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Bob Lazar - What's everyone think?

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posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 08:31 AM
I remember he talked about an element 115 that didn´t exists at the time.
It exists now and it´s called Ununpentium:

The existence of this element now proves nothing but it would be interesting if someone could check if the alleged properties of Lazar´s element 115 are the same of Ununpentium...

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 08:35 AM
I think when Bob isn't flying with the little green men, he is too busy posing as John Titor

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 08:56 AM
no idea if he is a fraud or not. if he is a plant then his head motions are insignificant coz he would be taught how to react/beat a polygraph just in case.
this is the same as john titor to me, i would love to believe it, he has one of the best cases around if it is fake, but since i have seen so much utter BS in life, i tend to disbelieve. heres a good quote from lance henricksoon in 'stone cold':

"Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see"


posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 09:13 AM
A question: I'm new, pls be patient...

So far I've read/seen comments regarding Lazar, Meier (Horn), Cooper, etc. What is the general feeling, who is considered 'fairly' truthful, or at least not completely a fraud?

Is there, infact, anyone (whether or not among the names I've just mentioned) who has stated personal experiences, whether big or small, who can be considered an objective, 'intelligent' voice in this field? I ask this because in the past 24hh I've overloaded my mind with a lot of information, and I wish to pinpoint quality, where possible.

Thanks to anyone who can decipher these people for me, even vaguely

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 09:31 AM
I'm glad someone started this thread because a question arose with me yesterday. Last night I was watching 'Conspiracy' on the History Channel, and it was about Lazar and his story. During the program there was a brief interview with Stan Friedman, and in that interview he called Lazar a fraud because the background check he ran on Lazar did not hold up. I think Friedman's words were taken out of context and I'll tell you why. I'm in the process of reading 'Alien Contact' by Timothy Good, and there is a section in the book about Lazar. Stanton Friedman is stated in the book as saying at first Lazar's background didn't hold up, but once he dug a little deeper he found out that Lazar did indeed attend Cal-Tech (previously refuted by Cal-Tech), and he did come up with a W-2 form from the Department of Naval Intelligence to Robert Lazar as well as a phone book with Lazar's name in it from a company doing work at Area 51 (I think EG&G, but I don't remember right off hand).

So what gives? Is it just bad show editing, or is there still a continuing campaign to discredit Lazar? Even though networks like Discovery, TLC, and the History Channel run UFO programs, could they really be running disinformation at the same time? Personally, I believe the guy.


posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 09:52 AM

So far I've read/seen comments regarding Lazar, Meier (Horn), Cooper, etc. What is the general feeling, who is considered 'fairly' truthful, or at least not completely a fraud?

All we can do is pretty much give you our opinions based on what we ourselves have looked at, and concluded. Members will agree and disagree with each other on many of these...

Lazar - I'm still on the fence with Lazar...there's evidence on both sides of this. Even the evidence is two-sided.... For example, there's a "high confidence" (as per the team) Air Incident Report in July, 1947 from General Twining (apparently regarding the Roswell disc), and the description of the interior of the disc is very similar to what Lazar described. However, this same report mentions "Mogul" as in connection with some kind of propeller-less turbine instead of the stated Mogul purpose of detecting Soviet nuke blasts. So, either the report is bogus, or we've hit upon yet another facet of Mogul, and it not being what the Air Force claimed it is.

So what gives? Is it just bad show editing, or is there still a continuing campaign to discredit Lazar? Even though networks like Discovery, TLC, and the History Channel run UFO programs, could they really be running disinformation at the same time? Personally, I believe the guy.

Stan doesn't believe Lazar. The Goode book was prior to many of the other later things coming out about Lazar. You can go to Stan's site, and I believe he still even has a little commentary section on Lazar. As I said though, I'm not so quick to dismiss him out of hand. There's something to his story. Not a lot maybe, but definitely something....

Meier - Even most of his former believers now admit he's a fraud. There is a pretty long thread here on ATS, mostly myself and Indigo Child going back and forth, and with some great contributions by other members as well, with most concluding in the end, that he's a fraud. (Likely, you'll conclude this as well after reading the thread).

Cooper - I personally think Cooper has dug up, and been sent, some fascinating and solid info, but unfortunately, that's the minority of what he's dug up and been sent. One has to go through Cooper info very carefully to separate the wheat from the chaff...

Though an avid believer, ever since my one and only sighting as a child, there are very few cases I'd use to make the case for UFOs to others... Among these are...

Roswell - obviously... I believe this remains as the first recovery for the US military, and there is so much to go on, because the protocals were not yet in place.

Rendlesham - another excellent case.

The "Battle of LA" - predates Roswell and the UFO craze in general, but an extremely fascinating case, and supported by the media of the time.

The Hill Abduction case - truly incredible stuff, but for me, the starmap is really the most impressibe part.

Mexican AF UFO footage - gun camera footage of military planes.

In general, I like to focus on the following:

1. Reliable eye-witnesses whom are used to dealing with aerial phenomenon (such as military or civilian pilots, military officers, etc.)

2. Documentation, you'd be amazed how much documentation there is showing the government's continued interest in the UFO phenomenon.

3. Little things that corraborate with other sources. (I don't really use these to make the case for UFOs, but I find them fascinating. One such example is eye membranes. In Corso's book "The Day After Roswell", he describes how the aliens didn't really have black eyes. He said that they actually had thin artificially implanted membranes that worked as nightvision. In the much criticized "Alien Autopsy" video, there is a scene showing just that, the removal of an eye membrane, with a more normal eye below...) Again, they don't prove anything, but sure make you go hmm....???

[edit on 28-2-2005 by Gazrok]

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
...In Corso's book "The Day After Roswell", he describes how the aliens didn't really have black eyes. He said that they actually had thin artificially implanted membranes that worked as nightvision. In the much criticized "Alien Autopsy" video, there is a scene showing just that, the removal of an eye membrane, with a more normal eye below...) Again, they don't prove anything, but sure make you go hmm....???

[edit on 28-2-2005 by Gazrok]

Absolutely!! What if that film was real? We (even believers) have all been programmed to doubt the validity of every picture and video pertaining to UFOs and aliens without even giving it a second thought. How can we be true believers in UFOs and aliens, and at the same time debunk everything that comes our way. Even when someone believes in their mind, it's still very hard for them to stray from the herd. The herd mentality is the exact reason why our government continues to play us like a funky piano, and why we will never know the real truth about anything. We are our own worst enemies.


posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 10:25 AM
IMO, I believe he is credible. He is not like "John Titor". His explanation of the physics of UFO's and their use of anti-matter sounds believeable. Humans have already managed to create "anti-matter" although it is indeed hard to contain.

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by DC1
A question: I'm new, pls be patient...

Thanks to anyone who can decipher these people for me, even vaguely

i couldn't make a judgement or verdict...but here are a few things that careen thru my mind, at least about Mr. Lazar...

ITEM high school physics we learned of the gap in the naturally occurring table of elements at the Element 115 cubby-hole....and with young inquisitive minds we both speculated and heard of 'legends' and some of us exhausted the whimiscal threads of fantasy & sci-fi thought on the mysterious Element 115 (remember the group consciousness helped create SuperMan in the 1930s)

ITEM the Army when i was in it, had an Organization Structure
there were S1, S2, S3. S4 sections for commands smaller than Division level
at the larger HQs the same type of sections were G1, G2, G3, G4
the S1 & G1 were the Personnel sections
the S2 & G2 were the Intelligence sections
the S3 & G3 were the Supply sections
the S4 & G4 were the Quartermaster & Armory sections

years ago, i chuckled when i read the stuff that mr lazar spoke & his contention/allusion that a 'S4' was a secretive, muckety-muck, above-top-secret need-to-know area within an black-ops Installation...the Govt or military seeks to avoid confusion and since the status-quo already designated an S-4 as a Quartermaster for a Battalion or smaller installation, i figured a kernal of fact had been 'spinned' and exaggerated
to the unaware public.

thats' just two items off the top,
there are others if you really wanted to build a case.

Oh, as an aside, the meme 'believe half of what you see & none of what you hear' was also a line in the pop-culture song.."I Heard it Through the Grapevine"


posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 10:51 AM
I have a feeling, that Bob Lazar is either a big hoax, or he is already behind bars for life sentence. If he learnt the rules regarding the alien experiments, he should be well aware of the consequences of his actions. Also, all the possible data would be already removed from websites, if only a portion was true!

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 12:33 PM
Actually, nowadays Lazar is busy with his own small tech company, and wants little to do with anything related to UFOs, as it isn't good for business most likely...

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 01:05 PM
Bob Lazar - What's everyone think?

tried using the search tool?

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 01:07 PM

tried using the search tool?

Good point, but been a while since a Lazar thread, so wasn't going to brow-beat someone admitting to be new...

EDIT-Doh! Been here since 2003...yep, thread should be closed....

[edit on 28-2-2005 by Gazrok]

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 01:16 PM
I recently watched the History Channel "Conspiracy" Bob Lazar program.

When they zoomed in on his W-2 form, the voiceover was talking and they selectively highlighted part of the W-2 but they DID NOT highlight the most important part which is the number at the top of the form, which reads like this: ######MAJ. I had to look quick to see it, but there it was, totally ignored by the producers.

This is important to me because there seems to be a large media hole/shield whereby we never hear about 'MAJ' or the related projects this acronym is connected to. If Lazar was paid under that acronym, I'd say that gives his story some weight.

[edit on 28-2-2005 by smallpeeps]

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 01:25 PM
Good catch Smallpeeps.
I agree totally. I find it hard to believe that somebody can make up a story like that with so much detail.


posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Actually, nowadays Lazar is busy with his own small tech company, and wants little to do with anything related to UFOs, as it isn't good for business most likely...

How do you know this Gazork?

[edit on 1-3-2005 by Truthforall]

posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 07:06 PM
Not sure if he is a fraud or not, but I have a couple of points.

He claimed to have evidence that his background was true, but has not produced any evidence.

Also, if the govt. has alien technology, it would be one of the best kept secrets of all time. I have no doubt that they would not hesitate to kill anyone who spoke out about it.

The fact is that he has provided no "real" evidence that his story is true.

Of course, I guess it could all be a govt. conspiracy.

my two cents

digital theory

posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 07:10 PM
I'm still with him for the most part, but if he brings up ANYTHING involving chemtrails or reptiles...I'm out.

posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 08:07 PM
The jury's still out on this one, but I am starting to believe.

I was watching The History Channel: Conspiracies, Area 51.

They interviewed a Jim Goddall who is an aviation expert and he said while at the Pentagon he asked about the address printed on Lazar's W2 for for Navel Inelegance and claims he was threatened by an admiral that navel Inelegance was a Classified unit and if he inquired again he would be court martial-ed.

That added a little credibility there at least for me.

Also I think this episode was more current then the ones I have seen in the past, they referenced a document dated Feb Th 2004, and to my knowledge Bob Lazar has not changed his story at all.

Most people when lying end up slipping up and altering a few details and I have not seen that happen yet.

posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 08:22 PM
One more thing.

Every one keeps saying they want to see evidence, whats he supposed to do fly a craft out of Area 51 before he got fired?

Maybe steal some pictures?

My Grand Father worked for GM out at the Desert Proving Grounds in Mesa AZ were they tested cars and they practically stripped searched you when leaving to make sure no one was stealing secrets to sell to competitors (Ford, Chrysler) so if a car company's security was so tight at a testing facility how tight would security be at a non existent military base that is testing secret military (or Alien) air craft?

I think it would be impossible to get proof of what he says he saw.

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