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Face To Face With A ET?

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posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 11:19 PM
sup everyone

ive been gone for 2whole months due to a virus problem and a lack of a Windows Operating system CD, but now this issue is resolved and im back *to your dismay*

as my first return post; i will say a few things

1st) I am 100% convinced that there is a Reality of Aliens
2nd) I am 100% convinced they have visited earth Very Recently *like yesterday*
3rd) I do not just become convinced of such far reaching ideas just because; I actually form my evaluation based on the information and evidence that is apparent to me

Now; that you know where i stand; hopefully you will not be too offended by what im about to say; because i wish it to be constructive and not destructive to the discussions taking place on this; the greatest website on the Internet, ATS

My opinion of the story w/photos

Great story; but horrible photos

like they always say

"why cant anyone learn to use a camera correctly"

photos are conclusive proof of one thing; that the photographer is new to using cameras*or he was having a really bad day*

maybe im just bias or something because if an alien was in the back of my truck??? Id dam sure check the camera to make sure i was getting good photos
But thats just me; im a sucker for getting good evidence that can be studied by scientists and experts and all that

i would also probably click the button on camera very quickly and many many times
because i enjoy having alot of photos of the alien that was in my truck

Im not saying i dont belive the story
In fact i try to not believe in wild things or disbelieve in them until after i have reviewed the subject in depth

The story could be true, it Could be
I personally do not know if it is true or not

But what i Do know for sure???

Those photos really dont help anything; cept the naysayers

give them a day or two; they will debunk the hell out of those photos

im not saying they are fakes; im just saying they are poor quality

and this field; UFOlogy and Exobiology; is plagued with massive floods of extremely poor quality photographs that cannot be used to prove anything

If these were photos of someone commiting murder? they would get off free because the evidence was too shoddy

Too bad they werent any better
Cuz id love to see what he saw in his truck

Good post tho; Great discussion
Great story
I enjoyed reading this and thinking about it very much
Thank you

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 11:26 PM
Great pictures there, they have be a little fuzzy, but the truck was moving(?) or the photographer was probably shaking...

I will enhance the pictures ASAP and see if I can make out more details..

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 11:34 PM
Strange indeed. I think someone is smoking crack. I do not see anything like promised earlier. This looks to me like a big hoax. Yes all day long I have been waiting for absolute proof that what was claimed was true. Instead we see this. I think someone needs help. Come on folks am I the only one that feels this way ? This is real proof that aliens are out there ? Please prove I am wrong .

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 11:43 PM
I usually don't play with pictures , but this does not look right to me.

First it looks like pictures of two different windows.

Window 1 . First Picture


Window 2 . Second Picture


[edit on 1-11-2005 by lost_shaman]

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 11:49 PM
hmmm, i can't really see anything in those besides the rip, what it's ripping and where i can't tell.

Can someone do a trace outline of what we're meant to be seeing in the 2nd and 3rd shots?

Or would it be possible to get an image of the (a) truck where this happened so there's some idea of what part of the truck were' looking at?

I know they are camera phone shots which results in this quality but they have a slight resembalance to photographing a TV screen with the colour and the ghosting of images which suggests a quick flicker as TVs produce.

Anyway, not writing this off, not jumping on board but need some landmarks to be able to place these images into any kind of scenario which matches the story.

[edit on 1-11-2005 by TheShroudOfMemphis]

posted on Nov, 2 2005 @ 12:15 AM
I did a quickie on the third pic with what I think it looks like.

[edit on 2-11-2005 by Unplugged]

posted on Nov, 2 2005 @ 12:17 AM
Alright, i've had another look and i think i see the supposed Alien.
I've made a gif for those that can't see what we're meant to be seeing.


Firstly, this is why i see the Alien face backward rather than in the forground:

There's a slight perspective suggesting we're looking into a 'box' with the rip occuring at the end of the box. If the Alien head were in the forground like the other examples posted, then we lose the perspective that is offered in the photo.

First, the Alien i used as an overlay:

The Overlay:

The tone corrected since the original story said it was 'skin tone':

Here's a 3 images in a semi-animation:

I still am not sure what part of the truck this occured in, so there's no reference for scale or location. The Alien face i used generally matches with the shadows that suggest the Aliens eyes in the original image which is how i scaled the face thou i think it's more skewed downward than what the overlayed face portrays.

Is this right?

[edit on 2-11-2005 by TheShroudOfMemphis]

[edit on 2-11-2005 by TheShroudOfMemphis]

posted on Nov, 2 2005 @ 12:21 AM
Yeah, I see what Unplugged posted, minus the extra face. I guess we will have to wait for SkyChild_5 to get back and fill in the details of the photos.

posted on Nov, 2 2005 @ 12:25 AM
thanx skychild for the photos and unplugged for clearing it up for me! i can see both the greys now...
i spose that means no sleep tonight for me..... the tear is equally freaky as well.. the light coming out of it very hollywood but the bad thing is it is real...

posted on Nov, 2 2005 @ 12:29 AM
Well regardless the pictures are a bit freaky anyway,especially the last one.I know if that was me if would be halfway down the road never mind staying in the truck.

posted on Nov, 2 2005 @ 12:42 AM
The second picture I couldnt make anything out, until just now... did another quickie on it...had to look closely at it. I notice it because the light in the background seemed to be blocked a little by something on the left side. At leat thats what it seemed like to me. Look closely at the original to see what im talkin about..

posted on Nov, 2 2005 @ 01:07 AM

I see something in this picture, but do not have the software here to edit and enhance the photo. There appears to be a face on the right side of the picture with the typical large eye and small mouth. I was able to invert the colors and zoom the photo with paintbrush, but someone needs to run some Photoshop filters on the original to bring the face out better.

Below I outlined the head with a large box, the eye with a blue box and the mouth with a small red box. It really needs to be zoomed to see it clearly though, and I dont have the upload room for a bigger photo.

I know its hard to see on my photo's but it becomes very distinct if you zoom in from the original.

[edit on 11/2/2005 by defcon5]

posted on Nov, 2 2005 @ 01:41 AM

Originally posted by defcon5

I see something in this picture, but do not have the software here to edit and enhance the photo. There appears to be a face on the right side of the picture with the typical large eye and small mouth.

[edit on 11/2/2005 by defcon5]

If you look closely, the image is repeating twice with a blur between - this is the case of an open lense and some hand movement. You can notice this by looking at the tear and notcing a ghost tear next to it. That makes the dark '3' shaped part on the right side look like an object because it's repeated twice and blured inbetween. Imagine this example below with the shutter creating that area of the photo. I'm sure that area is due to the cameras shutter.

I don't think it's in the foreground (If there's anything there at all).

The reason being is that according to the story, the Alien ripped the cloth and then popped it's head through.

Going off the series of photos, 1 - it rips, 2 - the rip spreads which makes a blur of light (coupled with hand shake and open lense) and then 3 - the Alien's head, angled down as if it's going forehead first through the rip, your looking at the forehead with some of it's nose and mouth having a 'shortening' effect (imagine the movement of a soccer player heading a ball).

This keeps it all in the background, not the foreground.
Though that's just my opinion and that's looking for something there which is hardly obvious to make out. I wouldnt see an Alien if i weren't told that's what i was looking for.

[edit on 2-11-2005 by TheShroudOfMemphis]

posted on Nov, 2 2005 @ 01:49 AM
thank you to those of you that had a part in posting these for me. It was a long road and I was getting quite upset as you could tell. I have been through alot of sighting etc....Ghosts, ESP, RV and more. I want you all to know that anything I put or say on this board is what I believe in. It may not always appear to be what it really is, but it is what I see and have studied for 11 years now. I will never claim to be a pro at anythiing. I am good at some things I was gifted with. One thing I want you all to know is that I would never lie to you about anything.
Well, now I guess I can expect a knock on my door any day now with the MIB standing there wanting to know where my son is. LMAO

Again, thanks for helping me out with the above posted pix. They really are scary. Especally the tear. That freaked me out. And it was done with nothing visable. And after the ET showed itself, the tear appearently disappeard.

SkyChild The Freaked Out

posted on Nov, 2 2005 @ 01:57 AM
First of all, these pix were taken with a cell phone camera. And you are speaking now with a freelance photographer too (Me) I have a Minolta Maxxam 7000 series for the past 15 years with a telephoto and zoom lenses. No I am not offended at all. It will take more then what you have said to see the livid part of me. I don't come out very often as I am a very truthful and upstanding lady. My son told me that the original pix's on his camera, came out alot clearer then mine and that he would show them to me when he comes home for Christmas. At that time I will again e-mail them to this member for upload. Let's wait and see what they look like.
And further more as I said in my very first post on this thread, my son does NOT beilieve in ET's or Ghosts or anything and this crap freaked him out. He say;s he is OK, but I know my best freind (son) and I don't believe him. I am willing to bet he sleeps with the sleep cabin light on now.

Originally posted by muzzleflash
sup everyone

ive been gone for 2whole months due to a virus problem and a lack of a Windows Operating system CD, but now this issue is resolved and im back *to your dismay*

as my first return post; i will say a few things

1st) I am 100% convinced that there is a Reality of Aliens
2nd) I am 100% convinced they have visited earth Very Recently *like yesterday*
3rd) I do not just become convinced of such far reaching ideas just because; I actually form my evaluation based on the information and evidence that is apparent to me

Now; that you know where i stand; hopefully you will not be too offended by what im about to say; because i wish it to be constructive and not destructive to the discussions taking place on this; the greatest website on the Internet, ATS

My opinion of the story w/photos

Great story; but horrible photos

like they always say

"why cant anyone learn to use a camera correctly"

photos are conclusive proof of one thing; that the photographer is new to using cameras*or he was having a really bad day*

maybe im just bias or something because if an alien was in the back of my truck??? Id dam sure check the camera to make sure i was getting good photos
But thats just me; im a sucker for getting good evidence that can be studied by scientists and experts and all that

i would also probably click the button on camera very quickly and many many times
because i enjoy having alot of photos of the alien that was in my truck

Im not saying i dont belive the story
In fact i try to not believe in wild things or disbelieve in them until after i have reviewed the subject in depth

The story could be true, it Could be
I personally do not know if it is true or not

But what i Do know for sure???

Those photos really dont help anything; cept the naysayers

give them a day or two; they will debunk the hell out of those photos

im not saying they are fakes; im just saying they are poor quality

and this field; UFOlogy and Exobiology; is plagued with massive floods of extremely poor quality photographs that cannot be used to prove anything

If these were photos of someone commiting murder? they would get off free because the evidence was too shoddy

Too bad they werent any better
Cuz id love to see what he saw in his truck

Good post tho; Great discussion
Great story
I enjoyed reading this and thinking about it very much
Thank you

posted on Nov, 2 2005 @ 02:15 AM

Originally posted by TheShroudOfMemphis

Originally posted by defcon5

Let's get this stroy straigh for once and for all. I never said you should see an ET face in that rip. That pic was taken by my son while the damn thing was riping though the drape. That pic was taken before thing or ET showed itself. It it were me. The last thing I would have had in my hands was a cell camera if I saw the face of an ET. You would see my coming through the side wall of that truck cab! And BTW: both drapes were closed in the middle at the time.

I see something in this picture, but do not have the software here to edit and enhance the photo. There appears to be a face on the right side of the picture with the typical large eye and small mouth.

[edit on 11/2/2005 by defcon5]

If you look closely, the image is repeating twice with a blur between - this is the case of an open lense and some hand movement. You can notice this by looking at the tear and notcing a ghost tear next to it. That makes the dark '3' shaped part on the right side look like an object because it's repeated twice and blured inbetween. Imagine this example below with the shutter creating that area of the photo. I'm sure that area is due to the cameras shutter.

I don't think it's in the foreground (If there's anything there at all).

The reason being is that according to the story, the Alien ripped the cloth and then popped it's head through.

Going off the series of photos, 1 - it rips, 2 - the rip spreads which makes a blur of light (coupled with hand shake and open lense) and then 3 - the Alien's head, angled down as if it's going forehead first through the rip, your looking at the forehead with some of it's nose and mouth having a 'shortening' effect (imagine the movement of a soccer player heading a ball).

This keeps it all in the background, not the foreground.
Though that's just my opinion and that's looking for something there which is hardly obvious to make out. I wouldnt see an Alien if i weren't told that's what i was looking for.

[edit on 2-11-2005 by TheShroudOfMemphis]

[edit on 2-11-2005 by SkyChild_5]

[edit on 2-11-2005 by SkyChild_5]

[edit on 2-11-2005 by SkyChild_5]

posted on Nov, 2 2005 @ 02:36 AM

Originally posted by Harry55
Strange indeed. I think someone is smoking crack. I do not see anything like promised earlier. This looks to me like a big hoax. Yes all day long I have been waiting for absolute proof that what was claimed was true. Instead we see this. I think someone needs help. Come on folks am I the only one that feels this way ? This is real proof that aliens are out there ? Please prove I am wrong .

You don't know my son or me well enough to call anything I post here as a "hoax. Bet you think crop circles are a hoax too eh? I don;t like being called a lier. I am a 48 year old lady OK. Now you know. And yes, I do believe that there are many hoaxters out there. And there will continue to be.

[edit on 2-11-2005 by SkyChild_5]

[edit on 2-11-2005 by SkyChild_5]

posted on Nov, 2 2005 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by GrOuNd_ZeRo
Great pictures there, they have be a little fuzzy, but the truck was moving(?) or the photographer was probably shaking...

I will enhance the pictures ASAP and see if I can make out more details..

He was at a the shipper gettting loaded up for his next run. The truck was perfectly still.

posted on Nov, 2 2005 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by Unplugged
I did a quickie on the third pic with what I think it looks like.

[edit on 2-11-2005 by Unplugged]


Thanks Unplugged i actually see it now

Whoa thats freaky!!!
Nice lol

since i realize these are actually photos of what appears 2 be an alien's head

that begs the next question

Could there be even a .000001% chance that your son (whom you said never believed in anything like this) could be pulling a hoax On You just for kicks? he may see that as Funny, too see how far you will take it *or something of this nature*

Im not saying its true or false; cuz i really have no idea whats going on

But do you think theres any possibility of him playing a little joke on you?
Is he a good actor? Could he actually fake emotions like fear and apprehension and suprise?

You know him, hes your Son. U think hes capable of pullin off a hoax on us?
Dont be sentimental just because hes your son; do you Really really think he could pull off a hoax like this on us?? **The head could just be a dummy or prop or costume mask 4 halloween u never know**

Now; lets assume this really is a legit photo of an alien head...
What am i suppost to think now?
Im utterly confused....Did aliens escape from military base and hide in his truck?
Did they beam down from above to his truck?

Exactly whats going on here? WHy? WTF seriously lol

Good thread tho this is really starting 2 get interesting
Waters startin 2 boil now

so many questions so few answers

Freaky Alien face tho! super close up lol

posted on Nov, 2 2005 @ 02:39 AM
Maybe if your son downloads the pictures off his phone to a Computer and then E-Mails you the pictures instead of sending them from his phone to your phone the quality would be better.

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