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Chemtrails / EM

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posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 07:25 AM

So, how many military "Spraytplanes" would it have taken to produce all of those contrails?

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 12:52 PM
I'm guessing 6 planes, Howard. Three columns are horizontal and you could see three vertical, from Florida to northwest being the center one.

Hurricane Wilma now has a mysterious '#2' appear in the eye of her at 5:56am this week. Coincidence or man? Hurry, the link probably won't last long and it is copyrighted, so please don't post the pic here.

[edit on 10-30-05 by pacman]

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by pacman
I'm guessing 6 planes, Howard. Three columns are horizontal and you could see three vertical, from Florida to northwest being the center one.

Hurricane Wilma now has a mysterious '#2' appear in the eye of her at 5:56am this week. Coincidence or man? Hurry, the link probably won't last long and it is copyrighted, so please don't post the pic here.

Are you really suggesting that someone is manipulating hurricanes so that on a computer simulation of the storm the number 2 shows up?

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by FatherLukeDuke
Are you really suggesting that someone is manipulating hurricanes so that on a computer simulation of the storm the number 2 shows up?

So how do you explain it oh wise one?

A natural accurance? Another hoax?

And that is not a computer "simulation", it's dopler radar.

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 06:29 PM
Back in 1990 I was in Colorado near Durango heading up to the town of Silverton up in the moutains. A white C-130 came down the valley and it was spraying something from it allong the trailing edge of the wings were nozzels and spray was comming out. This aircraft all white in color had no tail numbers and no markings on the hull. They came in at about two hundred knots and at about seven hundred feet. That was the reason I saw it so clearly. I spent some time in the Marine Corps and was stationed at Eltoro and we had allot of C-130ies so it caught my eye. I am also a pilot and I did not see any N numbers or a government marking of any kind.
New to this board but Ibhave heard and seen some things that make me think allot. I like a good story but the truth scares the hell out of me.

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by pacman
I'm guessing 6 planes, Howard. Three columns are horizontal and you could see three vertical, from Florida to northwest being the center one.

You realize that all of those contrails were formed over a period of a few hours. How did six planes fly all of those routes, land, refuel, topp off thier tanks with :spray goop" and continue to fly all of those routes?

not tomention that those are some of the busiest air traffic corridors in the nation. How were all of those flights being made without the ATC controllers noticing? were they disguied as commercial planes?

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 09:54 PM

Neat, looking at this picture, you might think that Atlanta is the southern hub for a lot of airlines or some silly thing like that.....

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 03:21 AM

Originally posted by ANOK
So how do you explain it oh wise one?

A natural accurance? Another hoax?

And that is not a computer "simulation", it's dopler radar.

Perhaps a computer representation of a storm (based on doppler radar) would have been a better expression.

And yes, it's a completely natural occurance. Just like when you look at the clouds in the sky and you can occasionally makes out the shapes of animals. The effect is know as a simulacra. Here are some much better ones:

Are you guys seriously suggesting that the hurricane had been somehow manipulated to show a 2 on a doppler radar? Really?!?

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 03:47 AM
Yeah it’s a new law, they have to make all hurricanes identify their category level at the time of landfall by showing it numerically in the eye. That is what all the HARRP stuff is really for you know…

Alternatively, maybe it’s a new ATS game. Perhaps we should comb through all the hurricane footage from this year and get the rest of the clues.

IMHO, I really think its giving us the answer to Life the Universe and everything, if you recall there were 4 red bars that showed up in the satellite footage of hurricane Rita right before landfall, and now a number 2 = 42. Too bad we don’t know the question yet, guess we need a bigger computer.

[edit on 10/31/2005 by defcon5]

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 03:50 AM
Jake Moray says:

Back in 1990 I was in Colorado near Durango heading up to the town of Silverton up in the moutains.

Was this the road up past Engineer Mountain or were you taking the narrow gauge train? Ether way, it's one of the most beautiful rides I canthink of!

A white C-130 came down the valley and it was spraying something from it allong the trailing edge of the wings were nozzels and spray was comming out. This aircraft all white in color had no tail numbers and no markings on the hull. They came in at about two hundred knots and at about seven hundred feet.

Read the 10th post down (by MKULTRA) at this site

And the reply four posts later, which explains why the MASS device couldn't very well be the 'culprit'.

As a matter of fact, I'd recommend the entire thread starting at

The original poster is a bit of a blowhard, but there's still some fairly good data there.

That was the reason I saw it so clearly. I spent some time in the Marine Corps and was stationed at Eltoro and we had allot of C-130ies so it caught my eye. I am also a pilot...

Semper fi! I used to fly myself many years ago, but only private planes (C-150, C-172). My company builds several large toys for Marines, including the AV-8B, F/A-18 varieties, and the T-45.

... and I did not see any N numbers or a government marking of any kind.

The airplane probably belonged to the 910th Airlift Wing in Vienna, Ohio. Is this a picture of it? Judging from the yellow stripe on the empennage, it could be a NG airplane.

external image

Mod Edit: Image Size – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 31/10/2005 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 04:17 AM
I don't know, maybe 14 planes. All I ask is that you contribute. You guys have mechanical knowledge above and beyond me, do you not? Could this be done by a controlled amount of 'megasprayers', in an elapsed time occuring at high altitudes. Furthermore, supposedly called 'chemtrails', might not dissipate such as contrails do, as they might tend to last much longer.

I'm just trying to get to the heart of the matter. Is that not why we come here to discuss? I really have been trying to open my mind by never closing it. I might not be a scientist evalutuating in brutal detail that which is before me. I might not be pilot or in the navy or someone in the know, in all areas of activities that encourage our every day nudge in life, but I'm one (as many) that want to know the truth, but I am getting either fed disinfo, small truths, or just closed mindlessness. I'll try my daily bread. It's almost like the alien dogma, in that it limits the possibilities of what this universe is or might be. I can't discard thousands, maybe millions, of witnesses with voices echoing throughout the years, that there are things that are not what they seem. If you are looking beyond the present day mirror(authority) set before us to see the horror of these falsehoods. Why is awareness of these things even there still lingering? I would value to have a constructive collaboration, in truly getting to the heart of things rather than toss it away at every whimper of why something is not possible. Granted, I do still value the instructive dialect of open minded individuals discussing why they feel something is not possible in full details, as if your talking to the ignorant in the crowd (laymen's?). As if you are taking the 'care' of unrested minds to put to ease what stirreth their hearts. If you really want this to go away, referring to a past thread that honestly does not put to rest the possiblity of weather/EM/QM technology. Sir Winston Churchill once said, "Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened." The trouble is I don't see any hurry.

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 04:49 AM

Originally posted by pacman
I don't know, maybe 14 planes. All I ask is that you contribute. You guys have mechanical knowledge above and beyond me, do you not? Could this be done by a controlled amount of 'megasprayers', in an elapsed time occuring at high altitudes. Furthermore, supposedly called 'chemtrails', might not dissipate such as contrails do, as they might tend to last much longer.

Problem with this is, in all seriousness and not trying to be sarcastic or anything here, how would you suppose that anyone calculate such a thing based on equipment that to our knowledge does not exist.

I suppose someone could use a refueling plane as a template to get some type of estimate, but it would not be anything more then speculation

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 06:53 AM
Pacman - fair enough having an open mind, however an open mind should work both ways. As well as been open to the possibility that there is such a thing as "chemtrails" you need to to be open to the possibility that they don't exist.

In fact, as there is no evidence to support the chemtrail theory, such as it is, then an open mind would come to the conclusion that the whole thing is bunk. Anyone who keeps plowing on, inisting that they exist, is the one with the closed mind.

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 07:09 AM

Originally posted by pacman
Hurricane Wilma now has a mysterious '#2' appear in the eye of her at 5:56am this week. Coincidence or man? Hurry, the link probably won't last long and it is copyrighted, so please don't post the pic here.

Actually that is a new form of advertising.

Did you notice that the web site was for NBC2?

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 09:58 AM
pacman says:

I'm just trying to get to the heart of the matter. Is that not why we come here to discuss? I really have been trying to open my mind by never closing it. I might not be a scientist evalutuating in brutal detail that which is before me. I might not be pilot or in the navy or someone in the know, in all areas of activities that encourage our every day nudge in life, but I'm one (as many) that want to know the truth, but I am getting either fed disinfo, small truths, or just closed mindlessness.

pacman, at the risk of blowing my horn again, I'd like you to look at the link I posted above for Jake. The original article (which I wrote) is about why I consider the "chemtrail" thing a hoax.

If it means anything, you can see that my background gives me some familiarity with aviation and meteorology; so even though I'm not an atmospheric physicist, I'm not someone without any education or training in the field, either.

Now one very common response I get from people who want to believe in "chem-trails" is, "Well, you can't prove that chem-trails don't exist, can you?"

And of course I can't. It's almost impossible to 'prove' that something doesn't exist, just like you can't 'prove' that I'm not really the Long-Lost King of France, or that the mushrooms in my back yard aren't planted there by The Little Fairies of the Moonlight. You could show me all kinds of reasons why you think I'm not the L-LKOF or that the mushrooms weren't placed there by the LFOTM, but you can't 'prove' it!

All I can do is to try to show that the concepts of "chem-trails" simply don't make any sense. I do this by using a concept called Occam's Razor which is fancy talk for the idea that the simplest reason for a phenomenon is the one that's probably right. Here's an example:

You're out walking in the woods one winter day and you see these indentations that look like the bottom of boots, about two feet apart, leading in a more-or-less straight line through the snow. You come up with three hypotheses to explain it.

First, there was a meteor shower last night, and meteorites of solid carbon dioxide, all shaped like bootprints, landed in the snow in a line like you see there.

Second, there was a guy in a stealth helicopter last night with a pair of boots on really long poles who stamped the boots in the snow in a line like you see there.

Third, someone wearing a pair of boots was walking through the snow last night, and he was going that-a-way.

I think most people would accept the third hypothesis without much thought, but can you 'prove' that hypothesis 1 or 2 isn't the right one? Well, no, you can't.

It's the same way to figure out about "chem-trails". You could postulate that persistent contrails are all caused buy a Huge Secret Plot, but that would mean you'd have to believe a whole bunch of things, any one of which, if it didn't happen, would blow the whole hypothesis out of the water.

On the other hand, the explanation that persistent contrails are simply normal aircraft exhaust contrails which have flashed into ice crystals and the temperature and humidity are such that they don't turn back into water vapor, is simpler, and has been shown to happen all over the world, in both the sky and every laboratory you can think of.

I can't discard thousands, maybe millions, of witnesses with voices echoing throughout the years, that there are things that are not what they seem.

True. But there are things out there which really are what they seem, too.

If you are looking beyond the present day mirror(authority) set before us to see the horror of these falsehoods.

In this case, the 'mirror' is basic science and common sense.

Why is awareness of these things even there still lingering?

Because that's the way people are. many people still believe today that a person with one color skin is automatically smarter than a person with a different color skin, or that it's okay for me to kill you to show I love God more than you do, or that something bad will happen to you if you walk under a ladder or spill the salt, or a bunch of things which, when you really look at them, don't make a lick of sense.

If you really want this to go away, referring to a past thread that honestly does not put to rest the possiblity of weather/EM/QM technology.

You will never get something like that from a scientist. No scientist will say that something is "absolutely impossible and we have proof that it simply can't happen". Instead, all he can say is that "the preponderance of evidence supports this hypothesis over that hypothesis".

And it's up to you to look at the evidence and Occam's Razor and make up your own mind.

[edit on 31-10-2005 by Off_The_Street]

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 11:56 AM
im sorry, i know i said i'd leave it alone, but i just couldnt with that pic....the blue c130 in the pic above is the blue angels' cargo plane, fat albert....the smoke is from the jato unit (jet assisted take off) attached to the aircraft.....

of course, off the street should have known that as a boeing engineer

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 12:41 PM
Blue-painted airplane, red-faced Boeing engineer.

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by Off_The_Street
Blue-painted airplane, red-faced Boeing engineer.

lmao...well, at least you take your mistakes well

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 10:02 AM
I personally have been watching them for the past four years or more and I have noticed that this year I have not seen as many here in the south. I think maybe they have gone to a more triditional method now. Weather control (Hurricans) and viruses. And of course mass suicide bombers.

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 03:29 AM
Yea I've noticed trails for years now, they're studying something with the far as I can tell, they do it mainly on the weekdays....but this has been a big operation, tons of States, a lot of planes, theres a lot of people involved here.... visit for pretty much all the explainations you'll need....

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