the curtain he sent me. Well, I took a longer look at it and I can see two white haze like things on either side of that rip. Also, the picture of that thing that looks like just a white haze. Turns out (he said) that was two figures floating in one direction one in front of the other. So, who knows. Either was I look at it, whatever the heck they are, they look pretty darn sceary to me.


posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 10:12 PM
When ever those clearer pictures are available could you please post them?

posted on Nov, 8 2005 @ 11:05 PM
SkyChild_5 I stumbled across your thread and I must say at first I was somewhat skeptical and figured the pics would never make it, and I guess I was wrong

I got to the bottom of page 2 where boradband posted the pics. I couldn't really make much out in the first 2 until later on page 3 when someone pointed things out, but this pic #3 made the hair stand up on my neck

How many more pics does your son have of his encounter and can you post them somehow?

posted on Nov, 8 2005 @ 11:46 PM
From what he told me this week also is that remember that pic with the rip in the curtain? Well, earlier this week I lookded at it in leangth and all of a sudden I realized that I was looking at not one but two white hazy intities on either side of that rip. I emmideatly called my son on the cell (of course the last thing he wants to do is discuss this matter any farther, it freaked him out so badly) and asked him if what I was seeing was really there. Well, what that really was that he saw that appeared that way in my pic was two intities walking in order on in front of the other. Now try and realize, as was told to me. This event happened over about an hours time from start to finish. Those are the only cell pix he got. Now, as a feelace photographer myself, I can asure you if it were taken with a conventional or digital camera, we would have the proof we really need to disclose something that I feel has never been done. I have incouraged him to by at least a throw away camera. But, unfortunatly and I say that with a selfish reason. All has been quite for him since that day. Or he is not telling me, And I trully believe if something did happen again, he'd be right on the phone with me again. No doubt in my mind. Look at that pic of the rip in the curtain here on the thread with a magnifing glass and see if you see those two white hazy things on either side of the rip for me would you please. And, the thing that looks like a face, is not on the floor area. It is smak up against a fabric wall of the sleeper part of the truck.


posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 12:40 AM
Nice thread. I think this might be real.. One thing I'm wondering is how far they came through the rip, just poked out or walked around?

Amazing though. I would like to add that the figure in the 3rd photo would have a wider set face because less than half of it is visible.


posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 01:28 AM

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 02:36 AM
my dearest apologies. after viewing the photos long enough, I think I finally can see the ET. I outlined them for good measure, to check them against what everybody else is seeing.

The first photo of the 'tear' I think I see A penguinish ET about to take a refreshing dip...

the second photo has me thinking maybe the ET is more 'gumby' shaped, swinging on an ETvine like tarzan, and naturally brandishing his ETdagger.

The last is definetly the best. This one has me thinking the ET has taken up music, and is giving its best stevie wonder impression.

Great photos!

[edit on 9-11-2005 by lost]

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 05:37 AM
No applogy need "lost"

OK, now let's sum up the events as was told to me so you all can put thing into perspective here as the allegedly happened. The symbols on the wall were seen first. He could not make one of them out at all. The second symbol (while on the cell with me) started to change into what looks to be the face of an ET. Then he stated he saw those hazy figures that looked to be somekind of intities walking twoard the closed drape (before the rip happened). Then came the rip and this is what makes me so freaking angry. The rip appearently was done with nothing he could see (knife etc...) then after the rip was done, a large head kinda peaked though and it had large black football size eyes and it's farhead was pulsating with a glowing reddish light as if it were a heart beat type thing or it was breathing. He never got a picture of that! I don't know if has was to scrared or he just froze or what. But, IMHO that would have given us the proof and probably brought the MIB to my door if he would have gotton a pic of that pulsating black football eye thing. Damn it!
That is the exact way the events took place (that was told to me). Hope this helps.


[edit on 9-11-2005 by SkyChild_5]

[edit on 9-11-2005 by SkyChild_5]

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by lost
my dearest apologies. after viewing the photos long enough, I think I finally can see the ET. I outlined them for good measure, to check them against what everybody else is seeing.

The first photo of the 'tear' I think I see A penguinish ET about to take a refreshing dip...

the second photo has me thinking maybe the ET is more 'gumby' shaped, swinging on an ETvine like tarzan, and naturally brandishing his ETdagger.

The last is definetly the best. This one has me thinking the ET has taken up music, and is giving its best stevie wonder impression.

Great photos!

[edit on 9-11-2005 by lost]

LOL oh my god...those pics literally had me laughing out loud. thanks for that

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 12:52 PM
Lost you had me cracking up too. Thanks

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 03:13 PM
I think "lost" could crack anyone up. ROTFLMFAO.......
And BTW: I am also ROTFLMFOA that you have picked my thread to muck around with. Are ya jelous that nothing like this has ever happened to you? What have I ever done to you for you to attack me this way? Got any answers dude. The reason for so many edits is due to the fact that I am on a rant now and have to find the right words to say to this fool.

[edit on 9-11-2005 by SkyChild_5]

[edit on 9-11-2005 by SkyChild_5]

[edit on 9-11-2005 by SkyChild_5]

Mod edit: Do not circumvent the censors.

[edit on 10-11-2005 by sanctum]

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 10:01 PM
ok, i messed with it for like a half hour...and i really don't see anything concrete. i guess you could say the light image in the middle of the pic is the head of the alien...but it's so sketch...

[edit on 9-11-2005 by Sickaluph]

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 03:07 AM

I think "lost" could crack anyone up. ROTFLMFAO....... And BTW: I am also ROTFLMFOA that you have picked my thread to muck around with. Are ya jelous that nothing like this has ever happened to you? What have I ever done to you for you to attack me this way? Got any answers dude. The reason for so many edits is due to the fact that I am on a rant now and have to find the right words to say to this fool.

this fool is 'lost' baby. this fool is soo deeply jealous that he never had the opportunity to photograph his hallucinations. all my hallucinations were in my head, damn
. As I stated in our more personal dialogue Diane, I am merely stating my opinions. My opinion is that the photos you have supplied DO NOT contain an ET. I am also of the opinion that anyone who does 'see' an ET within those photos is either stretching their imagination and/or is extremely naive. If it werent for your adamant (emotional) tantrums stemmed from my opinions, I would also put much stock into the possibility that you (the poster 'starchild_5') are another internet hoaxer. Theyve come to ATS before trying to put one over on all us regular users, and they usually end up getting banned.

It is also my OPINION, that if you're indeed a hoaxer, that your strong card here is your emotionalism. Most hoaxers pull a 'john-titor' claiming they do not care one way or another whether people believe them; just that they are able to share their stories. All in the name of juxtaposed 'truth' of course. So if you're just trying to mess with the more feeble minds at ATS, keep getting upset everytime someone disagrees with you. It really makes this thread appear to contain something of substance, and that you genuinley believe there are ET in those photos.

If that is the case, I really do apologize for have hurting your feelings. Remember though, not everyone will always agree with your claims - especially when regarding fringe topics and shoddy photos.

Mod edit: quote

[edit on 12-11-2005 by sanctum]

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 03:22 AM
I know we somehow started out on the worng toe. But, IMHO your are trying to ridicule my thread over something that niether I or my son said. My son NEVER said he saw an "Alien". And all I said to him over the phone when he explained how that head that came through the drapes was that it almost sounded "Ailien" in nature to me. All I did was start the post (truthfully) and post the pix when I member was able to get them up. I am not claiming that those pictures are anything at all. I have no clue what they are. But, I rally think that you can disagree and still not attack someone else's integrity.


posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 03:38 AM
so if neither your son, nor yourself ever fully concluded that the photos were of an 'ET' - then who chose the title of this thread?

It really isnt my goal to proove/ disproove you as a hoaxer. Those of you who choose to continue this 'photo' game, have fun. StarChild_5, if you're really what you claim to be - I can only guess that you're inexperienced with internet dialogue - and Im sorry for my super-skeptical approach. If however, you're a hoaxer, then Im sorry to have *interupted* your fun.

[edit on 10-11-2005 by lost]

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 03:47 AM
You have a valid point. I was the one that said that the image that he expained to me almost sounded ET in nature. The one that came through the rip. As of the validity of the pix, they are only what you see and now more. As a feelace photographer, I myself try not to look into anyones photo's and try and curtique something that is not there. You are right though. I should not have named this thread the way I did. That was a bad start right there.

Originally posted by lost
so if neither your son, nor yourself ever fully concluded that the photos were of an 'ET' - then who chose the title of this thread?

It really isnt my goal to proove/ disproove you as a hoaxer. Those of you who choose to continue this 'photo' game, have fun. StarChild_5, if you're really what you claim to be - I can only guess that you're inexperienced with internet dialogue - and Im sorry for my super-skeptical approach. If however, you're a hoaxer, then Im sorry to have spoiled your fun.

[edit on 10-11-2005 by SkyChild_5]

[edit on 10-11-2005 by SkyChild_5]

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 03:53 AM
gimme a break. you're sitting there claiming that you're not necessarily claiming that it was an alien? yet some sort of "creature" rips through your son's curtain and pops it's head in...what the hell else could it be? like weird creatures just go around peeking into truck cabs every day right. just a normal occurrence right? he either saw an alien or he didn't. so which is it? there isn't any "grey" pun intended...

[edit on 10-11-2005 by Sickaluph]

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 04:02 AM

Originally posted by Sickaluph
gimme a break. you're sitting there claiming that you're not necessarily claiming that it was an alien? yet some sort of "creature" rips through your son's curtain and pops it's head in...what the hell else could it be? like weird creatures just go around peeking into truck cabs every day right. just a normal occurrence right? he either saw an alien or he didn't. so which is it? there isn't any "grey" pun intended...[edit on 10-11-2005 by Sickaluph]

I believe what my son saw indeed could have been an ET. What ripped though that curtain and showed itslef sure sounds to me that is was. And I do believe my son's interprition of what this thing looked like. So yes, if this is what he states he saw, then I choose to believe him. I have seen some wierd unidentifiable crap in my day. But, only picture of those that claim they have seen aliens. Or drawings of them. I only once saw a couple white marshmellow guys with big black football eyes in a dream I had.

[edit on 10-11-2005 by SkyChild_5]

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 04:10 AM
Please discuss this topic in a CIVIL manner, and cease with the personal snipes NOW.

posted on Nov, 10 2005 @ 11:49 PM
This is definitely just some kid taking pictures of himself with a camera on the reflection of a tv screen with some bugged out mask on, i mean isnt it blatantly obvious

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