posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 05:37 AM
The only thing I think you should be wary about in referencing this article is that it is a commentary and it does not provide you with references for
the comments made in it. Now, undercoverchef has provided you some references reporting on the oscillation and the warnings of an extremely cold
winter, and you should be able to use them to work back to say the foundational scientific study or model that is predicting that. But there are many
other statements in the FCN commentary that you need to verify. For instance - the statement that Britain's North Sea production has now fell to the
point they may not be able to support domestic needs. You need to verify that. It may very well be true, but you need to make sure of it first.
Multiple sources and as close to the primary sources as possible for the facts, and you'll be in good shape. Good luck on your paper!
[edit on 10-26-2005 by Valhall]