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If you ever find yourself in front of a judge....

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posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 07:41 AM
check out his political party!!! you might be able to get him off your case and delay the proceedings!!


Republican baron DeLay seeks new judge for conspiracy trial

"The formal arraignment of DeLay, who has stepped down as leader of the Republican majority in the House of Representatives, was delayed because his attorney said Judge Bob Perkins had made contributions to the Democratic Party and other groups that oppose the Republicans."


man, this country is really screwed if our judges can't be trusted to put their political affiliation aside while sitting on the bench!!! I imagine it would be much better for DeLay if he had one of those croonies, judges that were appointed by bush for his trial. willing to overlook all crimes, in order to serve the "greater good".

[edit on 22-10-2005 by dawnstar]

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 10:59 AM
They will throw every judge out until they get one who literally has a golden statue of Bush in his living room. No way they can allow a fair trial, that would just be against the republican way.

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 11:44 AM
Why do you think I jumped the GOP ship? It's that "you're with us or against us" mentality.

I would have no problem finding a Democrat not guilty of something if the evidence suggests that he didn't do it. It's called justice.

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 05:43 PM
you people cannot possibly be this ideologically stupid and naive on your own merits and demerits.
The only other possibility is that you think the people reading this blog are stupid and naive and ideologically unrefined.

If judicial bias/non bias is such a diciplined art ..or "craft" why is it so vital to the political machinery who gets on the Supreme Court of the United States and who does not??? This statement is self explanitory. No Genius needed to understand this concept.

Do not ever try to come across to a thinking public that sitting judges are so diciplined that they will avoid politics and be fair and impartial. Thinking people know better.

Do not ever be so "innocent " that one thinks a prosecuter cannot pick a judge to try a case and hence stack the case dont need to stack the jury when you stack the judge...simple isnt it. Ah....but this is too deep for emotional histronics which is trying to pass itself off as politica savy. Politics and judicial appointments are very much intertwined.

I dont know enough to attack or defend Tom Delay in this case and I am not particularly intrested in Texas politics. I do know political stink when I see it and over the years I have seen alot of it ..state, local, and federal. It all has one or two dominant fingerprints to it ..putting it in the political whoredom category. Rebublian and Democrat. It has a political stink about it combined with a trial by media jury taint. Trial by press. This stink is tiring and offensive having seen to much of it back in history. I frown heavily on this tactic by anyone using it including the media. Ive seen way to much of it.


posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 05:54 PM
What DeLay wants is to be in a very good Republican county [Travis country is democrat strong hold] with a very friendly and pay off Republican Judge

The political background of the judges in Texas is very well know due to the fact that they run for offices and Judge Perkins ran as a Democrat, this has nothing to do with the charges that Earle has brought against DeLay but the Attorney of DeLay is using it as a way to keep attention to the judge rather than the charges that are the reason he has been indicted.

It's not much to get on Judge Perkins because his records show that he is a fair judge.

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by Full Metal
They will throw every judge out until they get one who literally has a golden statue of Bush in his living room. No way they can allow a fair trial, that would just be against the republican way.

Only allowed to toss one judge- this is normal in any court case.

Just like selecting a jury- the judge can be tossed out one time. It will take something REALLY special to get more than one judge.

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 09:01 PM
"If judicial bias/non bias is such a diciplined art ..or "craft" why is it so vital to the political machinery who gets on the Supreme Court of the United States and who does not??? This statement is self explanitory. No Genius needed to understand this concept. "


seems to me that it is the christian right that feels the make-up of the supreme court is so vital when it comes to their desire to reform society to better suit the religious views. I don't remember there being such a big deal, at least not that big a deal before they started....

here's another interesting story, about our newest judicial nominee, and how she has already benefited from judicial bias......

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 09:16 PM
I find it ironic that the same party who thought it was ok for a judge to rule on someone the accused goes duck hunting with, finds issues with a judge who gives his money to causes linked with the other party.

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 12:24 AM
you posted:

"seems to me that it is the christian right that feels the make-up of the supreme court is so vital when it comes to their desire to reform society to better suit the religious views. I don't remember there being such a big deal, at least not that big a deal before they started.... "

Please learn to think outside of provincial views..the supreme court has been under constant attack by one party or another since its formation to get various people on the bench..for various purposes. Same with the Congress of the United States. Its called Politics. Dont get stuck in a time warp as if what is happening right now is all there ever was and is or ever will be. This is not a new thing stacking any court for political purposes.

Stacking courts , jurys ..Congress et nothing new ..ever..its one of the oldest games in the history books. We just think we are enlightened today and beyond that stuff. Not so.
One more thing.. this stacking the courts happens not only on the Supreme Court but state and local courts. Often the bench is pay off for jobs done or services rendered to party affiliation. It just has to look unbiased for public consumption. Not a new concept begun just last year either. Same with other government jobs.
Nothing new matter what they teach you in Government classes.


posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 12:45 AM

Originally posted by dawnstar
man, this country is really screwed if our judges can't be trusted to put their political affiliation aside while sitting on the bench!!!
[edit on 22-10-2005 by dawnstar]

I'm sorry, did you really say that with a straight face? From the Supreme Court on down, the courts have been activist courts for quite a few years!

Besides, if the judge is that active in the party, we don't need him presiding over this trial. If he is found guilty, it would be a huge conspiracy theory in the making, and that can easily be avoided.

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 01:19 AM
Good to see you again.
Yes Dawnstar did say it with a straight face hence I was somewhat astonished when I saw this line of tought for the second time.

There are times when the concept of what we are trying to get at concerning politics and political appointments seems to go over many peoples matter who is in office. Some just cant get it outside the standard mantras.


posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 08:01 AM
link's kind of ironic that DeLay feels he needs a new judge over a $200 donation to


“What companies that you know of would be interested in tort reform in Texas with asbestos problems that might support TRMPAC?” one DeLay fund-raiser wrote in a memo prospecting for donors to the Texans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee (TRMPAC). "


and then....


"“Create a top 10 list of givers and let me call them to ask for large contribution,” DeLay fund-raiser Warren RoBold wrote in August 2002. “I would then decide from response who Tom DeLay others should call.” "


I think if he deserves a new judge, we deserve a new legislature!!!

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 08:28 AM
The Attorney of DeLay is using a very lame strategy of attacking the judge because so far the attacks on Earle has yield no results of a back up from the charges.

DeLay may look all smiley and cute in his pictures and in front of the TV cameras but the true is that the charges against him are serious and he knows it and if guilty it will be the end of trust from the public to him and a possible shot at the presidential seat in the future.

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 12:02 PM
you posted:

" posted on 23-10-2005 at 08:01 AM's kind of ironic that DeLay feels he needs a new judge over a $200 donation to"

Why would you go to such lengths to post something that should be obvious to the most uneducated persons out here???

As Thomas and I alluded to concerning the nature of stink...its not about contributions. Its about politics/whoredom. On both sides. Its just a matter of who can stack up the stink high and quick enough to fool a histronic public. Its still stink no matter how much ribbons and wrapping paper get put on it.


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