posted on Sep, 20 2003 @ 01:04 AM
Yep. An American Teen vandal, Fulcrum, thats my point.
If the kid wanted to burn the flag, he should have went out and bought his own damn flag instead of destroying someone elses.
he is a criminal because he vandalized property that wasnt his. period. Regardless of belief.
If he went and bought his own flag from the store then burned it, then that is ok. (well, its not O.K., because flag burning is a lame form of free
speech thhats so oversued and blase that I am bored of it, but regardless, it is his right to do so.)
You wanna burn a flag, go burn one of your own, dont destroy other peoples properties.
This criminal at the very least, needs to be charged with vandalism. And, if he was a terrorist........
he needs to be disembowled and fed to live rats.