posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 01:26 AM
Its impossible... Though we can still try.
Its impossible to stop Bush. The senate is Republican. The congress. Bascially we have no chance to win. Its really stupid how if more people are
repub in congress then those stupid laws automatically win. just look at this:
I am a democrat. Okay call me what-ever you want. I don't want hillary, but I would like to see another choice for the democratic party.
Bush is doing bad. Very bad. He (and terminator) have made some of the dumbest laws I've seen in a long time. He just made a new one, something like
translated into American: You can't sue ANY gun companies, police can not EVEN WITH A SEARCH WARRANT come in and check things out. Lets not forget
the "no child left behind act." If you choose to not be apart of this act, you really are left behind. Or what about the dumbest, Patriot act. The
government can come in your house and interrogate you ANY time they want.
Republicans blame Democrats for doing nothing when in office, but when Republicans are in office, they have quick attacks at the Constitution, Like
they need to make every single stupid law to make rich people richer, before the world ends.
Why do Republicans hate Doctors? They are also very random. No seriously I think they hate doctors because doctors actually EARN their money. They do
not get it from Daddy or Mommy. I can guarantee you that (unless they are very smart, very unlikely) Republicans get all their money from their
parents, who have either robbed a bank, won the lottery, or inherited it from a person they killed.
Thats the main reason why I am a Democrat. Its because they are less evil then Republicans, They are somewhat fair, they don't attack peoples rights
or the constitution, and they are not racist or religionist.