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How many Units?

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posted on Sep, 15 2003 @ 05:16 PM
Just wondering where everyone is at with units and time, I havent been able to run my computer as much as I would like, but Ive gotten to 415 in 2902 hours. Does anyone know if there is a way we can put all of our units into one account? or are ones we have done not counted if we all join an account?

posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 07:33 AM
Im at 143 units in 5834 hours and 25 minutes.

posted on Sep, 16 2003 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by who
Just wondering where everyone is at with units and time, I havent been able to run my computer as much as I would like, but Ive gotten to 415 in 2902 hours. Does anyone know if there is a way we can put all of our units into one account? or are ones we have done not counted if we all join an account?

I think I'm only around 85 units at the moment. As far as I know there is no way of combining user accounts on Seti@Home, the closest thing you'll get is joining the ATS group. I'm pretty sure their site will calculate the group statistics for you.

If you haven't joined the ATS group, go back to the main ATS page (not the forum) where you'll find a link.

posted on Sep, 17 2003 @ 05:57 AM
36 in 744 hours... just started using it again after a break from 2001 until now... should have just kept using it, believe I would have had a few units finished by now, hehe

posted on Sep, 19 2003 @ 03:00 AM
2 units in 69 hours and a bit of change.

posted on Oct, 2 2003 @ 03:35 PM
Currently, 377 work Units, 1522 hours, 4 Hours per work unit, Not too Bad I say.

posted on Oct, 2 2003 @ 03:38 PM
I dont like using SETI@Home, a screensaver is meant to be used when your computers slowed, but with this program you're constantly using all your resources, if your on an AMD then you should worry, those babies heat up mighty fast after a few days at 100%.

At least buy some new fans folks.

posted on Oct, 2 2003 @ 08:45 PM
hehe cool I didn't know seti was in here, I'm loving this site the more I read. I have 1738 units.


posted on Oct, 2 2003 @ 09:05 PM
Nerdling- I run a Barton 2400 XP, after about 2 weeks running non stop, motherboard monitor says my CPU temp is at 101 F. I run the fan supplies by AMD with the processor, and 3 case fans. My old 2000XP used to get to around 140 F. This barton is much cooler, it is clocked at 1840 mhz, but normally i overclock and it runs around 2200, then the temp goes up to 109 F. I also have 2 sticks of 512 PC2700 ram, so my resources are not completely used up.


posted on Oct, 12 2003 @ 11:36 PM
I think there used to be a way to combine accounts. Right now it's only possible to login using 1 email address and have a bunch of people process workunits for that 1 account. I currently have 2687 done and I'm at 26115 hrs 56 mins 10.9 secs.

posted on Oct, 15 2003 @ 11:09 AM
i've 134 units in 947 hours..

posted on Oct, 15 2003 @ 11:14 AM
167 in 1196 hours, not too bad i guess.

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by who
Does anyone know if there is a way we can put all of our units into one account? or are ones we have done not counted if we all join an account?

You *could* join ATS SETI@home team to combine your WU's, if you'd like to?? (Details in signature)

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 06:35 PM
Just joined so not to much yet, 2 units in 59 hours if Im reading it right.

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by tracer
Just joined so not to much yet, 2 units in 59 hours if Im reading it right.

I *noticed* Tracer - good on you!!

3992 WU's in 23066 hours - and counting!!

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 08:48 PM
I've now managed 53 units in 215 hours. I'm slowly working my way up the group board. I started in 99th place and am now in 71st. I think that I can work my way up a bit higher but will start slowing down when I come up against some of the members that have got humongous amounts of work units done.

posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 12:49 PM
I just found this site today, referenced from I am at 160 Units/9858+ hours. Most of the hours were spent before the current diagnostic software was installed. It took much longer to process a unit then (plus I was running a 233MH CPU).

posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 10:35 PM
Whats up with the members who have not had any units posted in months, are they still active or what?

posted on Dec, 30 2003 @ 12:14 PM
I've got 942 WUs and CPU time is 1.02 years. I did not run SETI for quite a while. Best way to run it through command line, SETI Spy and SETI driver. Intel runs WUs better and faster than AMD. Not a fan of Intel, just can speak from experience.
I'm running an Intel 3.0 Ghz HT at 800Mhx fsb on a Gia-Byte 8IPEpro 1000 with 2 gigs of Crucial 3200 ddr 400 ram.

I really need to get my big server running again. quad 550 Xeon 2 gig ram. It processes 10 WUs at a time in approx. 3 hours.

posted on Dec, 30 2003 @ 01:05 PM
I got 3173 W/U total time 22449 hours

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