Millions more movement summary. A pre rally conference aired on C-SPAN.
Watch the 4 hr.
video if you wish.
This video starts out well enough. As the video starts we hear a discussion about how blacks were depicted differently than whites by the media.
Examples are given such as the picture of the black woman referenced as looting while white people were said to be looking for food. Fair enough. But
from this point on the talk goes downhill. The Superdome in New Orleans is said to be another slave ship. The levees were breeched on purpose by
explosives with the intent of drowning blacks. The Tuskegee experiment was set-up to run blacks off of oil-rich land in Oklahoma. On and on the
conspiracy talk grows.
There was some actual discussion of setting up a black media network to promote black interest. I think this was the actual purpose for this meeting,
but it's hard to tell. Just when I was starting to believe that someone might actually be making sense, they were relieved by others that started
preaching the exterminating of black people by the whites. More radical ideas were presented. Ideas such as black aligning themselves with N. Korea,
who would serve as a nuclear ally who would help put pressure on the whites of the United States. I kid you not. I've never heard any group make this
statement before.
But wait, it gets worse. "Every time you see a black woman on television without a black man, 350 black men have just been killed." It seems that
white people run out and exterminate black people when they see these commercials. I don't know what science and research this comment comes from.
Probably none, but that didn't stop them from making these claims. I did enjoy the comment that "Buying $8000 rims is not relevant to our freedom".
You know, that's true for any race. You'll never get ahead by wasting your money on unneeded stuff.
Let's roll along to the man who claims that the avian flu is another tool to exterminate the black people. Never mind the fact that this disease is
currently flourishing in Asia and hasn't been seen at all in the United States. Also any vaccine shots that may be given out in the future will just
be an excuse to inject tracking microchips into blacks. They will track the blacks so the can exterminate them. This little rant spiraled down into
claims, that white bread, white sugar, white flour, and white rice were all methods to weaken the blacks. Blacks need to stop eating this food. It
seems that even the food in the United States is racist. I suppose the whites in America are immune from the poisons in these foods.
Finally wrapping up the meeting a man claims that the only solution, the only answer to the black people's problems, is to "exterminate the white
people off the face of the planet. The problem on the planet is white people" (Applause)
How did these people get on C-SPAN for 4 hours? Can we call them "nut-jobs" without being labeled as racist? This thing spun out of control into a
war cry to kill white people, and yet the camera kept rolling. White people were called "The 'N' word". Yes, that's right, they used the
unspeakable "n word" over and over again in referencing another race of people. Apparently you can say anything you want, you can call for an
extermination of another race, you can suggest an alignment with N. Korea to help blackmail our government. It's all fine if you're black. And they
wonder why they get treated differently….
The kool-aid is good my brother...good indeed. Let's pass it around the room so we all can drink of this fine beverage.
[edit on 20-10-2005 by dbates]