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Scariest places on earth - abc

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posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 08:58 AM
Did anyone else catch that show "Scariest places on earth" Last night on ABC family (I dont make it a habit to watch that station but i saw it advertized on another station)

I thought it was pretty lame. Everything was obviously set up. Although I am not doubting that these places are actually haunted.

Does anyone know what those 2 rods that the people were using were? They would supposedly cross when a spirit was in the area.

Scariest Places on Earth

posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 09:59 AM
I've seen the show before, the one hosted by Linda Blair "Excorcist" and narrated by the spooky sounding lady from "Poltergeist".

The Rods they were using were most likely divining rods.

Fear was much better if only becuase it was hilarious to see the BS stories work the kids up, and then they run around unable to see anything becuase a light is in their faces from the camera/backpack setup.

With your sight impaired that badly, anyone could be 10 feet away spook the hell out of them and they would never know.


posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by noslenwerd
Did anyone else catch that show "Scariest places on earth" Last night on ABC family (I dont make it a habit to watch that station but i saw it advertized on another station)

I thought it was pretty lame. Everything was obviously set up. Although I am not doubting that these places are actually haunted.

Does anyone know what those 2 rods that the people were using were? They would supposedly cross when a spirit was in the area.

Scariest Places on Earth

The two Rods are concidered to be divining rods. I use them , but not for ghosts , I as well of others have found that using them to find underground cables , money , etc , they do work very well , in the older time ,people used them to find water. And it does do that as well. I do not know they work , maybe the energy from water running , or magnetics . But I have used them and they worked well for me. Maybe someone here can tell you more.

posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 12:17 PM
Use a old metal hanger and make a set.

Then place a penny on the ground and move over the penny with the rods. I bet you it works .

posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 12:54 PM
close but tehy are called dousing rods they are used to pick up paranormal energy in the air thats why they croos. Many ghost hunters use them.

posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 12:59 PM
Dousing rods....divining rods....SAME THING. Just differant forms of speach, but the same thing.

posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 01:22 PM
so basically in this show they planted pennies or something else below where they wanted the people to pick up "spirit" activity

posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by noslenwerd
so basically in this show they planted pennies or something else below where they wanted the people to pick up "spirit" activity

Prolly so
also keep in mind it is VERY EASY to 'fake' a dousing/divining rod find........TV is all about ratings and not about TRUTH.....

posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 01:41 PM
I've heard them called dousing or diving rods, but I thought they were used to locate ground water. As mentioned here

This fellow was using a "divining rod" to track the underground stream of water that had been soaking their fields. Ray asked if he could try his luck using the rods. Much to his amazement, he discovered that he possessed the "power" to locate water. He doused a couple of wells on their own property and as his "fame" spread, he was asked to find the "sweet spots" for many successful digs and/or drilling operations.

Back in the day, when people depended on a dug or drilled well for all of their water, it was time consuming and costly, not to mention being a matter of life or death, to end up with a dry a douser would be called in to locate ground water by using the rods.

I think they also sometimes used tree branches, stripped of the bark to make them turn more easily in one's hands.


posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 03:13 PM
I have to agree and say that 99% of the paranormal happenings on this show were set up.. And most of them wouldnt be that hard to pull off seeing as it's dark, remote area's with lots of space for nice echoing sounds to come out.. Easy to hide rigs in the dark.. speakers.. But none the less interesting.. If not just for Zelda Rubenstien (The over dramatic narrator) over dramatic narration..

That's my 2 cents anyway

posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 08:22 PM
Yep, the narration is just about the best part......

What I can't stand is the camera angle of that one mounted on their highlights all their pores and looks up their noses......sheesh! I want to see boogie men, not boogers!!! Then there is all that screaming......they totally over do it, even the people that are supposed to be veteran ghost hunters and psychics scream bloody murder at every little noise.

posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 11:52 PM
exactly, dont get me wrong, i do believe that a lot of places they visit may be "haunted" but what they do is set things up for the ratings, of course. im sorry but i still stick with the ghost hunters show anyday, where they actually try and disprove instead of get ratings by faking a lot of finds and making every exploration into a game like the abc show.

posted on Oct, 25 2005 @ 05:46 AM
Has anyone here seen that place with a huge vortex? The trees grow in a spiral shape and the energy pulled a house down so it sits at an angle. There all kinds of strange things there, some are just optical illusions tho. Like a ball rolling uphill and two people standing about 6 feet apart, switch sides and the taller person now looks shorter, and is measurably shorter. Apparently the "energy" was measured as going way up into the air above that place. I wonder whats underground there? Lots of water and pennies?

posted on Oct, 25 2005 @ 08:23 AM
Like I said using as a test , use a penny , of course any thing metal can be used . Like gold , silver etc. , even soda cans. Once I had a dream , the dream told me to locate this spot and use the rods to see what was there. I a woke in the morning excited , because I thought maybe it was treasure (Yippee) , anyway I used them on the spot where my dream told me and I found a Metal lunch box. Nothing in it and no others readings around the area . Still it works , so try using it and see for yourself. Using old metal hangers seems the best.

posted on Oct, 25 2005 @ 08:26 AM
Sorry I got off the subject. But to much screaming and not enough factual evidence while they are screaming. I had to turn it off because I could not take all that yelling. Just goes to show you people love to be scared.

posted on Oct, 25 2005 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by frayed1

What I can't stand is the camera angle of that one mounted on their highlights all their pores and looks up their noses......sheesh! I want to see boogie men, not boogers!!!

yea it was very blair witch.

Also im real sure that the bed is going to move and bump that girl on its own

posted on Oct, 25 2005 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by ViolatoR
Has anyone here seen that place with a huge vortex?

No? Where did you hear of this place. Do you know what it was called? Any links?

posted on Oct, 25 2005 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by zman
Like I said using as a test , use a penny , of course any thing metal can be used . Like gold , silver etc. , even soda cans. Once I had a dream , the dream told me to locate this spot and use the rods to see what was there. I a woke in the morning excited , because I thought maybe it was treasure (Yippee) , anyway I used them on the spot where my dream told me and I found a Metal lunch box. Nothing in it and no others readings around the area . Still it works , so try using it and see for yourself. Using old metal hangers seems the best.

so wait, you found a metal lunch box buried right? i am not sure, but wasn't tis one way of capturign ghosts or something? I could be wrong, but if not it would be one of teh better way to capture and keep a ghost hidden(especially if evil or one who wishes to harm others). the fact you hada dream telling you where it was is even more disturbing to this theory.


p.s. sorry if i got this off topic


posted on Oct, 25 2005 @ 12:11 PM
As Frayed1 pointed out with the camera's facing their faces and the camera needing light and that light pointing right in their faces it definately limits their field of view.. Try it some time.. stand in a dark room.. and let your eyes adjust to the light then shine a bright light in your face.. They could get away with the same effect with infrared lighting and cameras on their faces .. but then the poor suckers.. er Victims would be able to see the special effects rigs going off.. It's really not that hard to blow a puff of air on someone and have them freak out if they cant see 2 feet in front of them.. It's actually pretty pathetic.. For example.. They showed the infamous "Lizzy Borden" house.. Just a few nights ago on "Ghost Hunters" TAPS was there and conducted an investigation and the only thing they could come up with was a loud bang at some point on the third floor.. and nothing else..

Personally I think that Linda Blair and Zelda Rubenstein are just trying to do what they do in their movies and tv shows.. and spook people.. this time its not working..

But that's just my opinion.. I could be wrong.. But.. I'm not

posted on Oct, 25 2005 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by scoobdude
so wait, you found a metal lunch box buried right? i am not sure, but wasn't tis one way of capturign ghosts or something? I could be wrong, but if not it would be one of teh better way to capture and keep a ghost hidden(especially if evil or one who wishes to harm others). the fact you hada dream telling you where it was is even more disturbing to this theory.


p.s. sorry if i got this off topic

Yeah , I know it sounds kinda Strange , but yeah , I guess even weird to some , but thats how it happened , I do not know why.I am trying to tell everyone that is reading these post that using Dousing Rods works. I used an example that happened to me , I guess its a weird to state that I HAD A DREAM , but yep , its true. My ex-wife will back me up.

[edit on 10/25/2005 by zman]

Mod edit: quote

[edit on 25-10-2005 by sanctum]

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