posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 03:53 PM
Yes, Morality and degradation has everything to do with the decline of an empire. the problem is that people stick with the Christian mentality of
We are not a nation of fear, just the opposite, hardly anyone I know worries about terrorism, just media hype.
We live in apathy. Apathy, gluttony, no moderation, lack of any form of self discipline. We do not work to trulky improve ourselves, we feed our short
attention spans with petty, stupid little distractions.
America was strongest back in the 1950s. We were not mired in debt. People had jobs, we manufactured just about everything ourselves. People had
discipline. people did not waste as much. How many times has your mother told you about when she was little how she had to eat everything off her
plate? TV was new, but people actually did other things. We were not as fat. We had strong beliefs and a purpose.
We are weak now. We are overweight, stupid, and lazy. We do not think for ourselves, we do not wonder. What happened to American innovations and
inventiveness? We are more dependant than ever on foreign imports. We are so lazy we want illegal immigrants to come in and clean our houses and mow
our lawns because our fat asses cant be bothered with it. Americans have luxruries because they are shacked by thousands of dollars of debts. they are
less employed. Kids are becoming less educated. Kids are getting dumbed down. Thats our future. We will have a future of semi literate apathetic
cattle running the show who have no clue of even thier own state constitution.
People watch TV. Movies. Soend thier time and waste money on amusement parks. Buy gas guzzling cars they cant afford. Divorce is high, broken families
everywhere. people are not having children, our birthrate declines. There is alot of dischord, disunity, and no one seems to care. Corruption starts
at the very base level of society: the family. When you destroy the family unit, the rest of civilization follows.
The human family unit is the most basic building block of human society, ANY human society, not just ours. Ours is crimbling, just like the family
structure did in acient Rome. Kids running out of control, no respect for the elders,. parents who are into self gratification simply not caring for
the kids.
America is rotting, and is rotting from within. Our govornments are so corrupted that scandals no longer shock us, they are so common we are used to
them. We almost expect it, and no one cares.
Apathy. As long as Im well fed and have my stupid cars and talk about them hours on end, everything is ok. Ill just turn the TV on and watch the
sports game. The Romans loved sports too. It helped dull thier brains and provided a distraction as thier empire crumbled about them.
Self improvement. people not working hard not just to fill thier braisn with knowldge, but learn how to become critical, innovative, and descisive
thinkers. they let thier bodies get fat. they do not wish to truly broaden thier horizons, and discover the unknown.
This country was built on pioneers who braved the unknown, risking life and limb, jsut to get a glimpse of what was out west. Those pioneers are dead.
Now all thats left is a bunch of hairy, overweight, braindead drooling cud munching cattle who are headed to the slaughterhouse and do not care.
America shall crumble at this rate, unless its given a rude awakening to knock it off its fat ass and on to the floor of reality.