This is from a guy I emailed from this web site guest book. Interesting stuff........
"I have not been to Groom Lake, but over the years I have talked to
who have. They test still new aircraft up there, they may have tested
captured aircraft up there, the U-2 and the YF-12 was tested up there,
There are no aliens, no UFO's , no hard evidence of either and you
never be able to hide it all totally. I can only guess at the Aurora,
5-7 years ago up here in Santa Rosa, where no jet planes fly, I heard
in the
night twice in a week the sound of a pulse jet. We have no pulse jets
I know of. Maybe the Aurora?? We all just received a DVD of Groom
from the mid 50's to recently at the reunion in Vegas for Groom Lake
U-2 and
YF-12 people that I went to and talked to many people who were there
the years. I went to Indian Springs AAFB two weeks ago for a tour and
nothing there but the home of the Predator, which we had a great
briefing on
and saw one up close, and a bombing range. It is now called Creech
did the U-2, Corona spy satellite , and the A-11/12. SR-71 project from
1960-65 and it all is unclassified now."