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Australia: leaked "Anti-Terrorism" Bill shows plans for a draconian police-state

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posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 05:20 AM
Under the guise of combatting terrorism, this leaked Anti-Terrorism Bill will introduce unprecedented and draconian police and intelligence powers.

Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Chief Minister Jon Stanhope posted the document on his official web site last Friday, provoking furious denunciations by Prime Minister John Howard and other ministers, who had planned to keep the legislation under wraps until November 1. Their intention was to push it through both houses of parliament in just two weeks, without any serious debate by MPs, let alone genuine public scrutiny and discussion.

I'll outline the basic details of the leaked Bill:

- The legislation provides for extensive detention without charge or trial, on the flimsiest of pretexts. With no notice or legal hearing, any person can be thrown into secret “preventative detention” or placed, by a “control order,” in isolation under house arrest.

- Those detained cannot inform anyone—except a lawyer—of their incarceration. They can contact a family member or employer, but only to report that they are “safe”. If they or their lawyer, or a family member, or anyone else, discloses that they have been locked up, the penalty is five years jail.

- All conversations, including with their lawyer, are monitored, violating the principle of lawyer-client confidentiality. “Prohibited contact orders” can also prohibit contact with their own lawyer, and the police can prevent them from speaking to any lawyer who does not have an ASIO security clearance.

- Deadly force can be used to break into houses to drag someone away for detention. The Bill authorises police to use lethal force to stop someone “fleeing” custody, if they deem it necessary to prevent serious injury to another person. The police are only obliged to call on the person to “surrender” (“if practicable”) before opening fire.

- The Bill also imposes life imprisonment for “recklessly” giving funds to a person or group that could be used for terrorism, even if no terrorist act occurs or the funds are not used for a specific act. This measure could be used against anyone who donates to a religious, political or humanitarian cause that is later accused of links to terrorism.

- The Bill extends to the police wide-ranging powers to stop, interrogate and search people in public places, and to seize items. The government can also declare “prescribed security zones,” in which police can exercise these powers without having to allege any specific connection to a planned terrorist act.

- Magistrates can order people, including lawyers, to hand over documents and records, overriding all existing protections of confidentiality, lawyer-client privilege and incrimination of a person.

What is going on here? Soon it will be a crime for aussies to express dissent against their Government in any way... secret arrests and detentions... all seems very facist eh? I can see Britain and American heading in the same direction... Bush, Blair and Howard are obviously all playing to the same game plan here.

For those interested here is a link to a full version of the legislation:

[edit on 29-10-2005 by metallicabrainz]

posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 08:29 AM
Ok i've heard just about enough... More countries are in on this little terrorism shin dig then once thought. Britain, Australia, and the US as far as I can count so far are putting a stranglehold on their citizenry in the name of fighting 'terrorism' when right from the get go we were told that those terrorist's hate us (free nations/west world) because of our freedom, yet all these government presidents, and prime minister's want to 'sneak' bills through that would hinder people's freedoms and rights without discussion and debate from mp's, the media, and the people?


posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 04:43 PM


Where do you live? I’m curious to know since “they” are apparently taking your freedoms away.

posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by WestPoint23


Where do you live? I’m curious to know since “they” are apparently taking your freedoms away.

Where do YOU live?

I think the referral is to governments in australia, britain, us...considering the first post mentioned leaders of those countries...

[edit on 29-10-2005 by Jiffy]

posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 04:59 PM

Where do YOU live?

Umm.. Its right under my avatar, it clearly says United States

posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 05:31 PM
Isn't anyone gonna claim that the legislation isn't bad and that it's necessary to defend our freedoms?

There is a worrying pattern apparant here, these elected governments in britain, america and australia try to sneak these "anti-terror" bills in when nobody is looking... and its very easy to do. Even the 'bush doctrine' of 2002 didnt get much response or even air time in the media, and that was a huge change in american policy. The patriot act wasn't even read before it was passed by those who voted on it.

Then there is the audacity of these leaders... the Australian PM has said that this bill WILL pass, as it stands... i thought these leaders were servants of the people? If the people keep standing by and letting their governments centralise their power and take away more of their freedoms then how will life under "western democracy" be any different from life under facist rule?

The core of a facist society are secret arrests, secret detentions, people spying on their own neighbours... all in the name of 'national security'...

Remember, Hitler consolidated his powers and erroded the rights of the german people by whipping the german people into a frenzy of fear against a threat posed by Poland and Jews. Hitler didn't break any existing German laws in his rise to power... the german people alowed the laws to be bend, re-written and re-interpreted. That is the exact same process happening in the USA, Britain and Australia today.

Essentially, the Bill will make it illegal to speak out against the Government of Australia. I'm waiting for someone to come on here and argue that this Bill is a good thing.

[edit on 29-10-2005 by metallicabrainz]

posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 08:35 PM
i dont think anyone could see this as good, only someone who would be in a position of being able to harness that power for personal gain.

[edit on 29-10-2005 by Jiffy]

posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 08:50 PM
This is a great story here, I'm voting Metallica for a ATS.

So, how far has this gotten in the press in Australia?

posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 09:03 PM
Before we start crying about the men in black 95's absieling down the building to drag you away to some secret bunker in chickensands mabye, just mabye we should look at 2 things.
1) What other choice do we have?
2) Do you even know who are the men in black? Do you know what they go through? Ever read about them? Ever heard THEIR story?

The last question I think wont be answered by many....why? Because they hate police...they hate the very weapon created to defend them, but ofcourse the good old line "if you cant be trusted to defend yourself, how can you be trusted to rely on others to defend you" will come into play...

Mabye once, just once in our miserable lives we could stop and think and not express what "we" would do in their shoes? Thers enough of that to go around for everyone to have a share, why not actually think about WHAT they have done, WHAT they have to do and WHAT they are there for?

I've finished my rant, continnue on about police states, marshall laws or what ever you want to call the "government" taking over....ignore the skeptic, the war monger, the neo con (who is strangely on the left wing) basic service supporter here..

posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 09:32 PM

Originally posted by devilwasp
Before we start crying about the men in black 95's absieling down the building to drag you away to some secret bunker in chickensands mabye, just mabye we should look at 2 things.
1) What other choice do we have?
2) Do you even know who are the men in black? Do you know what they go through? Ever read about them? Ever heard THEIR story?

The last question I think wont be answered by many....why? Because they hate police...they hate the very weapon created to defend them, but ofcourse the good old line "if you cant be trusted to defend yourself, how can you be trusted to rely on others to defend you" will come into play...

Mabye once, just once in our miserable lives we could stop and think and not express what "we" would do in their shoes? Thers enough of that to go around for everyone to have a share, why not actually think about WHAT they have done, WHAT they have to do and WHAT they are there for?

I've finished my rant, continnue on about police states, marshall laws or what ever you want to call the "government" taking over....ignore the skeptic, the war monger, the neo con (who is strangely on the left wing) basic service supporter here..

Save us your love for protection from boogey man. Gvoernments have always standed for the good of the people yet look how many have turned on their people. Your proposing that people should stop thinking and just follow blindly what the government says even if its wrong. Thats happened once and look who pulled it off.

"How fortunate for leaders that men do not think."
- Adolf Hitler

Another quote that fits well.

"Liberty has never come from government. Liberty has always come from the subjects of government. The history of liberty is a history of resistance. The history of liberty is a history of limitations of government power, not the increase of it."
--Woodrow Wilson

MIB is not an worry but Homeland Security(Gestapo), BATF, CIA, and numerous other ABC agencies are to worry about. Worrying about martial law or government takeover is not paranoia when the government openly talks about it.

[edit on 29-10-2005 by UFObeliever]

posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by UFObeliever
Save us your love for protection from boogey man.

Ok, since when did an international terrorist or even just your local yob become the "boogey man".

Gvoernments have always standed for the good of the people yet look how many have turned on their people.

And look how many have not..and look how many people "represent" or "work for" the government but are accused and berrated..

Your proposing that people should stop thinking and just follow blindly what the government says even if its wrong.

No I am not saying that at all, THATS what I'm getting at.

Thats happened once and look who pulled it off.

"How fortunate for leaders that men do not think."
- Adolf Hitler

Another quote that fits well.

"Liberty has never come from government. Liberty has always come from the subjects of government. The history of liberty is a history of resistance. The history of liberty is a history of limitations of government power, not the increase of it."
--Woodrow Wilson

Its all fair and fun to qoute people, how about makeing a qoute up yourself?

MIB is not an worry but Homeland Security(Gestapo), BATF, CIA, and numerous other ABC agencies are to worry about.
They cant control anything but the media, stop believing the media and the country is safe.

Worrying about martial law or government takeover is not paranoia when the government openly talks about it.
[edit on 29-10-2005 by UFObeliever]

The government can talk all it wants, but..will peoiple actually execute it? No, not in my country.
2 reasons, the government in my country is under the queen and the fact our armed forces and police are actually not that stupid and there is no reason to.

posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by devilwasp

Originally posted by UFObeliever
Save us your love for protection from boogey man.

Ok, since when did an international terrorist or even just your local yob become the "boogey man".

Gvoernments have always standed for the good of the people yet look how many have turned on their people.

And look how many have not..and look how many people "represent" or "work for" the government but are accused and berrated..

Your proposing that people should stop thinking and just follow blindly what the government says even if its wrong.

No I am not saying that at all, THATS what I'm getting at.

Thats happened once and look who pulled it off.

"How fortunate for leaders that men do not think."
- Adolf Hitler

Another quote that fits well.

"Liberty has never come from government. Liberty has always come from the subjects of government. The history of liberty is a history of resistance. The history of liberty is a history of limitations of government power, not the increase of it."
--Woodrow Wilson

Its all fair and fun to qoute people, how about makeing a qoute up yourself?

MIB is not an worry but Homeland Security(Gestapo), BATF, CIA, and numerous other ABC agencies are to worry about.
They cant control anything but the media, stop believing the media and the country is safe.

Worrying about martial law or government takeover is not paranoia when the government openly talks about it.
[edit on 29-10-2005 by UFObeliever]

The government can talk all it wants, but..will peoiple actually execute it? No, not in my country.
2 reasons, the government in my country is under the queen and the fact our armed forces and police are actually not that stupid and there is no reason to.

1. The law proposed in Australia and many laws in the United States such as the Patriot Act I and II are supposively put in to stop the boggie man(terroist) yet both are very against what America was made for and their definition of a terroist is changed under these laws so they could be used against normal citizens.

2. All great empires fell and I fear America is on the downward spiral. Laws are being passed that give the federal government enormous amounts of power then what they are suppose to have. Similiar to the ones that brought Hitler into power.

3. Why they would want these powers is to suspect.

4. I am not sure if you are saying these quotes are fake or what but search them and you will get many sites.

5. Don't control anything? These are the most powerful agencies in America. They control almost everything. I don't believe much of the corporate sponsered media. I take it with a grain of salt.

6. All talk?? This isn't joe somebody saying he will do something then he doesn't. This is the most powerful force in the world(US government). I don't consider it "all talk."

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 12:51 AM
The media in Australia is covering it and alot of groups are opposing the Bill. To mention just one example of opposition to the Bill, the president of the 'Australian Lawyers for Human Rights' has said that "The Government’s proposed anti-terror laws remove fundamental rights of Australians living in a liberal democracy."

That's a preety explicit statement, the Bill 'removes fundamental human rights'. So its hardly just a few 'conspiracy nuts' who are failing to see the intended 'benefits' and 'necessity' behind this Bill.

The government tried to rush it through before your average aussie would even have had a chance to read it or even know of its existence. The Australian Prime Minister is furious with the man who leaked this Bill... what does that tell you about the Primes Minister's intentions? He is furious because aussies now have a chance to actually read and discuss the thing before its passed! How scandelous! The man who leaked it has done the aussies a real public service.

The Bill explicitly makes it illegal to criticise the government! So aussies can look foreward to living like iraqi's under Saddam, north koreans under Kim, germans under Hitler etc etc. Here is a quote from an article by the Australian Lawyers for Human Rights, with a link to the full article bellow for those interested:

The proposed laws against incitement appear to be an unreasonable constraint on freedom of speech. A person who speaks in support of the Iraqi insurgency will most likely fall within the Prime Minister’s category of persons ‘who communicate inciting messages against … Australia’s forces overseas and in support of Australia’s enemies’.”

The thing is, Australia hasn't even had a terroist attack on its home soil... yes there was the Bali bombing, but thats a stretch... so Howard is having a hard time selling this Bill... so he's using the london bombing as a way to sell it.

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 01:15 AM
this draft has been covered pretty comprehensively here:

and here:'

This bill is up for its ONE day of debate in the senate this coming Tuesday (Nov. 1). Funnily enough, it coincides on the same day as "The Race That Stop's the Nation", the Melbourne Cup. I mean, it's a public holiday in my state for God's sake. If you listen to the debate on the radio, even THEY (senators) will break for the race! Of course, it's just a coincidence, nothing to see here, move along...

On the plus side, it appears that the increased shoot to kill powers will be removed after pressure from the states.

Mod edit: censor circumvention.

[edit on 30-10-2005 by sanctum]

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 05:06 AM

Originally posted by metallicabrainz
The government tried to rush it through before your average aussie would even have had a chance to read it or even know of its existence.

If not for that consciencious politician putting it on his site we probably wouldn't have.

Originally posted by fingapointa
This bill is up for its ONE day of debate in the senate this coming Tuesday (Nov. 1). Funnily enough, it coincides on the same day as "The Race That Stop's the Nation", the Melbourne Cup. I mean, it's a public holiday in my state for God's sake. If you listen to the debate on the radio, even THEY (senators) will break for the race! Of course, it's just a coincidence, nothing to see here, move along...

Never has the Melbourne Cup not been on the front page.. otherwise this bill would have been.. a clever tactic. On a side note the new 'labour [bend over] reforms' are also going to be discussed Tuesday [hence will not be a main story in the papers either]..a day when most of the working class are watching the race. They seem to have covered everything propaganda wise.

On the plus side, it appears that the increased shoot to kill powers will be removed after pressure from the states.

but Vic police have always had that power..

[edit on 30-10-2005 by riley]

[edit on 30-10-2005 by sanctum]

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by UFObeliever
1. The law proposed in Australia and many laws in the United States such as the Patriot Act I and II are supposively put in to stop the boggie man(terroist) yet both are very against what America was made for and their definition of a terroist is changed under these laws so they could be used against normal citizens.

Was america created under the threat of terrorists?
Countries change, so do laws.
Also, who defines what a terrorist is? The dictionary? The dictionary is racist for crying out loud.

2. All great empires fell and I fear America is on the downward spiral. Laws are being passed that give the federal government enormous amounts of power then what they are suppose to have. Similiar to the ones that brought Hitler into power.

Yet again all going back to this "oh hitler" idea, frankly no chance, the country isnt that undstable enough to try anything near like hitler done.
Ps; America has no empire.

3. Why they would want these powers is to suspect.

You dont want powers for our security services to do the job asked of them?

4. I am not sure if you are saying these quotes are fake or what but search them and you will get many sites.

I am saying its all fair and good to qoute a famous person, how about thinking for yourself and makeing your own one up.

5. Don't control anything? These are the most powerful agencies in America. They control almost everything. I don't believe much of the corporate sponsered media. I take it with a grain of salt.

They "control" what they can influence.
The miltiary only acts because of its intel, the police only act on the intel it recieves and only if it threatens the people.

6. All talk?? This isn't joe somebody saying he will do something then he doesn't. This is the most powerful force in the world(US government). I don't consider it "all talk."

Powerful at what though?
I am a powerful force with a rifle compared to my class mates but that doesnt make me invincible.
Governments are quite easy to take down if your fighting them.

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by devilwasp
Powerful at what though?
I am a powerful force with a rifle compared to my class mates but that doesnt make me invincible.
Governments are quite easy to take down if your fighting them.

Australians don't have the right to bare arms like Americans [aside from farmers etc].. if our government wanted a dictatorship the only ones that could put up a real fight against it would be the criminals. Our protection against this is suppose to be our lawful liberties.. when legislation gets changed to remove them are we meant to just trust that our government won't abuse the extra power? When should we start getting worried about our freedoms? Compulsary dna testing prehaps? Obviously terrorism is a serious issue.. but they usually only make themselves known after they have blown themselves into a million pieces along with other people.. how could such a crackdown prevent terrorism? What happens in the event terrorism is no longer an issue? A madman could take over and suddenly all people can be searched or 'detained' without any reason. What will prevent these laws being abused?

[edit on 30-10-2005 by riley]

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 09:58 AM
we all like to make jokes or not take things seriously every now and then..but wow this hit me like a slap in the face to wake up and read...conspiracy is slowing turning into 'reality'....I don't want to know what happens to those who 'criticize' the bills once they are passed..I don't want to know what happens if they do get passed
..hope for the best out of all this..I hope any Australians can do what they can against this

[edit on 30-10-2005 by invisibleplane]

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by riley
Australians don't have the right to bare arms like Americans [aside from farmers etc].. if our government wanted a dictatorship the only ones that could put up a real fight against it would be the criminals.

I am the same, I live in the UK and anything is a weapon if you swing it right is the qoute.

Our protection against this is suppose to be our lawful liberties.. when legislation gets changed to remove them are we meant to just trust that our government won't abuse the extra power? When should we start getting worried about our freedoms?

The fact is the government can't abuse those powers.
1) A normal human being has morals, the orders may come but they will not be followed.
2) You shouldnt "worry" about freedoms, for the fact is we are not free at all. What happens , happens for a reason. The illusion is choice.

Compulsary dna testing prehaps? Obviously terrorism is a serious issue.. but they usually only make themselves known after they have blown themselves into a million pieces along with other people.. how could such a crack down prevent terrorism?

Because, its almost impossible to stop the archer before he fires his arrow, but catching the archer afterwords helps stop that archer from teaching others and will allow more information to be gathered about up coming operations.

What happens in the event terrorism is no longer an issue?

Then the powers will most likely be surrendered.

A madman could take over and suddenly all people can be searched or 'detained' without any reason. What will prevent these laws being abused?
[edit on 30-10-2005 by riley]

Well, in austailia I dont know.
Over here we have 3 levels of government before anyting is passed.
What will prevent it? Morals will.

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by devilwasp

Originally posted by riley
Australians don't have the right to bare arms like Americans [aside from farmers etc].. if our government wanted a dictatorship the only ones that could put up a real fight against it would be the criminals.

I am the same, I live in the UK and anything is a weapon if you swing it right is the qoute.

Can you play cricket with a bullet?

The fact is the government can't abuse those powers.
1) A normal human being has morals, the orders may come but they will not be followed.

Thats very naive.. though I'm happy that you have so much faith in your fellow man. I suggest you go read up on a bit of world history and tell me how moral people and governments are.. 'morals' have never prevented oppresion or genocide. I'm not just talking about Hitler either.. but he did once say "Who remembers the Armaniens?". Lest we forget.

2) You shouldnt "worry" about freedoms, for the fact is we are not free at all. What happens , happens for a reason. The illusion is choice.

Today I don't have to have my dna on a register and tell the government every time I decide to go for a walk just for the sake of it.. tommorow may be very different and I could get stopped by police, asked why I'm going for a walk and have my dna checked. The difference is not just an 'illusion'.

Because, its almost impossible to stop the archer before he fires his arrow, but catching the archer afterwords helps stop that archer from teaching others and will allow more information to be gathered about up coming operations.

Ridiculous. Terrorists cells work independently from eachother.. the only way police can 'gather' information is from past terrorist attacks.. if evidence leads them to a collaborator they can charge them. The current laws are sufficent. I am quite certain police are already aloud to search someone who is acting suspiciously.. there is no logical reason to search people who are not acting suspiciously. Perhaps the laws are being created so they can search based on race or culture.

What happens in the event terrorism is no longer an issue?

Then the powers will most likely be surrendered.

Previous governments have promised the same to their citizens.. but they never overturn these kind of laws and they are never temporary.

[edit on 30-10-2005 by riley]

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