posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 09:23 AM
Sorry, mr conspiracy, I'm going with PaddyInf on this one.
Although current medical science sometimes misses a fatal interaction of medications, the medical community polices itself very well. They do notice
errors, and will fix it.
Suppress the immune system the day you were born? Better check what the mother's diet was. Also realize that current medical beliefs, are that
children that are exposed to the environment in their early years, are healthier in later years. Basically, kids that play outside in the dirt, are
healthier. Right now asthma is considered a result of sheltering growing children inside, in nice clean environments. In middle years of life,
exposure makes little difference. But in later years of live, exposure to infection has to be avoided.
At least for children, "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger".
I agree that a weak flu makes your immune system stronger. Just like any other common illness. Besides, that is exactly what a vaccine is. Serious
outbreaks of influensa, are of virulent strains that cause death rapidly, not the common flu or cold. Like anything else, there's exceptions to the
rules. The Influenza of 1918, was particularly good at killing young people in the 20 to 25 age bracket. The ones that should have been the
Records of older epidemics aren't very good. Even ones from the last century. What matters in our time, is that the methods of transmisson are
different with modern aviation transportation leaping all around the world. Doesn't matter with "bird flu" though, ducks and geese have their own
aviation transportation.
Another factor often ignored, is that the slight rise in global ambient temperatures, does result in an increase in disease throughout the world. A
typical example is the observed increase in malaria.
Some diseases will not go away. Cholera and bubonic plague still exist. Cholera is usually not an issue with chlorine in our water supply. We no
longer drink out of the river. Bubonic plague outbreaks are watched for carefully, and defeated as soon as they are recognized. The last ones I've
heard of in the USA were in Houston, Texas and New York City.
And somehow I suspect, that if there was a medical conspiracy to harm people, it wouldn't be of just a few elderly patients. It would be massive,
unstoppable, and untracable. We would be unable to do anything about it.
As with any other "high tech" technology, medical science is approaching the unfathomable, making it another candidate for the realm of "magic"
among the population.