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[WITD] Letter Clues

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posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 07:14 AM
This thread is for discussing the letters clues:

a- The Ancient Broth|

c- rian Sentinels mus|
d- t replace a fallen w|
e- atchman with one |

g- e task. To prove yo|
h- ur value and fealty |
i- to the Brotherhood, |
j- deliver to Grand Ma|

l- from an antiquities

o- Silver talismans req|
p- uire 3 Euros, and W| and p- My brother who whisp|
q- ood talismans requ|
r- ire 0.1 Euros. You a|

t- ros, you have one o|
u- pportunity to provid|

w- in the appropriate r|
x- eceptacle of acceptin|
y- g a response.||

I can update this as more clues surface. Just post them in this thread.

EDIT: Added q- clue.

[edit on 26-10-2005 by drlau]

[edit on 26-10-2005 by drlau]

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 07:31 AM
no dr.lau, im pretty sure im the only person who has seen that one too...

it had a | at the end like all the others i just didnt put it in there

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 07:56 AM
here is a list i compiled along with my speculations of certain things, i had this posted in the original thread but it will be usefull here too.

a- The Ancient BrothER
c- TEMPLrian Sentinels mus
e- Watchman with one
g- e task. To prove yo
h- ur value and fealty
i- to the Brotherhood,
j- deliver to Grand MaSTER
k- aster a treasure/relic
l- from an antiquities
p- My brother who whispERS
r- ire 0.1 Euros. You a
t- ros, you have one
u- Opportunity to providE
w- in the appropriate r
x- eceptacle of acceptin
y- g a response.||

my speculations are in capital letters, everything else is solid seen clues.

NOTE: the K clue is total speculation by myself , just trying to fill in the blanks myself without the clues! i did not acutally see or read a k
clue yet!

EDIT 2:33: added new H clue as referenced from the "Bizarre" thread.

[edit on 10/26/2005 by McGuirk]

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by riley
picked this up from another thread:

h- ur value and fealty |

Riley found this and I told him to post here then realized he was off now -- so it keep things moving I will post it for him. All credit for this find goes to riley.


posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 02:30 PM
ok guys I'm back, but it doesn't look like too much has happened since this morning. Have to go to work soon but I will be back on late tonight. Fun Stuff

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by McGuirk
EDIT 2:33: added new H clue as referenced from the "Bizarre" thread.

Thanks McGuirk. I seem to have lost the ability to edit my posts, so here's the list again, with a new clue I just got: o- Silver talismans req|

With the new clue, it seems that "p- uire 3 Euros, and W|" is the correct "p" to use.

a- The Ancient Broth|

c- rian Sentinels mus|

e- atchman with one |

g- e task. To prove yo|
h- ur value and fealty |
i- to the Brotherhood, |
j- deliver to Grand Ma|

l- from an antiquities

o- Silver talismans req|
p- uire 3 Euros, and W| and p- My brother who whisp|

r- ire 0.1 Euros. You a|

t- ros, you have one o|
u- pportunity to provid|

w- in the appropriate r|
x- eceptacle of acceptin|
y- g a response.||

We're getting ever closer to completing this clue set. Keep your eyes open!


EDIT: My ability to edit is not gone, just the edit buttons for my previous posts.

[edit on 26-10-2005 by drlau]

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 03:15 PM
that second p, and the new o, could be from an emerging new puzzle, a-z, separate from the one already working.

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 03:34 PM
d- t replace a fallen w|

The above was found on pg. 2 of our original post, the following on pg. 3....

beware what you think is the first answer

and just now on this thread:

haste will harm you, logic will save you

[edit on 26-10-2005 by frayed1]

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 03:54 PM
here is a list i compiled along with my speculations of certain things, i had this posted in the original thread but it will be usefull here too.

a- The Ancient Broth
c- rian Sentinels mus
d- t replace a fallen W
e- atchman with one
f- ................. RELEAS
g- e task. To prove yo
h- ur value and fealty
i- to the Brotherhood,
j- deliver to Grand Ma
l- from an antiquities
m- dealer. Gold talism
n- ans require X Euros.
o- Silver talismans req
p- uire 3 Euros, and W
q- ood Talismans requ
r- ire 0.1 Euros. You a
t- ros, you have one
u- Opportunity to provid
w- in the appropriate r
x- eceptacle of acceptin
y- g a response.||
z - the url is here and the answer to zero

i've tried to fill in some more blanks... it is definitely a riddle of some sort, as i had guessed earlier... my speculations are in CAPS

[edit on 10/26/2005 by McGuirk]

[edit on 10/26/2005 by McGuirk]

[edit on 10/26/2005 by McGuirk]

[edit on 10/26/2005 by McGuirk]

[edit on 10/26/2005 by McGuirk]

[edit on 10/26/2005 by McGuirk]

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 03:58 PM
WhispersInTheDark: q- ood talismans requ|

is that a new clue? WITD just posted that in chat...

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 04:06 PM
Thanks, cpr12r! I have again updated the list at the top of the thread.

It looks like we will need to find someplace that is selling silver and wood talismans. One of the grey words was "buY tHe taLismanS".

I'm off for the night, but I'll update in the morning with anything new you guys find.


posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 04:08 PM
dr.lau ive got it on lockdown bud

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 04:31 PM
I just found this one:

z- the url is here and the answer to zero

In a "New Member Registration Introductions" thread.

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 04:32 PM
new clue
z- the url is here and the answer to zero

posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 01:11 AM
ok guys I'm back and ready for action but it doesn't look like too much has went on today...

posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 08:30 AM
Just spotted this one:

v- e the correct answer|

And now this one:

b- erhood of Templa|

[edit on 27-10-2005 by frayed1]

And then ( but perhaps it does not go in this thread):

0- If a brother and a half can sacrifice a goat and a half in a minute and a half, how many goats can six brothers sacrifice in six minutes?

(My ans: And I may be wrong, but would that be 24 goats?)

[edit on 27-10-2005 by frayed1]

posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by justme1640
Riley found this and I told him to post here then realized he was off now -- so it keep things moving I will post it for him. All credit for this find goes to riley.

Thanks man

Found another:

k- ster 100 talismans |

We're starting to get some continuity now.. providing there is only one 'letters' list of course.. there are 2 other ks already:

k- aster a treasure/relic

[edit on 27-10-2005 by riley]

posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 09:05 AM
I got 18 goats for the anwer.

4x the minutes (1.5*4=6)
4x the brothers (1.5x4=6)


12x1.5 (goats) = 18 goats

posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 09:07 AM
Here's the s:

s- re provided 100 Eu|

posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 09:08 AM
1.5 brothers do 1.5 goats in 1.5 minutes

6 brothers do 6 goats in 1.5 minutes

6 brothers do 24 goats in 6 minutes

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