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Intriquet Conspiracies / Low Income Control

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posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 11:56 PM
Intriquet Conspiracies

I'd like to say something real quick about those "little conspiracies" that get laughed at from time to time, the ones that usually make people seem the most paranoid. The ridiculous theories. The ones that turn people into "crazies." You know the type, people that can turn anything into a conspiracy. Well, this is what I think...

A warrior is taught to use anything and everything possible to their advantage, to be capable of turning the simplest of things into weapons at any given moment, to analyze a situation from all angles, especially those that may be imperceivable at first glance.

This, I believe, is the type of mindset that "they" use. "They" are cunning, intelligent people who have learned to think objectively, like warriors. This is how they work their methods of control into every little facet of our lives without us ever being the wiser. Be watchful. They'll turn any little thing in our lives into an opportunity to fuel their own personal agendas.

Low Income Control

So anyways... Here's a random thought I had one day, but never really had a place or reason to post it on ATS. Maybe this new skunk works forum is the right place?

I think that redistribution of income is used to make sure that the poor stay poor. Here's how I see the cycle... The government gives money to the poor. Not a lot of money, but just enough to keep them alive. The problem with this is that they get stuck with "just enough." They get to live and feed their children, but they don't get enough money to get their feet out the doors and actually make something of their lives. They get comfortable with their low income financial situations. If they get jobs and make good income, they'll lose their welfare. But if they do nothing, they can continue to live with minimal effort.

This is what I like to call too much of the wrong kind of help. The poor are not being properly motivated to get good jobs with good pay. The reason for this is simple... There's only so much capital to go around. The more money the general public makes, the less money that goes into the pockets of "them." So, in this case, it's actually cheaper to pay the public to stay poor.

That's that, I guess.

[edit on 29-10-2005 by CloudlessKnight]

[edit on 29-10-2005 by CloudlessKnight]

posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 12:06 AM
Aww man don't even get me started on Low Income

I'm sure there's alot of members in my same situation. I'm what you'd call really really low middle class. I don't make enough money to live comfortably, feed my family healthy, or buy anything I actually need. But according to welfare, I'm not qualified for any financial aid.

But if I were to find a job paying $2 less an hour, I'd get a windfall of freebies.

Really busts my butt when I really think about why I'm even trying so hard..

posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 01:35 AM
CK......Low Income....Yup. Well Done. Your next realization will occur with the concept of 'education.'..........

There is definately a dichotomy in the ranks of our society.

posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 05:31 AM
Yes of course, the rich get richer the poor get poorer,

Education..well now unless you are privately educated..forget it.....

Public education teaches kids nothing at all...

For example a whole bunch of teenage kids I know did not know who the band/singer Franz Ferdinand was named after....

they didn't have a clu when shown a picture of the Queen mother of who she was...

and the kicker..... they didn'y even know what litmus paper was used for in science.....

arggh public schools teach them nothing...

posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by Mayet
For example a whole bunch of teenage kids I know did not know who the band/singer Franz Ferdinand was named after....
they didn't have a clu when shown a picture of the Queen mother of who she was...
and the kicker..... they didn'y even know what litmus paper was used for in science.....
arggh public schools teach them nothing...

I went to public school and a public high school and I know all that. Although I didn't learn about Franz Ferdinand until Grade 10 History, and I probably wouldn't have remembered if that band hadn't come out at the same time. And I don't think I encountered litmus paper until Grade 12 Biology. Perhaps grade 11. But I would also consider myself of above-average intelligence and have quite a good memory to boot.

Some weird stuff to add:

The Federal Reserve is a branch of the U.S. government.
FALSE. The Federal Reserve is a private organization, owned by member banks who are, in turn, owned primarily by wealthy investors. The Fed is neither owned by the U.S. government, nor answers to it. Most Americans, of course, mistakenly believe their own government is in control of the U.S. dollar and national fiscal policy.

Banks offer to finance home loans because they want to help people own their homes.
FALSE. Banks are in business to make money, just like any other business. They loan people money solely to make a profit. That's why they only loan money to people who seem like a safe bet. If banks were in business just to hand out money for the public good, loan officers would never reject a loan application. Most homeowners, by the way, end up paying for their house three times over by the time their loan is finally paid off with the bank.


Kind of crazy that our money isn't even controlled by our own governments, but just this weird giant global banking system. I also wonder when in our history did we start having the need to take out a loan and pay for 40 years straight in order to own a home.

[edit on 29-10-2005 by Yarcofin]

posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 08:52 AM
did the man keep you from taking a risk and taking out a loan and starting your own business ? a friend of mine mows lawns and cleans pools for a living, he has a house and 3 cars.

did the man prevent you from studying harder to get a scholarship ?

if everyone earned 100,000, then 100,000 just wouldn't go as far. if the minimum wage was $20/hr, then there would be 50% fewer jobs, and it would just be worse.

how, economically, would you propose to fix things ?

posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 02:12 PM
The whole system of "Welfare", "debt" and the "education system" are used to control us.

How many times do you learn the "truth" in a history class?
How many times do you learn what your Goverment wants?

Debt stops people from being able to "fight" out against the "Goverment." If you are in debt you have to slave until that debt is gone, because if you do not your house will be lost and family alongside them.

If you are on welfare, you need the State to support you and this is the same as above. It is a nice way of the State being nice and giving out "hand outs" when in fact it is making sure you do as you are told.

posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 03:06 PM
On the Low Income/Welfare tip:

Ya' know... I have always found it interesting that the negative perceptions
that most folk have about "welfare" and the people on welfare, etc... didn't
seem to reach the mainstream fervor that it has until recently (beginning
around the Reagan era I think), with the advent of media attention to what
they termed "the welfare problem".

It was also around that time human beings were dubbed "consumers", and
were given what to think about fellow human beings who were less
fortunate financially, etc...

I say this because I remember watching one of the first talk shows that had
begun to address "the welfare problem", where members of the tv
audience stood up to either berate others who were on welfare, OR began
pseudo-psychoanalyze the possible reasons there could be for people not
having the where-with-all to get better jobs, or do whatever it took, blah,
blah, blah....

The guests who had been invited to the show for that topic looked
absolutely stunned at all the hostile comments that were being hurled at
them from the audience members.

Over time this kind of "negative" perception about welfare and it's
recipients seemed to take root and showed up as a hot topic on other talk
shows, news media, and even "watercooler" talk at work. Everyone
seemed to be saying the same thing about "folks on welfare"...

I remember thinking: I wonder if these are people's own thoughts, or are
they just parroting what's being handed to them over the media, because
I had never thought about welfare, or the people on it one way or the
other until that time.

What do I think about it now? Well, what better way to rule people than to
get them pitted against each other. The really interesting thing out of
all of it is the TPTB have managed to reduce the image of a human being
to that of a "consumer", making it sound like a virus, and folk never even
seemed noticed.

Hmmm...I think I prefer to keep the government and media OUT of my
decision making processes regarding people, places, things, and/or events;
that's what I think about it.

[edit on 10/29/2005 by WalksThroughTime]

posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by CloudlessKnight
I think that redistribution of income is used to make sure that the poor stay poor. Here's how I see the cycle... The government gives money to the poor. Not a lot of money, but just enough to keep them alive. The problem with this is that they get stuck with "just enough." They get to live and feed their children, but they don't get enough money to get their feet out the doors and actually make something of their lives. They get comfortable with their low income financial situations. If they get jobs and make good income, they'll lose their welfare. But if they do nothing, they can continue to live with minimal effort.

This is what I like to call too much of the wrong kind of help. The poor are not being properly motivated to get good jobs with good pay. The reason for this is simple... There's only so much capital to go around. The more money the general public makes, the less money that goes into the pockets of "them." So, in this case, it's actually cheaper to pay the public to stay poor.

Bravo. That was the best description of a viscious cycle I have ever heard. It is so hard to understand unless one has actually been there.

I used to be a welfare recipient. I had three children too close together (my fault), so while my husband struggled with a job, mortgage, and three new babies, we had to get a little help to make up for what we couldn't pay.

So we had great medical care, food stamps, and a little extra cash to keep us on our feet. But what happened is exactly what WalksThroughTime said...we couldn't get past what "little" we got to get us up and on our own. Eventually I got a job (because I had to, eve though I wanted to stay home and raise my babies) to get that little bit more to start paying off debts and get ahead.

I have a friend now who gets SSI because she is unable to work for long periods of time. With the cost of living on the rise, but the pay not on the rise, she is just able to pay her rent and phone and food bill. That's it. Nothing else. No extra spending on movies, dinners, fairs, "just for the heck of it" car rides..nada

So is that really living? If she makes $61 more a month than SSI supplies her with, they begin to reduce her rate by $2 a month. Instead, she is a 31 year old, inteligent, bright, wonderful woman...who really can't work.

It's really sad. A bold ratification needs to be made. Why can't the poor receive better benefits and still make money, so that they can really be on their feet and able to live?

Because people lie, cheat, and steal. People aren't trustworthy. The Department of Public Welfare is like sitting in front of a trial lawyer. They need proof of anything and everythng in order to get what you "need". Once you go above that quota, all bets are off. The negative conotation comes from the fact that most of these people on welfare nowadays are the liars and cheats and scammers trying to get a free ride. Go to your local Welfare office. How many people are in there with gold dripping off of every part of their body, Lexus' and Mercedes all tweaked out in the parking lot, high end clothes, and brand name shoes on the people's feet?

It's pathetic, really. Those who really need it find it hard to get because people have lied in the past, present and will in the future.

posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 05:10 PM
My mother was on welfare from the time I was about 12 and I can testify that it was never enough. Now, they make people go to school which isn't a bad thing butwho watches the kids?
As for public shools, I believe that it is all in where you are located. In Virginia, where I went to pre-k to 5th grade, I learned alot. Then I moved to NJ where they trieed to teach me stuff that I had learned in VA already. I think it also helped that the city in VA is also the home of the University of Virginia. Go Cavs! I can remember learning pre-algebra by the 5th grade and having classmates who played the cello and violin. On the flip side, in NJ I coasted from 6th grad on and eventually dropped out due to boredom in my junior year. I can also recall vividly going to fair Eastside High and having no teacher whatsoever for 4th period. No sub, no nothing for my whole sophmore year and it wasn't study hall.

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 11:10 AM
any ideas to solve the problem ? if we increase everybodys earnings, we just get rampant inflation, and we have to bring wheel barrows full of cash to buy bread. not good

if we increase taxes on wealthy, (heehee like that will ever happen)and middle class to assist lower class with hand outs, you take away the incentive for lower class earners to fight their way out of the problem, and you erode the midddle class tax pool, and the system runs dry anyway....(now that might get titors civil war off the ground) not good

maybe we put in a system where everybody gets a job assinged to them by the govt, and we all live in govt subsidized apartments....nah, that would never work in the long run

in america, you can flip off the sytem, and go fend for yourself. I'm not saying plop down a million for a franchise, start your own business, and work your arse off. there are people out there making a living from

walking other peoples dogs
cleaning other peoples salt water fishtanks
mowing lawns
house painting

etc etc

if the assistance isn't enough, and you don't have a marketable 4 year degree form a big name school, take a chance ! you have nothing to lose !

start up a service company, do a direct mail ad campaign, work you butt off, and tell the man to stuff it up his tailpipe

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 02:49 AM
The "poor" in the United States is a manufactured class. Someone in the USA who makes less than $14,000/yr is below the "poverty line." But look at all of those "third-world" countries. $14,000 should buy you a whole frickin village, a fleet of fishing boats, and a harem. So why is $14,000 poor in the US? It's because of the cost of living. And every bit of that cost can be directly manipulated by TPTB.
Example: housing
Why is it that most Americans will spend 30 years to pay for a structure that is erected in 3-6 months give or take? It's because there are tremendous costs to building a house. Why? Land designations, subdivision costs, developer fees, inspection fees, on and on and on. All of it mandated by professional beaurocrats who make a living off of the yoke of those below them on the pyramid. That same house could be built in Mexico for 1/10 the cost, and paid for in 5 years. Or, in Thailand, you could build yourself a wood and straw bungalow on the beach for ~$400 in materials and a full summer of hard work. But how many Americans will take the effort to save $15,000 and move to a "third-world" country. Conditioning teaches us to be suspicious and afraid of those places.

BTW, my solution to all of the inequity? I would impose a flat tax. No exemptions, no deductions just 15% of ALL income across the board for all income brackets. That however, would only be in place until we could get rid of the federal reserve. Then it would be no income tax at all, just as the founding fathers intended.

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 10:20 PM
Well, now I am very weary of even thinking about trying to buy a house due to the emminent domain laws being put into effect. Even those who are middle and lower high-class are getting their property snatched so now it comes down to rich and poor. No in-between!

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 12:32 AM
Hi All,

I thought I would post my 2 cents here.
I have, for the past 2-3 years or so, been studying, researching, and observing our society and the mechanisms by which it runs. I have noticed much in those eye opening years. I will start with some basic observations first. It costs more to eat healthy than it does to eat foods that are bad for you. A one pound bag of grapes averages around $1.99 a pound where I live. You will spend around $5 for a healthy amount that may last you two days. For $5 you can go to any of your local fast food restaurants and get an entire meal.

It is expected of each family to sacrifice the wellbeing of their children for the sake of money. How many people HAVE to put their children into daycare in order to work? Our society is no longer structured for any family(unless they are rich) to have one parent at home with their children. It is not even structured so that both parents may work while a family member takes care of the children. It used to be that families lived within walking distances of each other, and there was a comunal support system set up. If one person had, then everyone had. If one person was in need, then everyone pictched in where they could. We are encouraged to be separate, self-supporting units. This I have noticed is propagated through various forms of media.

There is an ever widening gap between the have and the have nots. More and more families are struggling to make ends meet, yet at the same time the profits that most corporations enjoy are increasing. Part of this is due to the merger phenomenon that has been going on in the last 10 years. To me, the gap between people who are wealthy and those who are struggling seems to be spiraling out of control.

There is no concern for the people in our country who are struggling just to survive. There is no money to be made in helping to make sure people dont have to choose between paying the heating bill, or buying food. (Although if you are a large charity organization then there IS money to be made in helping those in need!) Actually, we are encouraged to place ourselves in even more debt through credit cards, loans, and our enchantment to purchase items we dont need.

Here are my theories as to what keeps this machine of ours running. The people who are poor and need government assistance are the by-products of corporate greed. They are supplemented by government to help feed the corporate machine and help boister consumer confidence. (If you believe your neighbors are starving, then you will be less likely to spend frivolously) People who are in the middle to low income bracket are the cogs in the corporate machine. They are the foundation of the pyramid, but are at the same time crushed by its weight. People in the high income bracket are the fuel for the corporate machine. They are used as a carrot for the lower income peoples to continue working. Yet the goal of high income people is to ensure the security of that lifestyle.(Which usually means having more money) People who have more money than even their great grandchildren could spend, no longer lust to have money for consumeristic needs, but instead lust for the power and control that money can buy.

Now the question is "How can a person escape this machine?" I actually think it can be done without having to leave the country and live on an island.
The only thing is, it will not be an easy thing to accomplish. The first thing a person will need to escape the machine and live "off the grid" is money.
With money you could establish a self supporting lifestyle for yourself. However, you would still end up purchasing items that you could not craft yourself. Of course, then there is the question of how much interaction should you have with the rest of society, because that interacton is going to have an influence on what you deem is important in your life.

I dont think there are any easy answers to the problems that we now face. From what I have learned so far, we are just repeating cycles of history. There have always been large societies composed of those who are rich, those getting by and those who are poor. What I would like to know is why we as humans keep perpetuating this cycle?

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 01:53 AM
I'd like to say something real quick about those "little conspiracies" that get laughed at from time to time, the ones that usually make people seem the most paranoid. The ridiculous theories. The ones that turn people into "crazies." You know the type, people that can turn anything into a conspiracy.

Yeah... they hang out here. Like you.

Get a phucking life.

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