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Wordwatcher meets Wilma (pics)

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posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 07:25 PM
10 days, 14 hours after Wilma took out our electricity, we finally got it back, thanks to crews from Ohio and Indiana who were working on the lines in our area.

We still have no cable tv, and internet service is still down. (this is with Comcast btw)

I'm borrowing some time using Verizon wireless access to get online and living on dvds

traffic is getting better, more lights are getting back online, but still it's a major issue around here.

Gas is better,no more long lines and grocery stores are slowly getting back to regular pre hurricane stock. meat is a commodity that seems to dissappear quickly off the shelves. Other than that, south floridians are slowly getting back into the swings of things even though our neighborhoods all look dead and ravaged.

will visit again when I can, and I can't wait to get back to normal

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 08:22 PM
Thanks for checking in WW, hope things return to 'normal' soon!

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