posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 03:52 AM
Sadly , there seems to be something 'fishy' about this film. Why, o why does the director & producer of this film namely Mr.gress fail to post
anything on his 'official' website since 2006.!? I couldnt believe my eyes as i saw that the last 'news' post on the site is from the year
We are in April 2009 now.!
still in post-production?? As a movie that brings Sitchin's ground-breaking info to the silver screen, this film has attracted a LOt of interest over
the (countless) years it is in the production.. looked everywhere, googling it from top to bottom..& guess what , no news, no comments, not even any
trace of Mr.gress SINCE 2006.
And so many ppl are waiting for the film & the interest is dying down, is there a worse policy imaginable than this , when you make a film of that
scope of promise & interest attached to its tail..LOL
So can mr.Jon Gress come to this forum & tell us what the heck is going on as he once seems to have done..& pleazse no tales of 'how hard it is..'
İ guess nothing less will do..regdz, Jade