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Video - Unnatural Cloud Vortex

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posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 03:54 PM
I've recently heard on a late night Toronto radio show about a man named Scott Stevens. He is a TV weather man at KPI-TV in Pocatello, Idaho. He has shared insight about many issues about weather modification in our skies.

This is Scott Stevens' website:

He has a video of a large and long lasting vortex of cloud that appeared out of nowhere in the sky. He believes that it's unnatural and was formed by some kind of weather modification technique.

Cloud Vortex Image

>>>> Videos

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 02:12 PM
This is quite amazing looking stuff here...but how is it done anyways?

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 05:13 PM
He claims that they might be caused by electromagnetic activity. This included bombarding and area of sky with negative ions. This causes disruption in the Ionosphere allowing for the creation of these strange anomalies and weather control.

The thing that really got to me is the very strage colouration of the vortex and how it twists. It's like a big corkscrew which twist on itself.

The above picture is from a plane in the eye of the hurricane (Katrina that is), can you see something that seems out of place with the image?

Read More about Katrina here:


[edit on 10/31/2005 by GoldEagle]

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 01:14 AM
The sky vortex vieo was quite neat. It was doing it's own thing in relation to the other clouds. The angle in the lines seems to remain pretty much the same. Could the place where the two "lines" meet be the origin point? It does have that unnatural look about it.

For a while it looked like a "7."


posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 01:18 AM
hehe.....haha....umm, HAHAHAHA.....lmao....rotflmao!!!!

sorry, i'll shut up now and let yall have your fun.

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 03:33 PM
Any way of creating, altering or trying to alter something: say, for instance, the weather, using electromagnety or whatever they use, I am sure it will have consequences and - for sure - not positive ones.

[edit on 1-11-2005 by Ptolomeo]

posted on Nov, 2 2005 @ 01:19 AM
snafu7700, what's with the hee hee and haa haa? Did you get a chance to examine the cloud vortex video? Honestly, really examine the video and compare it in relation to the other clouds. For one thing the clouds are spinning.


posted on Nov, 2 2005 @ 03:13 AM
I have personally seen the cloud holes before, but always just thought it was a mass of cooler air falling through the cloud and poking a hole in it. What causes the mass of cooler air I have never figured out. It is interesting to see a well thought out explanation for it and I have no problem believing that the govt is experimenting with our planet with electromagnetic devices. The Philadelphia experiment happened over 50 years ago, so imagine how much further along we are now.

[edit on 11-2-2005 by groingrinder]

posted on Nov, 2 2005 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by cybertroy
snafu7700, what's with the hee hee and haa haa? Did you get a chance to examine the cloud vortex video? Honestly, really examine the video and compare it in relation to the other clouds. For one thing the clouds are spinning.


well, i was going to leave it alone, but since you asked...

i have seen this kind of behaviour in cloud formations many times. most often, it is due to the landscape. notice that the photographer doesnt show you anything but the sky? nor does he/she say where the video was taken. i'd be willing to bet that this happened directly above some feature on the ground that caused a major difference in temperature.

most of the cloud formations shown on this site and others (especially the chem-trail sites) are normal cloud formations, and/or normal contrails from jet aircraft. i have only seen one or two that i couldnt explain immediately, but given all the info on the day the picture was taken, i'm sure i could (but of course, all the info is never given, i think probably because the believers know that it would be easily explainable).

yes, there are some unexplainable things out there. and no, we dont have all the answers. if we did, a fifty percent accuracy rate would be unnacceptable for weather guessers.

sure wish i could be wrong fifty percent of the time in my profession.

posted on Nov, 2 2005 @ 09:50 AM
I started a thread on this a week ago. Kozmo gave a good explanation on the first picture in your post, GoldEagle.

I will close this thread.


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