posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 09:01 AM
Hi, I was just wondering if anyone here has had an actual MIB encounter? There surely has to be at least a handful of people (registered with ats)
that have had some sort of MIB encounter.
I am posting this thread because I may have had an MIB experience just 3-4 hours ago. For the past 2-3 months I have been unable to get regular sleep
3-4 hours a night tops. And I have also had ample dreams of aliens/ufos ect.
One so dream was set 500 meters walking along a path near my house. I encountered 5 little grey aliens about 3-4 feet tall. But I woke up in a
scream after I saw them. I have also had at least 4-5 alien related "dreams" in the past 3 months.
I have a triangular scar on my back which is hard to reach with my hand. There is some sort of fragment inside because I can feel it.
I am going to a hypnotist and doctor in a week or so to get the fragment removed.
I will also attach pics of the fragment/scar in around 2 weeks.
Anyways about MIB about 3 hours ago... I went for a bike ride because I couldn't sleep. The minute I biked out of my place I saw a black lincon car
drive off. It was parked 100 meters from my place. I didn't see any MIB or anything so it might have been speculation.
anywhoo... More MIB stories would be very appriciated!