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Kamau Kambon's final solution for Whites (CSPAN video)

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posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 08:44 AM

How easily and casually we use these terms. White. Black. Yellow. We cover entire cultures of people with blanket statements, lumping them in with one another and reckoning them to be one and the same. Is there one singular "white" race? Of course not, just as there is no singular "black" race and no singular "yellow" race.

Yes there is, you see it's diffrent culture, period. that's all, what bonds each group is their same colour tone. For example, Nato, they are not bonded only by idealogies but by the same colour tone. people tend to like people for the colour of their skin, period

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 08:46 AM

How easily and casually we use these terms. White. Black. Yellow. We cover entire cultures of people with blanket statements, lumping them in with one another and reckoning them to be one and the same. Is there one singular "white" race? Of course not, just as there is no singular "black" race and no singular "yellow" race.

Yes there is, you see it's diffrent culture, period. that's all, what bonds each group is their same colour tone. For example, Nato, they are not bonded only by idealogies but by the same colour tone. people tend to like people for the colour of their skin, period

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by crusader
Maybe it's because I don't want to be friends? Yes? I don't trust them

1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

[edit on 26-10-2005 by C0le]

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 10:07 AM
which dictionary, are u using, sir? What makes me a racist? I never said, I believe , my race is superior to others. That defination is out of context. Simply, because I choose not to have white people in my inner circle of friends, doesn't mean I am racist.

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by crusader
which dictionary, are u using, sir? What makes me a racist? I never said, I believe , my race is superior to others. That defination is out of context. Simply, because I choose not to have white people in my inner circle of friends, doesn't mean I am racist.

just out of curiousity, and i'm not trying to be a smart butt....what would you call choosing not to have white people in your inner circle? and what are your reasons for not having any white friends? are they just not cool enough for you or do you dislike them as a people in general?

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 10:22 AM

just out of curiousity, and i'm not trying to be a smart butt....what would you call choosing not to have white people in your inner circle? and what are your reasons for not having any white friends? are they just not cool enough for you or do you dislike them as a people in general?

For the first Question: My answer is simpy this : I do not have to go out of my way to prove I am not racist, by having a white friend or friends for that matter. People tend to be comfortable in their own skin. Not So? I am not going out of way to that sir. True friendships, are those base on trust, and not colour tone per say.

2nd Question: Trusting people plays an integral part in developing friendships. You see where am i going? Ok? My reasons for not having white friends, are : I feel comfortable with people of my own skin. share my culture, experiences, intrests. I have a chinese friend, but does that qualify to say I am not a racist.

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by crusader
because I choose not to have white people in my
inner circle of friends, doesn't mean I am racist.

Excluding people simply based upon the color of their skin
IS RACISM. You are a racist. It's that simple.

Obviously you like being racist, or you are in denial, either way being
a racist is what you like being or you wouldn't do it. So stop complaining
when other people exhibit racist views and/or procedures. You are in
no position to complain about their behavior when you do it yourself.

for us to establish strong , black only communities ... be
a force to ...

'black only' .... more exclusion simply based on race.
That's more racism.

[edit on 10/26/2005 by FlyersFan]

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 10:40 AM

Excluding people simply based upon the color of their skin is racist

Ahem. I am not excluding white people because of their colour tones, all I stated was that they are not in my circle of friends. and also, people tend to be more comfortable in their own skin. Listen let's stop this ranting. You see that's where the problem, lies. Am I advocating the kind of thing as our dear brother Kamau Kambon? No, I am not so how could you call me racist?

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by crusader
Arpartheid in South Africa, which by the way folks ended, in the 1991.
(which by the way, was just a mere 14 years ago.

A great deal of the reason it ended was because a whole bunch of
us 'awful' WHITE people, asian people , latino people, and other
non-black people, along side with the black populations,
protested it, boycotted, and get really loud
and noisy with governments to make the change happen.
All of us TOGETHER got rid of it.

[edit on 10/26/2005 by FlyersFan]

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 10:44 AM

black only' .... more exclusion simply based on race.

Well we gotta do it no one but ourselves can do it. So why not we develop by ourselves? Is there something wrong?

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by crusader
No, I am not so how could you call me racist?

I already stated the FACT that excluding anyone simply based
upon the color of their skin is racism. That's what it is.

To choose not to include certain people in a group, or for a job,
or whatever, simply because they are a certain color ... is RACISM.

If you wish to have black only friends, that's your choice.
It's also using race (racism) to pick your friends. You are a racist.

YOU said that you CHOOSE people based on race. That's racism.

[edit on 10/26/2005 by FlyersFan]

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by crusader
Arpartheid in South Africa, which by the way folks ended, in the 1991.
(which by the way, was just a mere 14 years ago.

A great deal of the reason it ended was because a whole bunch of
us 'awful' WHITE people, asian people , latino people, and other
non-black people, along side with the black populations,
protested it, boycotted, and get really loud
and noisy with governments to make the change happen.
All of us TOGETHER got rid of it.

[edit on 10/26/2005 by FlyersFan]

Uhh Not true. Because if it was so the whites in South Africa will have put a stop to it a long time ago. Mandela, suffered years and years of jail time for his people. You think they cared? No, because they benefited from it

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by crusader
No, I am not so how could you call me racist?

I already stated the FACT that excluding anyone simply based
upon the color of their skin is racism. That's what it is.

To choose not to include certain people in a group, or for a job,
or whatever, simply because they are a certain color ... is RACISM.

If you wish to have black only friends, that's your choice.
It's also using race (racism) to pick your friends. You are a racist.

That's not racism. It racism in your book, not by the dictionary's defination. Alot of people will choose, and be attracted(in a brotherly love) to people of their own background it's only natural. You can force that down anyone's throat.

[edit on 10/26/2005 by FlyersFan]

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 10:54 AM
Crusader .. you are very confused.

You CHOOSE people based upon race.
You exclude others just because of their race.
That is racism.

Also - Apartied ended because the world got involved ... a world full of
people of all races. You need to go back and review history, and
review it without a racist eye.

[edit on 10/26/2005 by FlyersFan]

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Crusader .. you are very confused.

You CHOOSE people based upon race.
You exclude others just because of their race.
That is racism.

Also - Apartied ended because the world got involved ... a world full of
people of all races. You need to go back and review history, and
review it without a racist eye.

[edit on 10/26/2005 by FlyersFan]

I am doing that , and you know what I discover there were some little white lies in between... Anyway, I do not exclude others because of their race. How do u go about befriending people tell me? How do you meet people?

BTW I am a member of ATS, and this is an all races site, or else if I was racist, I will have been ONLY on a all Black site

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by crusader
I do not exclude others because of their race.

YOU said that you CHOOSE your friends based upon race.
YOU said that you have only black friends and that's what
you want. YOU said that. I didn't make it up. Your way of
having friends - excluding potentially wonderful people
simply because they aren't black- is racism because it's
based on race.

YOU said it. I didn't make it up.

I'm done with this conversation. It isn't going anywhere.
Crusader ... read what you said on the previous pages.
That's racism. Bu-bye.

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by crusader

Possibly--it depends. Maybe no whiteys will befriend you because they sense you don't like them.

Maybe it's because I don't want to be friends? Yes? I don't trust them, not hate, but sometimes you have to avoid certain things, My inner circle consists of brown and black people, and a few yellows

If you don't trust people because they are white, that's racist, plain and simple. If a white person said they didn't trust black people they would be labled as a racist so fast it would make your head swim. Just because there are some bad, racist white people in the world, doesn't mean all white people are trying to get something over on you. You judge a man by his actions, not by the actions of other people that share a common skin tone. I mean come on, don't trust someone because they stole your paper, kicked your dog or took a swing at you, not because they aren't dark skinned.

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 12:06 PM
Crusader you are starting to remind me of my father. He allways told me and my brother and sisters that he didn't want us to hang out with black kids because he said we couldn't trust them, they are always out to get our kind, not to date them, because it just isn't right. Then after he would say all that he would end the speech by saying "but I'm not racist!"

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 12:56 PM
Crusader; since you seem easily befuddled, I am reposting a question I previously asked:

Originally posted by crusader
That is the same lame statement, which i consider as bigotry, every white person who says Oh well i have a black friend , i am not racist, please!! i am not buying that crap.. !

Just so I understand your position better; Are you saying that white racists can have black friends? And by friend, I mean beers together, dinner at each other's home etc. I don't mean work acquaintances.

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 01:51 PM

Just so I understand your position better; Are you saying that white racists can have black friends? And by friend, I mean beers together, dinner at each other's home etc. I don't mean work acquaintances.

No I don't think so. There I answered your question.

To this thread readers , who have posted the pros and cons of this great race debate: You have not come forward with any VIABLE SOLUTIONS! Not one, only with Utopian idealist intellectual garbage. But also you all decided to lambast me and accuse me of being racist!

Look , History has shown , and recent events played out that the myth of diffrent ethnicites living in harmony, also religious, cultural, is just that a myth.

There will always be tension. Because either group will dominate one or the other groups. You saw it played out in Saddam's Iraq, with the Sunni's dominating the #ies and the minority kurds. Ala South Africa: Arpatheid: the white dominated the South African Blacks.

Religion: The Muslims dominate the minority Egyptians: The Coptics. And you could go on and on.

What's the solutions?

(1) Laws? Nope you can't make up a mind of a man by passing laws, if it's within his being he will be a racist. or whatever.

(2) Continue to live in the stratospheric bubble, pretending everything is all right? Oh what are those people are complaining about? One day that bubble will burst and you will be defenceless.

OR (3) Learn from the past, present day conditions, cultures and politics. We have to learn to love ourselves, before we love others. Nobody is going to that for us.

P.S The problem with the world, is too much trust! We trust our bosses, and hope they will keep us but they don't, We trust that our Government will not lie to us and they do. You see what I mean? Black people trust too many people. That's why some of them are in a mess.

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