posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 09:49 PM
Originally posted by The_Doctor
I personally think abductions can be easily hoaxed. I am a firm beleiver in logic and logic says super advanced species would not be interested in
Earth why would they we are to primative. I think most of the witnesses to abduction are either misinterpreting dreams, insane or out right liars. As
the phenomenon becomes more and more popular abduction rates increase. 99.9% of abduction cases are false.
Yes 'some' may be hoaxed. However with the amount of verified activity going on , those who can't accept it seem to be in the majority. The
collective wants to be left alone to enjoy dinner and buy a New Plasma screen and the 5.1 Stereo. Really they could care less till it interfears with
thier spending desires.
This Nation is serriously asleep, with a vengence. Successfully programmed to stay that way. This alien agenda can't even find its way to the mass
media. Probably just as the visitors direct, one way or another..
It's not our system keeping the info from us, it's theirs. They have been pulling the strings right along. When its in THIER intrest to open
Pandoras Box they will open it. If there are many nefarious reasons why they haven't, I see no reason for them to wish opening it now. Its all
working just dandy for them exactly the way it is. Hell we can't even come to a consenses opinion that they exist, for cryin out loud. Tailor made,
as in sheep to the slaughterhouse. Distressing in the extreme.
We are cosmically asleep, dead at the wheel. We will get what we deserve if we don't start dealing with reality. Just look at who we put in office.
With this type of lack of Humanity, I don't know how much more it will take to wake up the collective..
Maybe not on this Earth, we will need some type of slatewiper to call in a redo on the playbook Seems we are at 2 outs with bases loaded. I do hope
I'm wrong about all this.
[edit on 31-3-2006 by efields]