Originally posted by Vash
I hadea a question why is it ok i will put this simple when i um *blushes* i imgan biteing and drinkign blodo i can almost feel it going in my thoart
and drinking it i can almost taste it and it tastes and feels so good i was wondering abotu this ..
and my dreams i have been almost screaming yelling in fear and in panic like i am being chased or hit or some thing i dont really know but my freinds
that have spent the night and my grandmother has said the same thing and i was wondering what this chould be ..
Please help me
I don't care what any medical guru says, or any waco who would like to tell you that your a part vampire or some such non-sense. I'll tell you what
is happening to you. but mine dealt with lust.
There is a demon inside of you that desires blood. It wants it so bad, that is why you can feel it in your throat. The demon(s) are using you and your
senses to get what they desire. They don't care if blood is harmeful to you or not. They are feeding their desires into your wants which eventually
become your desires also. When you do as they desire, they will feel sense through you what they crave whether it would be lust, blood, or guts and
gore. I don't know how it can happen, but it can.
Before I was married, my personal demon was lust. I didn't even realize there was anything wrong with me, or that it could be anything else but me. I
just thought I was a nimpho or at least thought like one.
My husband, boyfriend at the time, saw what was in me and confronted it. At first nothing. As he confronted it more and more with the name of Jesus
and love, I noticed something strange. For the first time, I felt like there was two me's. One me, the real me, was afraid of what was happening and
why it seemed I was concious but not totally in control of my body. The other me was split on sudusing him and wanting to lash out and hurt him.
All I know is that Jesus was with my husband that day. The battle didn't take that long. After I saw and was fully concious of the two me's, I
wanted the other me to leave. I didn't like what I saw. I know it left.
Since then I became a Christian. I still battle along those lines though. That is a weak point for me and the devil knows it. I do realize the
difference between my natural drive, and the demons wanting me to delve deeper into the nasty side of lust. It is a battle I know that can only be won
with Jesus on my side battling for me.
Yes, both my husband and I did sin before marriage, and we both asked forgivness. To this day, I thank Jesus for one prescious gift he gave me.
I prayed to God heavly one night that my boyfriend, now husband, would ask me to marry him. Not too long afterwards, he did. This is what I thank
Jesus for, it wasen't long after the proposal that I found out I was pregnant. I know without a doubt that he married me because he loved me and not
because he felt obligated to. If I had that doubt, our marriage would have never lasted.
Later, after we were married, he told me that he believed God told him to propose to me the same week I prayed to God about him.
God took something that was bad, and turned it into something good.
Vash Jesus can do the same with your life also. He can take everythng that is bad and evil in your life, and turn it around for the good. Those demons
have you tied around their little pinky finger eating out of the palm of their hands.
Either God has given you a gift to see into the spiritual realm that most people can not see into, or something happened when you were young or
possibly even still in your mom's womb that the covering that God gives us so we can't see into the spiritual realm has been taken away from you
which led you into the evil arts of magic. There could have been a realitive or family friend who practiced magic or was a practicing wiccian behind
everyone elses back.
Since you were young, and if all of your family and extended family were professing Christians, then it could have been something simple as watching a
movie like poltergist, reading ghost stories, playing with an ouji board once, or even some of those "innocent" slumber party games such as light as
a feather stiff as a board.
I played light as a feather and stiff as a board once at a kids party once. The only difference was the person sat on a chair. There were two groups.
Before going through the ritual, we took only our index fingers and tried to life the chair and person. Neither group could do it. The group I was in,
we lifted the chair until the person's head almost hit the celeing. The second group eager to try, couldn't do it. My group tried again, and we were
able to do it again. That left me wide open for demons to come into my life.
The only way that door was able to be closed is through Jesus. I still battle with things, mess things up, wish I done things differently. I know I'm
not alone, and that God is with me. I know that He will forgive me as long as I repent and ask for forgivness. I know I have changed since accepting
Jesus into my heart, and I have seen Jesus work on my husband also. I praise him and thank him that he is making us better people in his image. Both
of us have more patient and forgiving. I know there is still alot of work for Him to do on us. I thank Him now for the work he is going to do.
Vash no matter what you think, you are never alone. You always have someone to turn to in your darkest hour. That is Jesus. When you have no one else
left to turn to, no where else to turn, and the pain, suffering, and life are too unberable, call on Him. Call on the name of Jesus and ask him to
save you. He will come running.
You asked why you can't see God? Because no one can look on God and live for his glory is too great for us to bear. Even moses had to be hidden
behind rocks, and he was only allowed to see a tiny fraction of the outskirts of God's glory. That was almost too much for him. He waked away with
his face glowing. Jesus will come when you are ready to have the veil of deception pulled away from your face. Remember one thing, he doesn't work
like the demons do. He will not make himself known to you like the demons are doing. He will make himself known in a different way, and I believe in a
way you will best be able to understand. He reveals himself to each of us in different ways some very subtle and some not so subtle.
He will never force you to do anything you don't want to do. He will never give you desires or wants that aren't yours. He will not force you to do
anything you do not want to do. He will never cause you harm or pain. The only thing he causes is a guilt trip/conviction in your heart that you are
doing something you are not suppose to do.
God loves you and is with you. You have time. You have time until you die. Then you will not be able to change your mind. I pray that you do not loose
the time you do have to get to know him. He is the only one who can get you out of this nightmare mess. Do you really think it is a considence that
there are so many who have posted to you practically the same message in different ways. We are your messagners and messangers only. It is your
choice. Please heed the messages and warnings.
PS. If you have the chance, listen to the audio file of the hell story. There will be a small sermon at the beginning, but most of it is this man's
story. I think you need to listen to it. To his spiritual journey.