posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 03:47 PM
I also am experiencing this phenomenon now on December 14 2022. I will post my picture as well. My difference is that I won't say aliens aren't a
thing or aren't responsible but I do believe this is a spiritual thing for me. That being said, I am a fundamental Christian, and I understand it is
very possible that aliens may well for into Christianity as well. Clearly, the Bible doesn't that they do exist, but it also doesn't state that they
don't. And, according to the book of enough and others is say it's more likely they do. I was not raised in the Christian faith but I've come to
know Christy and am a VERY spiritual person with GREAT faith. Also, anyone in the faith is certainly not of x THIS world, so at could well be
considered aliens. I listen to a lot of Christian rap as well and have heard many Christian restorers and other fellow Christians also refer to us as
aliens. . Even making reference to space ships as well. My bruise is also on my left arm. Although it appears to be larger than the other picture I
saw it is equilateral.. or does also consist of not three but four dots. The first three make up the equilateral triangle and the fourth is directly
in the center of the bottom two. I think it's very imperative to note that this is in contrast to the occult equilateral triangle with the fourth dot
in the center of the triangle. I have read similar descriptions and I do believe it is quite possible, considering they're all on the underside of
the left arm, that many of you may have recognized the triangle and missed the fourth dot. I believe this is no coincidence at all and I believe they
all have the same FOUR dots because they are all in the same location. I have had this on the bicep area of my left upper arm at least twice but
never researched it until now, and my inner right thoigh at least once. I never was sore what caused them and I do get drunk and otherwise intoxicated
but I am always of a sound mind. I am irrefutable certain that I did sleep or rest on anything that could have caused this pattern. The pattern is
perfect and undeniable. It matches perfectlywith the descriptions and locations of all yours. This is evidentiary to me that there is a common
factor involved. Also, to me, I think the three dots in the equilateral triangle represent the Godhead . All three parts of the trinity are equal. I
believe the fourth dot represents us as an individual, and I'm hoping that it means we are Chosen.