posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 12:18 PM
In regard to the general apathy over these massive oil profit increases, could it be a result of the masses falling for the advanced warnings from the
current US administration just before during and after Katrina’s impact on the gulf coast and mainly the oil industry?
Was the damage from Katrina and other hurricanes enough to justify the increase in oil prices and profits?... Why are gas prices still so high?
I believe, at least the American people in general have been programmed via the media and most are willing to accept the reasons given by the oil
companies, the Bush administration and the mainstream news media.
I heard one executive from a major oil company claim that the prices Americans pay for oil and gas have been too low for far to long and should be
raised to the same levels as the European markets currently support.
Either way it seems most people are willing to pay, whatever the price is!
And the scary part.. So many seem willing to accept the reasons given for the price increases.
Great PODcast!