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What do you really believe ?

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posted on Oct, 19 2005 @ 07:06 PM
I would like to know what every here believes when its comes to the big million dollar question

1, There no such as aliens on other planets , people who see UFO in the sky are on drugs

2, I believe people see UFO's in the sky, but this could be anything up there, i dont put stock in the notion there alien life forms out there

3, There mite be alien races but i still need more proof

4, I believe that there are aliens races watching us, but have not made contact with an human

5, The aliens have done deals with the govenments of this planet, we have been keep in the dark about this events that have taken place

6, We where placed here by a alien race and they have been visting us from day one to check up on there investment

So please help me out

Thanks Helium3

posted on Oct, 19 2005 @ 07:34 PM
I'll need to split Number 1 into two Answers

1a. I believe that some form of life exists on other planets.

1b. People do see Unidentified Flying Objects. No drugs needed..These Objects are Unidentified.

2.Yes anyone can see UFO's. Except for rumors and distorted fiction, we have yet to identify one and get to look inside it. If anyone here has, get a hold of me.

3.Yes there may be and may have been alien races. After billions of years and billions of galaxies there is a high probablity of this. The chances they even remotely resemble anything close to humans is infinately puny.

4.No, I do not have proof that there are aliens watching us. So far everything is unproven. There are great fictional stories though. I can't confuse the two.

5.No aliens have done no deals with governments. There is no proof only speculation and rumors.

6.No. Aliens have nothing to do with us. But I am writing a fictional account about as much. Fiction is fun.


posted on Oct, 19 2005 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by helium3
I would like to know what every here believes when its comes to the big million dollar question
1, There no such as aliens on other planets , people who see UFO in the sky are on drugs

Well, that's almost offensive. I only say almost because it's hard to offend me. And it's so refreshing to see that someone can definitively say, with no irrefutable proof, that there is no such thing as aliens on other planets. Hallelujiah!!

2, I believe people see UFO's in the sky, but this could be anything up there, i dont put stock in the notion there alien life forms out there

Just because you haven't seen them doesn't mean it isn't real. I have never seen one, and I believe.

3, There mite be alien races but i still need more proof

That's ne of the reasons this board exists. We all need proof. One way or another. And one day, we might get our proof.

4, I believe that there are aliens races watching us, but have not made contact with an human

Maybe the ones they made contact with are no longerhere...or dead.

5, The aliens have done deals with the govenments of this planet, we have been keep in the dark about this events that have taken place which do you believe? That aliens don't exist, or that they do exist and they are running our world? Oh, I 100% agree we have been kept in the dark, but I don't think that will continue to be so. But no, aliens aren't doing deals with the governments of the world.

6, We where placed here by a alien race and they have been visting us from day one to check up on there investment

Some people may believe in that, but I don't. Sounds like fun, though.

Hope I helped you out!

posted on Oct, 19 2005 @ 08:48 PM
This was an exercise for me to gauge the members of ATS in relation to the UFO phenomenon. I believe ALL organised religions are a hoax to keep us from finding out who we really are and where we are really from.

So i'd say:

6, We where placed here by a alien race and they have been visting us from day one to check up on there investment

posted on Oct, 19 2005 @ 09:10 PM
If I may be so bold;

7. Aliens are farmers, feeding off human misery, violence, any negative emotion. They get high on our negative emotions like a drug. They call this drug "loosh."

posted on Oct, 19 2005 @ 09:24 PM
Though I keep my mind open for other possibilities, I guess:

6, We where placed here by a alien race and they have been visting us from day one to check up on there investment

I think, which is the most probable, that our creator, what would be considered the leader of all or the leader of a race, put us here. For what ever reason, our creator left and "they" or at least part of "they", are watching over us. Helping us, or at least trying without interfering with free will.

Never seen anything myself, but there is a lot of evidence.

As far as investment? I don't think so - its too far above our knowledge and intelligence to understand their motives. We're stuck in time. Life is boot camp. We asked for freedom and we got it.... and look what we did.

posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 01:47 AM
Yet again...where is the proof that we were "put here"?? Come on don't be afraid shout it out.

posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 05:46 AM

Originally posted by helium3
1, There no such as aliens on other planets , people who see UFO in the sky are on drugs

Then I gotta tell you, there's a hell of a lot of people on drugs!

Originally posted by helium32, I believe people see UFO's in the sky, but this could be anything up there, i dont put stock in the notion there alien life forms out there

That's quite correct.
However I would bet all the money in the world that extraterrestrials exist.

Originally posted by helium3
3, There mite be alien races but i still need more proof

We have way more proof than is required to convince any reasonable person.

Originally posted by helium3
4, I believe that there are aliens races watching us, but have not made contact with an human

There are some who are watching, some who have made contact.
They are all watching us in one respect....I mean how can they be here without seeing us? lol.

Originally posted by helium3
5, The aliens have done deals with the govenments of this planet, we have been keep in the dark about this events that have taken place

Yop, definately

Originally posted by helium36, We where placed here by a alien race and they have been visting us from day one to check up on there investment

Not sure about that one....... I think if you put it that way, I might have to say....not sure the slightest.

oh and...

Originally posted by whaaa
7. Aliens are farmers, feeding off human misery, violence, any negative emotion. They get high on our negative emotions like a drug. They call this drug "loosh."

Let's hope not

[edit on 20-10-2005 by Manincloak]

posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by Whompa1
Yet again...where is the proof that we were "put here"?? Come on don't be afraid shout it out.

The title of this thread is "What do you believe". I stated what I believe. If there was proof, there'd be no need to ask such a question. Therefore, I BELIEVE we were put here - it's my opinion. You are more than welcomed to believe what ever you wish, but then someone might ask, where is your proof. There is none - hence the question.

posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 08:00 AM
Here you go....

1. I believe that the Universe is teeming with far more life than we imagine.

2. I believe that some of that life is intelligent, just like us.

3. I believe that it's highly probable that some such intelligent life is in a bipedal form, given similar planetary and evolutionary factors.

4. I believe we are far from being in the oldest part of the Universe or even our own Galaxy, so it is extremely probable that there are FAR older intelligent species then ourselves.

5. I believe that at least one such being has been visiting our little mudball as it hurtles through space.

6. I believe that the US government in particular, knows FAR more about said being/s than they are letting on.

Having said that,

1. I believe that the majority of UFOs seen have more terrestrial explanations. The average person who sees a UFO is not a trained aerial observer. This is why sightings by military personnel and pilots are so important, as these individuals are used to seeing aerial phenomenon, and can more readily weed out such factors.

2. I believe that the evidence of a partnership between aliens and the government is extremely scant. If anything, more of a cat and mouse relationship would seem to be evident from the case files. I do believe that there has been some communication, just that it hasn't really led to anything much.

3. I believe that the government has recovered downed alien bodies and craft. I just believe that even over 50 years later, we're still not much further than we were back then on figuring any of this out, hence the continued secrecy surrounding the subject.

4. I do not believe we were "seeded" by aliens. It would seem counterproductive to seed us at the stage from where we first see humanoid evolution. It would be like us desiring a planet of birds by first seeding it with doesn't make much sense. Then again, maybe it does to an alien, but I just sincerely doubt it.

5. I believe that there are some genuine cases of alien abduction, but that the vast majority are are other mental health issues. There are numerous cases that have other factors, such as the Hill Case (the star map, radar contact, military interest, caliber of professionals, etc.) that really must be considered.

6. I believe that whatever the alien/s agenda is, it isn't a benevolent one. Secrecy and benevolence do not seem to go hand in hand very well, and the beings certainly have the same ability to disclose at any time they wish, their existence.

[edit on 20-10-2005 by Gazrok]

posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by helium3

6, We where placed here by a alien race and they have been visting us from day one to check up on there investment

So please help me out

Thanks Helium3

An "alien" race did not place us here but these "aliens " have been watching us from day one. God placed us here and the "aliens" are actually fallen angels who rebelled against God and their goal is death and destruction by deception. It is going to get worse as they continue to present their lie that they are from another planet.

The proof for this is in the pages of the Bible.

posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 09:01 AM

The proof for this is in the pages of the Bible.

Of course, for as we all know, men who believed the Earth to be the center of the universe, and thought thunder was the anger of deities know far more about such things than we could ever know today.

In fact, we should probably dispense with all of this silly science stuff, and just throw on robes and simply praise God 24 hours a day, and surely he'll provide everything we need, and answer any questions we may have...or at least, his appointed representatives will. (the Church). Isn't that convenient? We don't have to think for ourselves or remarkable....

Sorry about the rant, just that the aliens are demons thing always seems like a copout that doesn't address the real questions about the phenomenon. The idea that every malevelent force in the Universe is a "demon" should have died out centuries ago....imho....

[edit on 20-10-2005 by Gazrok]

posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 11:50 AM
Some are simply watching. some have made contact.

that's what i believe.

i don't believe there are any 'deals' with governments.

posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 02:49 PM

heck fire.....i'm just along for the ride

i do believe that UFOs are, in many a twisted explainations,
just figments of our rationalizations of 'reality'

much like myths, religions, philosophies, dream interpetations, channeling with off-world entities, ghost stories and demon possessions, to name a few of the nebulous realms we create in our minds.
All these are 'real' (in their own right)
but all these lack a material & physical actuality.
--->sorta like a fiction Novel- -the story has a life of its own
but there might be an underlying physical 'book' which our rationale' says
must exist...
therefore we concoct all sorts of proofs/evidence/sightings [thus producing the 'book' which the 'story' owes its existance our twisted logic)

have a look-see at this site....

Explore, and please, click the hyper-links provided in the body of words...
there are bunches of related thought-scapes which lay out a case concerning the beliefs surrounding UFOs

posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 02:54 PM

therefore we concoct all sorts of proofs/evidence/sightings [thus producing the 'book' which the 'story' owes its existance our twisted logic)

Ahh...but one could apply that same logic to a religion as well, no? Carefull when going down that slope, hehe.....

Personally, I don't think we're "concocting" images that appear in photos and videos, on radar, etc. Nor do I think the government is in the habit of studying and chasing (in many cases in secret), hallucinations as threats to national security....

posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 03:12 PM
What do I believe? Hmmmm interesting question.

I believe that if we think that the Earth is the only place that the correct chain of events necesary for the creation of intelligent life happend, then we must be pretty arrogant and kind of stupid.

I don't believe in the reptillians or greys being here in contact with out governments.

I believe that many people have seen objects and phenomena that cannot be adequatly explained.

No I don't believe that these people are on drugs.

I don't believe in alien abduction, I believe that some of these people were abducted, just not by aliens.

I believe in time travel, might explain the sightings and abductions.

I believe in the Theory of Intelligent Design. I believe in God, after all where did the intelligence come from that designed us? Do I believe in one all powerful omnipotent being? No. Do I believe that the World was created in 7 days? Time is relative, a billion years to us might be a day to someone.

Were we created to fulfill a higher purpose? I'd like to think so.

I just hope we are not some alien kid's science project.

posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok

The proof for this is in the pages of the Bible.

Of course, for as we all know, men who believed the Earth to be the center of the universe, and thought thunder was the anger of deities know far more about such things than we could ever know today.

In fact, we should probably dispense with all of this silly science stuff, and just throw on robes and simply praise God 24 hours a day, and surely he'll provide everything we need, and answer any questions we may have...or at least, his appointed representatives will. (the Church). Isn't that convenient? We don't have to think for ourselves or remarkable....

Sorry about the rant, just that the aliens are demons thing always seems like a copout that doesn't address the real questions about the phenomenon. The idea that every malevelent force in the Universe is a "demon" should have died out centuries ago....imho....

[edit on 20-10-2005 by Gazrok]

Have you ever given yourself to studying the Bible? Someone, anyone cannot read it once and then proclaim, I know all it has to say. You can read a verse 3,567 times and on the 3,568 time see something that you never saw before. Someone who is saved will unlock what the Bible contains quicker than someone who isn't.

I don't know if the earth is physically the center of the universe, but in a sense it is. This is where God chose to come to defeat sin and death in Jesus Christ, so this planet and those on it are of prime importance and the center of a point God has made.

It says in the Bible that God's voice sounded "like" thunder a couple of times but it doesn't say that thunder is God's voice. But the act of thunder is a part of creation that speaks to the fact that there is a God.

Why is the fact that "aliens" are demons a copout. I believe that's what they are, so I am addressing the question with the answer I believe explains it. A copout answer would be, I don't know what they are let's not talk about it, they are probably not real anyway. I am definitely telling you what they are. That's answering the question, not evading it.

Praising and worshipping God is not what you think it is. It is acknowledging who God is and choosing to filter what you do and say and how you act through what He desires for you. It's putting God in 1st place 24/7 so that every moment of your existance has meaning and purpose and value.

posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 05:06 PM
I'm not a Medical Dr. , but I did stay at a Holliday Inn last night.

So here goes.

Demonophobia: An abnormal and persistent fear of evil supernatural beings in persons who believe such beings exist and roam freely to cause harm. Those who suffer from this phobia realize their fear is excessive or irrational. Nevertheless, they become unduly anxious when discussing demons, when venturing alone into woods or a dark house, or when watching films about demonic possession and exorcism.

Symptoms of demonophobia:
Your fear of demons can result in the following symptoms:
dizziness, excessive sweating, nausea, dry mouth, feeling sick, shaking, heart palpitations, inability to speak or think clearly, a fear of dying, becoming mad or losing control, a sensation of detachment from reality or a full blown anxiety attack.

There is help!

posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by lost_shaman
Demonophobia: An abnormal and persistent fear of evil supernatural beings in persons who believe such beings exist and roam freely to cause harm.

Who was this addressed too?

If a person is saved through Christ then you don't have to fear satan or the angels that follow him. You study and read the Bible and find out exactly what satan is capable of.

First off his only power is what God allows him to do. He can't go beyond that. he mainly tempts us to sin/not listen to and follow God. The actual sin act is the final choice of the person tempted. You don't have to say yes to sin, you can say no. the saved are more of a target because he is trying to make us ineffective christians.

For the unsaved he still can only do what God allows him to do. But since an unsaved person doesn't truly acknowledge sin to it's full extent, that person doesn't have the ability to say no with authority.

The Bible tells us in the last days before Christ returns a LIE will be believed. If you aren't aware of who satan is and what he is capable of then you can fall prey to this lie. satan deceives.

Plus in Revelation during the tribulation period "locusts" will be released on earth and torment mankind for 5 months. Could this be an "alien" invasion, I think so. It says people will seek death but will not be able to die. That should create fear in the unsaved but not the saved, because we won't be here to experience it.

[edit on 20-10-2005 by dbrandt]

posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 06:23 PM
As much as i think the bible is just lies to control the poor, I love the fact in this world everyone is free to believe in what there hearts desires. in saying that let dbrandt express his point of view without argument.
After all i start this tread to hear members believes what eva they are.

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