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posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 05:17 AM
I live down in Vic, Australia, and am, right now, sitting through a spectacular lightning display. I have never seen anything like this in my entire life, let alone in this region. The lightning lights up the sky about every half second, which I think is odd. Lightning is the way nature neutralizes positive and negative charges that accumulate between clouds or between clouds and the ground. Normally this only takes a couple of forks at 100, 000, 000 volts each, but this has been going on, in a localized area, for around an hour. Over and over again. And I just had a look on the interactive weather channel, and there is a huge expanse of lightning cutting up from south-east Australia going north-north-west, right up to Alice Springs, which is just under 2, 000 kilometers from here. In fact, I'm not even sitting under the main arm, I've just got my little dot of lightning, according to the map, so I can only imagine what it must be like for some people in east NSW.
Now, I was just wondering (this is probably influenced by the fact that I have been reading conspiracy theories all day), but could it be that this is all some sort of weather engineering test? I know weather engineering is possible, and the US actively involves itself, or has, in experiments with it.
Also, I have noticed what could be positive lightning strikes, which are very rare, but a lot more powerful, last longer, and release a lot more EM radiation than the normal negative strike. Positive strikes only account for about 5 per cent of all strikes, and I'm no weather man, but I'm pretty sure there have been a few of these. The radio keeps going to static for a fair period of time, and the satellite tv keeps jumping, both evidence of loose energy whizzing around, the kind generated by positive lightning.
What purpose would anyone have [if they were] doing all this? Why not go and do it off of Trinidad or something? Lightning isn't scary, it's not going to make people panic or anything, it probably won't even make the news.
But then again, what do chemtrails do? Make you cough? But they're happening. They must have some purpose.

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 07:13 AM
ten minutes ago id swear a plane just dropped ton of bricks on the roof, the rain hit so suddenly, then a few seconds later everything, even the lightning, just disappeared.

posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 06:10 AM
Yes, ill agree its the most lightning ive ever seen by far. I live on the surfcoast in Victoria and it was continuous for the 2 hours that i was on the porch watching. Literally every 1 to 2 seconds flashes from one side of the horizon to the other. The weather was coming from the north as you said it was. Weather systems moving from the north are usually slow moving. They have to be really powerful to overide the mainstream west oriantated weather that gets momentum from the southern ocean. For example, if a rain band is coming from the north, once it starts raining it usually lasts for a long period ie the rest of the day, opposed to when it comes from the south/ west like usual there is the inital downpour for an hour then showers after that.

posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 08:21 AM
Eh, you guys need to come to Texas (or Florida) and watch for a bit. What you're describing is a pretty ordinary storm. We have had them for hundreds of years (long before someone screamed "chemtrails!")

Global warming will certainly impact weather, changing its patterns and behaviors.

One thing I've noticed is that people who don't work outside in all kinds of weather (or who have long commutes like I do (100 mile round trip)) seem to be unaware of the pattern of weather and stars. In order to know if something is merely a spectacular event (instead of being something really unusual), you need to become familiar with the event itself.

I love thunderstorms, so I'm always aware of them. I like lightning, too, and love to watch it. And hard rains aren't unusual in a thunderstorm with nice lightning displays.

It sounds like fairly normal weather. Just transport it up here to Texas and we'll all look out the window and say "ooo! Pretty!" and go back to doing whatever we were doing.

posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 01:46 PM
Yep, par for the course here in Florida...

There's a reason our hockey team is called the "Lightning", and the arena is called the "Thunder Dome", hehe....

posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 02:06 PM
Compare Australia

With Florida

[edit on 24-10-2005 by HowardRoark]

posted on Oct, 25 2005 @ 01:15 AM

Originally posted by Byrd
Eh, you guys need to come to Texas (or Florida) and watch for a bit. What you're describing is a pretty ordinary storm. We have had them for hundreds of years (long before someone screamed "chemtrails!")

Yes, i did say it was the most lightning ive seen by far, where i live, mmmm, didnt mention any chemtrails though! I was saying it was a weather system coming from the north. They are usually the most unstable resulting in electrical storms. Just a very powerful one about 3 months too early! No conspriacy, just hope it means 35'C days in summer, love the heat, love the tan!

QUOTE: From Byrd

One thing I've noticed is that people who don't work outside in all kinds of weather (or who have long commutes like I do (100 mile round trip)) seem to be unaware of the pattern of weather and stars. In order to know if something is merely a spectacular event (instead of being something really unusual), you need to become familiar with the event itself.

Hmmmm, how do you know i dont WORK outside in all kinds of weather and PLAY outside in all kinds of weather? Ive surfed for over ten years and been watching synoptics, weather charts, barometers and anything else to gain foresight into predicting swell/ wind patterns for about that long. As far as Victoria Australia is concerned, im very confident in my weather predictions, and that storm was very out of character. We usually get a electrical storm as the cold front passes and the weather goes from very hot ie 30'C plus to 18'C in a matter of moments. This storm was pretty much stationary and just kept giving flashes for well over 5 hours. Once a lightning storms passes usually the weather shifts from the warmer north to the cooler south, well, that storm passed us on Sunday and now its Tuesday and the weathers still coming from the north. It's no sci fi experiment, it just means that there is a real lacking of cold pressure pushing up from Antarctica to overpower the north flowing weather system and there has been for over a week now. Another thing ive notice is the bizarre behaviour of the cloud movement. Usually on any given day you can look up and if the clouds are coming from a south westerly direction thats where the weathers coming from. The day before that electrical storm there were different levels of clouds one level coming from the east and one from the north, ive seen it before but never so obviously. Eh' its a funny world!

posted on Oct, 25 2005 @ 08:18 AM

Compare Australia

With Florida

Yep, I'd be in that dark region, hehe... Been hit (indirectly) 3 times myself....

(and yes, I know that explains a lot!)

posted on Oct, 25 2005 @ 08:55 AM
I live in Missouri, and know what you are talking about all too well. Lightning storms are very common here. There have been a few this year that were not right. Something was different about them. I cant pinpoint what it was, but they were not like the lightning storms I grew up watching. My Dad lives in New Mexico and this spring a storm came in from the East instead of the West. He said that the lightning there was bizzar to say the least. He has only lived there for about 2 years. So he is used to midwestern lightning storms. He said it was so strange he took out his compass (we were discussing a theory) and through out the entire lightning storm, the needle never did find north. So if you have this kind of lightning storm again, please take out your compass and tell me what it does. In a normal storm the needle will find north.

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 02:13 PM
hey yes i noticed this the other day and im in tassie this happened all day.
just thunder then random flashes of light some times thunder with no flashes of lighting.

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 06:13 PM
You are preaching to the choir here..
I have lived in Georgia all my life, and know what normal lightening looks like, BUT for the past 2 summers,our storms are like from the depths of hell..We had thunderstorms for 60 straight days in June-July with 10-20 percent of lightening being the positive kind..lots of houses struck..
We are UNDER attack, and I dread summers as living alone and being horrified by the intensity~~
This is all new compared to our normal weather~~unparalled..

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 06:42 PM
Im really suprised to hear that it made it across the bass strait to tassie. Does this usually happen?? Was an absoulute corker. The northly weather pattern finally broke yesterday afternoon and shifted to its normal southwestly flow. So that was about 2 weeks of the weather from the north, mad. ESpecially how its November.

posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 06:39 AM
since I was a kid i have taken notice of the weather i did'nt know what global warming was until high school but i have never seen anything like this in this month. yes well we have had weird weather hot one day raining the next and i heard that some plants have sprung up earlyer then normal.

posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 01:04 PM
Could the intensified lightning be a result of the opposing air currents in the upper atmosphere air friction could be the cause of static and thus the visible cloud not moving could be moot with a higher altitude air current consantly causing friction above it. That's my hypothesis regardless how unthought out it was...

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 04:45 PM
The same thing is happening here right now. In Rotterdam, Holland I've been experiencing lighning shocks every few seconds in lots of bunches. They have been going on for almost 2 hours now.

The last three days I've been convinced there was a heavy amount of chemtrail spraying here in the Rotterdam area. I was watching the sky during the weekend and every time there was a little blue sky through the clouds blowing inland, a plane would take off which you could see spraying trails through the blue holes in the cloud cover.

While looking up I even saw one plane start it's chemtrail out of the blue. The chemtrails also always arrived in groups and we not one at a time like you might expect with regular air flight.

The air has been extremely hazey the past few days as well. You can see a slight yellowish fog hanging in the air. My grandmother mentioned that sand dropped on her village, I should've asked her to save a sample, even though she thought it was just from water picked up around the Sahara Desert?

The storm is still going strong, I have the windows open and it's very very hot. It wasn't before the storm. I was also wondering if this might be that positively charged electricity which is suppossed to be giving off larger amounts of heat and radiation. has a pretty good link to some youtube videos talking about the HAARP, best I've seen so far. What do you think?

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by HowardRoark
Compare Australia

With Florida

[edit on 24-10-2005 by HowardRoark]

You are aware Australia is a continent and Florida is a state. Maybe Australia - North America would be a better choice for comparison.

Florida is blessed with great geography for hurricanes (Cyclones or Typhoons in Australia) and thunderstorms second to none. Other American states claim they have decent storms, and some do even with tornadoes, but Florida is thunderstorm central.

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 06:54 PM
Edit- didn't realise this thread was so old, in fact I don't know how I even found it so I'm erasing everything I wrote, sorry!

[edit on 2-6-2008 by monkey_descendant]

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 11:38 AM
Hi, Folks -- just wanted to add that we've also been having some pretty bizarre thunder & lightning storms here in Oakville, Ontario (Canada) -- which is just west of Toronto. Last night, starting at midnight, it seemed that all hell broke loose -- for over an hour, the sky was almost as bright as midday, there was so much lightning -- forked, sheet, all types. I'd never in all my life seen anything like it. Now normally I actually enjoy watching lightning flash and hearing thunder boom, but last night's storm was just creepy. There was something about it that just wasn't right. I was afraid to even go near the windows, let alone take my usual place at the doorway to watch the "show". Lots of theories about how the chemicals in chemtrails are creating an electrification of our environment, and though I'm no scientist, these new-fangled not-quite-right lightning storms certainly lend credence to those theories. Thanks for hosting the forum and letting us share our experiences. Charlotte Creamer, Oakviile, Ontario, Canada

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 04:36 PM
(This is going to sound like the above post...)

About three weeks ago there was a thunder storm here (england) that really creeped me out.

The storm lasted for about an hour and there was constant thunder and lightning happening at the same time. Some of the rumbling and lightning lasted for quite a long time. The lightning was so bright that it hurt my eyes (it actually made me feel nauseous) and I had to close my curtains. But it still lit up the room. It really scared me and I like thunder storms.

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