posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 10:46 PM
Hello, brodband here. I was sitting at my desk, obviously, thinking about the United States, and all of the other world countries turning into one
big global economy. I have talked to a few other people older than me and they told me that the United States used to make everything for itsself.
Now it is getting cheaper with its products everyday. Even at my age I have noticed that. Take a car made in the 60's and one made in '05. The
one made in '05 is much cheaplyer made. We have the resources, so why don't we use them? I know money runs the world and all of the CEO's of
these big companies could give a care about the small public peons like ourselves. But I used to see alot of pretty much everything made in the U.S,
now we are exporting and importing like crazy. Whats going on ?