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Could biblical phophecies of immaculant conception, really be Alien abduction?

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posted on Oct, 19 2005 @ 02:45 AM
The question is pretty much the title. Diffeent stories from many different religions talk of a "GOD" from the heavens coming down and claiming they would have a child, a special child, who turned out to be special children, to change the course of humanity. (when I say alien, it is only for a lack of a better word). Anyway, I've always assumed the bible to be ancient prophecies inspired by the creature and it makes more sense than the explanation so many dimwhits are killing themselves over. There is only one truth, yet a million translations of that single truth. I am just trying to do my part in setting up a more modern model of what my modern beliefs are. (The ones that feel right from within, you understand) Anyway, so does this feel right to anyone else?

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 11:18 PM
No. Sorry. How can I say this with such conviction?

Taking away the incredibly insulting nature of that post, let's be logical. There is absolutely no convincing proof that aliens exist. Now, I believe that there is a very good chance that there is life out there, and if this is true, they likely are more advanced than we are.

Why would they come here? The distances must be phenomenal. Unless there is some seriously advanced technology, it would take centuries to travel to a remote and insignificant corner of the universe. What would we have to offer them? If there is more than one place where there is life, there are likely to be many.

Why would they want to meddle with us? What is the purpose? What chance there could be any sort of g

Wnh enetic compatibility? Genetic manipulation? Again, why?

I really resent people of faith being called dimwits and other derogatory names. I don't insult you even when you are insulting. Even if Christianity is wrong - which I don't believe at all, at least there a billion or more people who are "People of the Book". Jews, Christians, and Muslims all hold common beliefs and standards in common. We have a common belief structure that has been debated, examined, and refined over the course of centuries. What do the ancient astronuts have to offer? Where's there any sign of proof? And please, please, PLEASE don't trot out Stargate mythology - it's a MOVIE, folks!

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 01:30 AM
If wasn't for the book who would now. And yes it is easy to question a book and if you don't have faith it seems like you would have nothing as there is no signs of much else. Its a curse and a blessing to have an imagination. I have thought of so many different things.

For what you say maybe the first humans were actually aliens sent to this planet for being bad aliens like how criminals were sent to other islands,etc.

I guess its natural for man to imagine aliens anything superior to us little green men or a man with a long beard is god like.

The sad part of the story is in your mind you can have faith yet your mind can allow you to question your own faith which is just can be crazy so all in all maybe we are crazy aliens sent away for our own good lol.

As much questions we can come up with we can come up with as much answers...

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by shantyman
Even if Christianity is wrong - which I don't believe at all, at least there a billion or more people who are "People of the Book".
And please, please, PLEASE don't trot out Stargate mythology - it's a MOVIE, folks!

Why is mythology based on a movie worse than mythology based on a book?

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation
The question is pretty much the title. Diffeent stories from many different religions talk of a "GOD" from the heavens coming down and claiming they would have a child, a special child, who turned out to be special children, to change the course of humanity.

No-one really knows where these virgin birth stories come from, but considering that most religion has its roots in the stars, it's probably a good guess that they are somehow related to the constellations.

Virgo is the 'virgin' in the constellations, and the sun is the source of the concept of god. So, the likely source of the story would have to do with the sun and virgo. December 25th is significant in many religions because it was the day that days started to become measurably longer - a symbol of the birth of new life.

This likely alludes to a time when the sun rose in virgo at the winter solstice. If I did the math right, the last time this happened was ~6000 BC and coincides nicely with the advent of these virgin birth stories.

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 04:55 PM
totally agree but....
you have to admit sheperds following a light that hovered over the birth place
if it was a alien pregnancy what better way for the aliens to win human support, nearly everyones seen the bible

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 05:58 PM

Immaculate Conception does not mean "virgin birth".

From the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

pg. 137, 490: "To become the mother of the Savior, Mary was enriched by God with gifts appropriate to such a role." *snip*

pg. 138 491: *snip* Pope Pius IX proclaimed in 1854: "The most Blessed Virgin Mary was, from the first moment of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege of almighty God and by virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ, Savior of the human race, preserved immune from all stain of original sin."

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by mik0001000
you have to admit sheperds following a light that hovered over the birth place
if it was a alien pregnancy what better way for the aliens to win human support, nearly everyones seen the bible

The likelihood is that the 3 wise men refers to the 3 stars in the belt of Orion, and the star of Bethlehem is likely Sirius. These arrangements appear in several places in the ancient world including the geometry of the great pyramids and anceint maps of Sumer.

In ancient Egyptian culture, the rising of Sirius just before the sun was a herald for the new year.

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 08:14 PM
The Catholic doctrine of "Immaculate Conception" is a false one.

The only Person to be born of a virgin (that is, with no human father), is Jesus Christ.

Mary was a sinner just like everyone else. She even refers to God as her Saviour, in the book of Luke.

Jesus was not born on December 25. That was during the rainy season, and the shepherds would not have had their flocks out during that time. Xmas is a purely Catholic/pagan holiday. The shepherds were there pretty much when Jesus was born--and the wise men (there were more than three) came within TWO YEARS after that. So the wise men were not there with the shepherds. You have to read the Gospels carefully. I believe it's Matthew and Luke that have the story.

And Mary had children after she had Jesus. She had at least six more. Two of them wrote the books of James and I believe Judah.

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by spamandham

Originally posted by shantyman
Even if Christianity is wrong - which I don't believe at all, at least there a billion or more people who are "People of the Book".
And please, please, PLEASE don't trot out Stargate mythology - it's a MOVIE, folks!

Why is mythology based on a movie worse than mythology based on a book?

Because STargate is a movie meant to entertain (and I do rather like it), just like the DaVinci Code was a dull, predictable thriller with lackluster characters and pedestrian plot - if it wasn't for the religious controversy, you have nothing that a talented 8th grader couldn't write.

Of course there are no responses to the other arguments I posed; just an attack with the same stock response that is always trotted out. Faith is faith. Believe what you want to believe, but some things are just out and out offensive. Attack my religion, I'll attack yours. And I have - hmmmm - a coulple of thousand years of philosopy and theological thought by brilliant theologians. The Alien ancestor crew has - what's his name, now...Daniken?

Finally, this is a Faith, spirituality, and religion thread, correct?

posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 04:55 AM

Originally posted by Amethyst
The Catholic doctrine of "Immaculate Conception" is a false one.

You are entitled to your opinion, although I do believe it is false.

by Amethyst: The only Person to be born of a virgin (that is, with no human father), is Jesus Christ.

No one says that Mary was born of a virgin. You have misunderstood that.

by Amethyst: Mary was a sinner just like everyone else. She even refers to God as her Saviour, in the book of Luke.

If you read the quote by Pope Pius IX that I posted you will see that she was saved..... "by the virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ, Savior of the human race" .

Immaculate Conception does not mean virgin birth.

The title of this thread is incorrect. No prophesy of "The Immaculate Conception". The prophesy was about a virgin giving birth to the Savior.

posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by shantyman
No. Sorry. How can I say this with such conviction?

Taking away the incredibly insulting nature of that post, let's be logical. There is absolutely no convincing proof that aliens exist. Now, I believe that there is a very good chance that there is life out there, and if this is true, they likely are more advanced than we are.

I'm assuming that you're a religous person by saying that the post was 'incredibly insulting'. My argument here is that the exsistence of aliens disproves god(s). Not in any of the 'major' religions do they state that aliens exsist. The reason; religous texts were written at a time when knowledge of the universe was limited. The men that wrote the bible, koran etc. Weren't aware of the planetary systems that revolve around each other - i mean these people believed that the sun revolved around the earth (some fundamentalists still do!)
Basically its aliens or god - not both...

posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by shantyman
Because STargate is a movie meant to entertain (and I do rather like it),

I could just as easily claim the writers of the Bible did not intend for their writings to be literally believed, but wrote them as symbolism and metaphor - fictional stories with a deaper message.

Originally posted by shantyman
And I have - hmmmm - a coulple of thousand years of philosopy and theological thought by brilliant theologians.

Congratulations. That and $4.95 will buy you a latte.


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