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Inside the church of Hate

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posted on Oct, 25 2005 @ 12:29 PM

Well, what you all think? I am reserving my comments for now.

posted on Oct, 25 2005 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by crusader
Well, what you all think? I am reserving my comments for now.

I think you should consider this:

Mod Note: (This Appears On Every New Thread/Post Reply Page): MEMBERS: Do not simply post news articles in the forums without comment. If you feel inclined to make the board aware of current events, please post the first paragraph, a link to the entire story, AND your opinion, twist or take on the news item.

So what would be your "opinion, twist or take on the news item?"

Curious Monkeys, not just for George anymore...

[edit on 25/10/2005 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Oct, 25 2005 @ 12:40 PM
Every group has extremists. So what? That he only has 150 in his "church" means that he is nothing more than a small minded wacko of whom there are many in the world.

posted on Oct, 25 2005 @ 12:50 PM
It's a shame some people twist the bible and it's teachings to lead others away from God and his message of love.

posted on Oct, 25 2005 @ 01:02 PM

Hate, Death, and destruction is not a characteristic of Christ. These poeple are being mislead...

posted on Oct, 25 2005 @ 02:20 PM
Can these ministers now be arrested, detained, interrogated, and deported for breaking anti-terror laws?

edit: nevermind, thought we were talking about the UK. *smacks forehead*

[edit on 25-10-2005 by Nygdan]

posted on Oct, 25 2005 @ 03:17 PM
This Phelps guy is a hate-mongerer from way back. Whether he can be charged is questionable; First Amendment rule applies here, methinks. Unless he calls for violence or terrorism, then put him in the hole for about 30 years.

At least this title is more accurate and less incendiaryy than the other thread had in WOT:
Well here we go: Christian Ministers praised london bombings...Among other things..

posted on Oct, 25 2005 @ 07:22 PM
While I hate homosexuality, I don't hate homosexuals.

Phelps is an extremist and we don't need that type. While I don't doubt that God would punish people (via weather and the like), there's no reason to be CHEERING over it.

It's like these people are really smug and self-righteous. They forget that verse that says whoever thinks he stands take heed lest he falls.

They're acting like the Pharisees and others who were gung-ho over wanting to stone the woman caught in adultery.

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 07:41 AM
Lets see, my take on this :uzi
helps moron is as follows:

I think he is trying to become another David Koresh in Waco, TX. His followers are mindless idiots that should not be allowed to reproduce. I mean come on now you have this:

inside the church's fortified compound

Why in the heck do they need a "fortified" compound?

Then you have his one quote:

"Oh I am so thankful that happened. My only regret is that they didn't kill about million of them. England deserves that kind of punishment, as does this country (America)".

Sounds like this jacka** wants to be like another Hitler, just on a smaller scale. Any how, I think he is a moron and so are his followers.

As far as Homosexuality goes, I could careless what someone is. Makes no difference to me that is their business and not mine. If everyone felt this way and there was no Religion, the world would be a much better place IMHO.

posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 12:44 AM
Pfft. Koresh was harmless. His mistake was, he was anti-government (as in dissident) and he had *gasp!* a stash of guns.

I think Waco happened as a warning to Christians who dare to criticize the government and who have guns. That's just my thinking.

*Note--Not saying that Koresh was Christian or not, just saying that he probably wasn't the monster the media and whoever else made him out to be.

posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 08:59 AM
i always laugh at the outrage over opposition to this guy or other people that practice what the bible literally teaches. i've seen tv shows about parishioners that drink strychnine and snake venom because the bible makes a mention of it. at least these people are actually following the bible. i give them more respect for following to the letter what their bible says then most people that change the teachings to what is socially acceptable at the given time. most christians do not follow all of the 10 commandments. what's up with that? aside from 7th day adventist and baptists most bible and god loving people do not rest on saturday like the 10 commandents say. where is the outrage!? i suppose the beautiful thing about this country is that we are free to practice any religion. even better we are free to take on the role of god and change the rules so we can get what we want. who says this is not a fantastic place to live??

posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 09:28 AM
is this the same guys who created and cause i wouldn't be suprised if both are linked to this Church of Hate.

posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by Amethyst
Pfft. Koresh was harmless. His mistake was, he was anti-government (as in dissident) and he had *gasp!* a stash of guns.

I think Waco happened as a warning to Christians who dare to criticize the government and who have guns. That's just my thinking.

Ya Koresh was harmless, that is why how many kids died? How many of his followers did he knock up? How many people would he not let leave? There is a lot more to it then just the main stream media.

If his only mistake was being anti-government and had a stash of guns then why is the government not going after all the Anti-government Militia's out there that *gasp* have a stash of guns and a lot of other things as well.

Sorry, but this so called church is a joke, especially if they need a re-enforced compound.

posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 03:27 PM
Hey, I'm not saying Koresh was a saint. On the other hand, I don't believe most of what we're told by the government-run media, either.

It's said the truth is somewhere in the middle.

posted on Dec, 24 2005 @ 08:08 PM
This is I believe, the same group of sick, twisted pinheads that tried to disrupt the funeral of a dead soldier in Kennewick, Washington earlier this fall. I can't begin to describe the discust I feel toward this sort of myopic hatred of others that some, and only some, segments of a religion purporting to follow the teachings of Christ spew. Their venom was truely sickening.

posted on Dec, 24 2005 @ 09:09 PM
I have a hard time believing Rev. Phelps is for real, that is to say a Baptist minister. To me this smacks of a Jim Jones style mind control experiment. Just see how many people can be sucked into following a sick scenario and ultimately provoking violence against a target. I see conspiracy every where. It is ATS after all.

If this a person with actual twisted views and enough chrisma to lead others into following his BS. Now that's scary!!

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