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How much do you know about the US deficit?

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posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 08:43 PM
Oh yes the deficit topic again, but this time, I have denied ignorance.
Ok, everyone are welcome to chanllage or/and elaborate my argument. But please provide valid and credible counter-arguments.

The spending problem raised many questions. For instance, why is that most people seem to blame china for our budget deficit? Many people seem to imply trade deficit with China is the only factor in our budget deficit. Are we that ignorant? Who are we to blame? I say the current admin. To prove it, I have provided the premises:

Considering US received $1.862 trillion in revenues and managed to spend $2.338 trillion in 2004. Ok from here I assume you think China has a lot to do with this right? Well first, the trade deficit with china is around $170 billion a year, while deficits with EU is aroune $120 billion a year. If we add all the major partners, the deficit with china is less than 1/4 of total deficit.
To my second point: China invest more than $200 billion in the US a year in T-bonds and private securities. Wha????? Yup. Infact, China invest much more $ compare to our “allies.”

posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 09:44 PM
In response to your question, I know that the deficit should not exist along with inflation and other artificial economic factors created out of thin air along with the fiat currency of the flawed federal reserve system we currently are using to enslave us all into a new feudal order complete with tracker microchips and DNA isolation so only the privledged can reproduce and shape the world in their image. But thats just the extent of my knowledge on the subject.

posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by RebelSaint
In response to your question, I know that the deficit should not exist along with inflation and other artificial economic factors created out of thin air along with the fiat currency of the flawed federal reserve system we currently are using to enslave us all into a new feudal order complete with tracker microchips and DNA isolation so only the privledged can reproduce and shape the world in their image. But thats just the extent of my knowledge on the subject.

Our gov't was founded to counter the feudalisic gov't of Europe. If our country is indeed moving towards the feudal order you have stated, why do you think our society letting this happen?
In our political culture, the "media" serve as one of the main political influences, along with immediate influences like "familiy." So, what is going on with the media? Why are they not stepping in? Do you think, for instance, that some "righties" bash media for being liberal, when the "liberal media" is doing the righties a favor by not exposing the "new fedual order" you stated?

posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 04:05 PM
stupid question here, really.....

there are several movements where people wish their state to leave the union. hawaii, vermont, texas...and well, there are probably a few more.

okay, let's say that texas, vermont, and hawaii managed to become independant from the US, and just for fun, let's say that upstate NY, Ohio, and Michigan decided to become canadians. and well, oklahoma, arkansas, and louisiana went along with they take their share of the national debt with them, or would the rest of us inherit it? what would happen if we all decided we didn't want to be part of the US anymore, would it leave DC, and a few territories unimaginably in debt?

posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by dawnstar
stupid question here, really.....

there are several movements where people wish their state to leave the union. hawaii, vermont, texas...and well, there are probably a few more.

okay, let's say that texas, vermont, and hawaii managed to become independant from the US, and just for fun, let's say that upstate NY, Ohio, and Michigan decided to become canadians. and well, oklahoma, arkansas, and louisiana went along with they take their share of the national debt with them, or would the rest of us inherit it? what would happen if we all decided we didn't want to be part of the US anymore, would it leave DC, and a few territories unimaginably in debt?

I think you misunderstood our discussion. In this contex, I asked him about the feudal perspective, meaning the the "feudal society." And yes, the feudal word has many definitions and meanings. The key word was "enslave" us. the people in charge are.....

In your perspective of fedual, if they left with out paying their debt, no it is not fare.

posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by Inhotep

Originally posted by RebelSaint
In response to your question, I know that the deficit should not exist along with inflation and other artificial economic factors created out of thin air along with the fiat currency of the flawed federal reserve system we currently are using to enslave us all into a new feudal order complete with tracker microchips and DNA isolation so only the privledged can reproduce and shape the world in their image. But thats just the extent of my knowledge on the subject.

Our gov't was founded to counter the feudalisic gov't of Europe. If our country is indeed moving towards the feudal order you have stated, why do you think our society letting this happen?
In our political culture, the "media" serve as one of the main political influences, along with immediate influences like "familiy." So, what is going on with the media? Why are they not stepping in? Do you think, for instance, that some "righties" bash media for being liberal, when the "liberal media" is doing the righties a favor by not exposing the "new fedual order" you stated?

Well the questions you raise are important but they require more space than I can provide in my response. But in answering your questions, let me state that our government revolted against the British Monarchy mainly because of money reasons. I believe it was in Ben Franklin's memoirs that he recounted that the American Revolution was primarily fought for financial freedom from the old aristocracy.

Why is our society moving "backwards" into a feudal standard of living? It's because if you trace the history of currency and banking, you will discover that all the Western nations are under the same financial banking house/cartel/cabal.

How do you tell the difference between a serf under feudalism and a middle class citizen of the USA? Atleast the serf knew his place and didn't pretend he could become a Lord (American Dream).

As to the question of the media, the media is intimately involved in the political process. In fact, no candidate for any office of importance in America can attain election without complacency of the media. What the liberal media and the conservative branch (Fox) achieve and have done so with incredible success is to keep the masses separated and divided. Ordo Ab Chao... Order out of Chaos. Divide and Conquer.

I do not believe in the right or left paradigm anymore. This is because regardless of who controls the executive, legislative or judicial branches, the agenda has remained the same. That agenda is domination by the top 1% of society over the remaining 99% in terms of social, political and economic supremecy. This cannot be questioned.

Yes there are loyalists and blind followers on both sides. But whether it be Clinton or Bush, if you study the past 40+ years of American history, you will discover that this is a one party system carefully disguised as a democracy. In fact, this country isn't a real democracy. It should never be described this way. This country is a federal republic. BIG DIFFERENCE.

In a democracy, all you need is 51% of the vote no matter how you attain it. This explains why 12 of the last 20 years, one single family (Bush) out of 340 million people has held the presidency and now it seems that in 2008, it will switch to the other family (Clinton). I am not even counting Bush Sr. as VP in Reagan's administration or other similar positions of power recycled among the elites of this country (Cheney- Sec of State, Rumsfeld in 83).

The greatest danger the elites face is the revolution of knowledge and exposure to their plans. If the people were to become aware of the truth of their governments and leaders, there would be anarchy and revolt. But instead a carefully constructed pyramid of power is in place that prevents the common man from climbing to the top without first conquering the lower levels of confusion and mayhem that exist only to serve the upper portions of the power pyramid.

For instance, Fox News exists to serve the conservative agenda. If you do not believe that, I can only pray you continue to live in blissful ignorance. So you have a political party that has its own media and public relations octopus pushing its propaganda into the minds of millions. On the other side, the liberal party has the NY Times and CNN doing its part. But the true goal is to blind the people to the truth. Both parties answer to their financial and corporate masters. The only choice you have in this world is whether you would like your world fascist state led by self-styled liberal types or be enslaved under the Republican label of conservatism. But in the end, you will become a serf.

In reality, the goals of both parties are exactly the same and differ on only minute issues such as abortion and other hot button topics that emotionally blind the masses from seeing through the fog. This is done on purpose. Why do you think that issues such as the corporate dealings of Monsanto, GM, Westinghouse, and other corporate gods are kept almost invisibly out of the public's eye but irrevelant issues such as missing white girls on vacation or *insert celebrity hijinx here* is the preferred top story? That's because those corporations OWN the major media agencies and filter the news so that anything of actual importance is almost never exposed.

This is the hard part. Once the masses understand that their media is controlled on both sides by the same overlords, the brainwashing can stop. But unfortunately the political and media sectors of this pyramid are only the lower to mid levels of the power structure of this world. This is why the presidency is a joke. The presidency is used to showoff the current ideological dominance coupled with media blitz progaganda of the leading party at the moment. But all the roads lead to the same final destination. New World Order.

I know this post is quite lengthy but I will stay on this thread to answer further questions and lsiten to other comments.

On a final note, I would like to say that I have noticed that ATS has declined in both quality of posts and quality of posters over the last several months. It is disheartening because ATS is where I discovered much knowledge that has always interested me but I had no forbidden library to go to until I found ATS.

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 04:20 PM
I guess I have some sort of internet repellent working for me because no one ever responds to my posts. Bumping for bump's sake

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 07:23 PM

I do not believe in the right or left paradigm anymore. This is because regardless of who controls the executive, legislative or judicial branches, the agenda has remained the same. That agenda is domination by the top 1% of society over the remaining 99% in terms of social, political and economic supremecy. This cannot be questioned.

yes, this has always-always-always been the case, but who cares unless it actually effects you. until these things touch us (meaning the middle class like during the great depression) no one is going to sit up and pay attention. by then its pretty much too late. i think we are slowly approaching that point with the recent attacks on the american middle class like the new bankruptcy laws. we americans are reactionary people. we don't act-we react when our world comes crashing in on us and its always gotten us in trouble but we've always been able to bounce back.

Once the masses understand that their media is controlled on both sides by the same overlords, the brainwashing can stop. But unfortunately the political and media sectors of this pyramid are only the lower to mid levels of the power structure of this world. This is why the presidency is a joke. The presidency is used to showoff the current ideological dominance coupled with media blitz progaganda of the leading party at the moment.

economically speaking, having a light top, heavy middle, and wide bottom has always worked for us--our own lil triangle. we are witnessing that change and its very unhealthy. i don't think there is anything wrong with having an extremely wealthy minority but when they start to work counter to the overall health of the middle class (and trust, they know what that will do to the overall health of america) i do start to question their loyality to this country. the world has gotten small and we are definately moving toward prophesy...i believe subjugating the american public, drowning us in personal and governmental debt is part of the plan to get everybody ready for the NWO. it's obvious that the major media is silent on many issues especially the economic ones facing the majority of americans. i don't know if its because america's not listening or because they are an accomplice. the jury is still out.

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