posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 11:09 PM
Hmm, how can I explain my views on this without degrading a wonderful addition to ATS.. it may warrant its own thread.. i dunno.. :shrug:
When the podcasts first aired on ATS, I was excited. As it progressed though, I found myself pulling away from it. The notion of Podcast replies,
podcast threads, and the whatnot seem to overwhelm me. I'm not a podcaster, but I still enjoy the topics discussed.
Right now as it stands, we have ATS, BTS, and PTS.. and PodTS
It's a whole new social avenue for ats'ers to take.. some people absolutly adore it, and others seem to approach it cautiously or not at all. But
the topics and discussions are obviously ATS material (for the most part.)
I just wish the podcasts were more ingrained into the roots of ATS.. the message board.
Maybe I'm being old fashioned, relentless to submerge myself into this new form of internet communication.. I don't know..
I know some podcasters have submitted transcripts to thier podcasts, others dont.. this is what I look for on ATS.. plain ol fashioned text. I find
reading is much easier then downloading a sometimes huge file (dial up) and spending 10 mins (or longer) listening.
I think it would be awesome if a new thread were to appear on the message board in the respected forum with the text of a podcast and ofcourse a link
to the podcast for those of us at ATS to comment on via text. I've also noticed that some members are doing this.. they make a podcast, and then
submit the same material on the message board for us non-podders to pour over.
Maybe due away with the podcast forum and insert podcasts into the everday forums?
Or make transcripts required and when the podcast (and replies) is submitted, the transcript is forwarded to the old-fashioned thread?
At the very least, I think the Podcast forum needs to be given its seperate venue and seperated into needed categories (sub forums)
As for the drop in post count and my take on it.. I honestly think I'm not the only one reeling from the podcast explosion on ATS.. alot of our very
smart, motivated and good posters have taken to podcasting strongly.. leaving a large void on the old message board
Just my thoughts.. don't get me wrong.. I still like the podcasts.. they just arent my cup of tea and I wish they could be better ingrained into the
source of ATS..