posted on Oct, 19 2005 @ 06:37 PM
My mother, who works with international students, never felt like she was being watched. But recently she has gotten jury duty and they may cut off
funding for this volunteer work. It looks like they may not like this while we are at war with Iraq. Also, the younger generations, whom they want
to teach creationism to, might be seen as a threat to those in power, so they want to keep them from volunteering.
Sometimes I would be walking along the same road at the same time of day and someone would drive by and shout something I had typed on the web. It
happened at least twice.
I always wondered how those in power would find the time to watch others. In the mythology of the British Isles, people can travel through time.
That is the only way I can think of that they would have the time to monitor so many people.