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South America and Ancient Egypt connection?

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posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 07:28 PM
I've read quite a few articles online and even seen some programs on the Discovery channel and possible TLC that suggests that South America was home to an advanced civilization or possibly civilizations thousands of years ago. One example that suggested an advance civilization was the placing of medium to large boulders in various parts of a man made canal to prevent currents from eroding the canal. Now that I think about it I think it…there was a program regarding an archeologist belief that Atlantis was in South America. It might have been the same program that suggested that there was actually trade going on between South America and Egypt by using some ocean current. There's also been the mentioned of cocoa leaves being found in Egyptian tombs and the fact that both cultures emphasized the building of pyramids. It really makes me wonder if there really is some connection...very fascinating indeed.

What do you all think?

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 07:52 PM
I can believe it. All continents were connected at one time in the distant past so the South American civilizations could have tried to recreate the Egyptian pyramids. Being that most knowledge was wiped out by Europeans in both instances, any record of trade or travel between the two would have been lost along with record of any other great knowledge that man was supossed to inherit.

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 09:36 PM
That has been long speculated. The fact that European, Asian, and African plants and symbology has occasionally been noted in the Americas, but not vice versa, suggests any contact was one-way and very irregular.

It is possible that the rare Phoenician mariner (or Japanese or Chinese on the Pacific side) became marooned after getting lost during a storm tossed voyage, never to return home. He would, of course, assimilate into the local culture and introduce some of his culture and cargo. This does not mean there was regular and recurring two-way trade routes.

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 09:56 PM
I teach world history. My students just finished presentations on the 'hearth civilizations'. One of the most interesting and controversial presentations included the influence of African visitors to the western hemisphere. Of course, the famous Olmec heads were a popular and hotly debated graphic

Could be. It is apparent that Vikings made it to North America. When you look at the Atlantic currents, an expedition leaving the West coast of Africa really has a great chance of success. - a pretty cool site with a graphic of currents. Draw your own conclusions...

BTW - the kid got an A - I love an independant thinker that backs up his thesis with great arguments!

posted on Oct, 19 2005 @ 12:22 AM
i think there probably was an ancient technologically advanced civilization that either blew themselves up, or were scattered by some ancient calamity. there are alot of signs out there that point toward this, but mainstream scientists refuse to look at them. they pass them off as "anomolies" and hide them under the rug. they refuse to believe that there is any other possibility than what they have been taught.

how do you explain fields of green glass on the indian sub-continent? how do you explain pyramids on both sides of the ocean (and evidently under it as well)? how do you explain maps depicting antarctica centuries before its discovery?

i would love to travel back in time and see what kind of information was stored in the library of alexandria (where some of the unexplained maps are rumored to have come from). i'd be willing to bet there was information there that the experts of the time couldnt understand but would make perfect sense to us today.

posted on Oct, 19 2005 @ 12:36 AM
Google yourself a pole projection map, a flat world map such as that used in the insignia of the UN. Locate the Pillars of Hercules, the Strait of Gibraltar, take Plato's advice and draw a straight line until you hit a landmass in the middle of an ocean large enough to match Plato's description. It's by no means conclusive, but it's a fascinating illustration of the possibility that Atlantis was in some way associated with South America. As others have pointed out, all that copper for the Bronze Age had to come from somewhere. The coc aine and tobacco found in Egyptian mummies is intriguing as well. The popular argument is that Victorian era archaeologists contaminated the mummies. This is possible but seems to underplay the abilities of forensic pathology and while the image of a handlebar mustached explorer accidentally dumping his stash all over his mummy is pretty funny, to me it wouldn't seem a plausible enough scenario to rest the phenomenon on.

posted on Oct, 19 2005 @ 03:56 AM
There really isnt a alot of evidence for Egypt/America contact.

Why? Because the pyramids of America are several hundred years old while the ones in Egypt are several thousand years old. There just isnt a chance at a connection.

Dave has the right answer, a few mariners would get washed up from time to time, in fact there is even an example of japanese pottery being found in S. America, resumably from a shipwreck. (not from trade! the Japanse would have records!)

Snafu, do you have to bring all that nonsense up? Its all been debunked over and over and over and over..... well you get the idea.

Mind you, not heard of fields of glass in India, could you elaborate on that plase?

posted on Oct, 19 2005 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by Uncle Joe

Snafu, do you have to bring all that nonsense up? Its all been debunked over and over and over and over..... well you get the idea.

Mind you, not heard of fields of glass in India, could you elaborate on that plase?

i bring it up because i believe it to be true. mainstream scientists seem to be incapable of seeing outside their own little self-made boxes.

the glass thing is something i've read in the past and have heard here and there...but youre right, i am contributing to the ignorance by posting it without proof....i'll do some research and get back to ya.

posted on Oct, 19 2005 @ 02:33 PM
now, i know these arent the best of sources, but you simply can not find mainstream scientific data on this subject (as a scientist, if you go against the grain, you end up branded as a hack and lose all credibility).

first, artifact anomolies:

A gold necklace was found embedded in a lump of coal.
A metal spike was discovered in a silver mine in Peru.
An iron implement was found in a Scottish coal bed. Estimated to be millions of years older than man is believed to have existed.
A metal, bell-shaped vessel, inlaid with a silver floral design was blasted out of solid rock near Dorchester, Massachusetts.

next, green glass:

Earlier I mentioned the "fused green glass" found deep in the strata of an archaeological dig. The statement that such material had been known previously only at nuclear testing sites (where the sand had melted to form the substance) proved to be an unsettling thought (and a sci-fi hack). Throughout the planet, in the same geologic strata, there unequivocally exists areas which scientists state are strongly suggestive of nuclear reactions. Could it be possible that these sites provide evidence of a prehistoric nuclear war?

"Fused green glass" has been found in such sites as Pierrelatte in Gabon, Africa; the Euphrates Valley; the Sahara Desert; the Gobi Desert; Iraq; the Mojave Desert; Scotland; the Old and Middle Kingdoms of Egypt; and south-central Turkey. At the same time, scientists have found a number of uranium deposits that appear to have been mined or depleted in antiquity.

more green glass:

In earlier writings I told of the "fused green glass" found deep in the strata of an archaeological dig. The statement that such material had been known previously only at nuclear testing sites (where the sand had melted to form the substance) proved to be an unsettling thought for many readers. But throughout the planet, in the same geologic strata, there unequivocally exists areas which scientists state are strongly suggestive of nuclear reactions. Could it be possible that these sites provide evidence of a prehistoric nuclear war? ''Fused green glass" has been found in such sites as pierrelatte in Gabon, Africa; the Euphrates Valley; the Sahara Desert; the Gobi Desert; Iraq; the Mojave Desert; Scotland; the Old and Middle Kingdoms of Egypt; and south-central Turkey. At the same time, scientists have found a number of uranium deposits that appear to have been mined or depleted in antiquity.

and it would appear that the father of the nuclear bomb, oppenheimer, was a believer as well:

During a college lecture, Oppenheimer was asked: 'Was the atomic test at Alamagordo the first nuclear blast?' The student meant: Was there a U.S. program before Alamagordo? Oppenheimer answered: 'Yes, in modern times.' The creator of the A-Bomb meant: Our atomic program was the first, not counting the ancient nuclear wars of the distant past.

Oppenheimer was a student of the old books of India; such as the Mahabharata, Bhagavad Gita and the Kansur. Some of these holy works pre-date the Bible. They are not fictional stories. They are history. They speak of flying vimanas. Vimanas were real vehicles and the origin of the 'flying carpet.' Great wars were described in these early texts. Weapons could literally level the land like a moving force field. In ancient India, we find words for certain measurements of length; one was the distance of light-years and one was the length of an atom. Only a society that possessed nuclear energy would have the need for such words. When Oppenheimer said 'I am become the destroyer of worlds,' he was quoting from these ancient books. Believe it or not, the deserts on a number of continents today are the result of (prehistoric) nuclear warfare.

however, this is what i was looking for when i started my search this afternoon:

Radiation still so intense, the area is highly dangerous

A heavy layer of radioactive ash in Rajasthan, India, covers a three-square mile area, ten miles west of Jodhpur. Scientists are investigating the site, where a housing development was being built.

For some time it has been established that there is a very high rate of birth defects and cancer in the area under construction. The levels of radiation there have registered so high on investigators' gauges that the Indian government has now cordoned off the region. Scientists have unearthed an ancient city where evidence shows an atomic blast dating back thousands of years, from 8,000 to 12,000 years, destroyed most of the buildings and probably a half-million people. One researcher estimates that the nuclear bomb used was about the size of the ones dropped on Japan in 1945.

i simply picked the first result, but there are several.

and by the way, i completely ignored hogue, who has several different quotes about this, simply because after reading his many different interpretations of nostradamus that seem to change after every major incident, i think he is a quack (just MHO though). of course, thats probably what you think of me after this post......

posted on Oct, 19 2005 @ 02:41 PM
Sorry, i was a bit harsh there, didnt mean to come across as too much of an arse.

Not to be rude though, but i am willing to bet that most of the evidence you post with regards to an ancient civilisation has been heard before. For instance where you talk about accurate maps of antarctica, i would guess your talking about the Piri Reis map, which doesnt show anything of the sort, instead he simply got his latitudes confused, the area mistaken for antarctica corresponds with S. America.

However I could easily be totally wrong, and you may have something totally different.

posted on Oct, 19 2005 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by Uncle Joe
Sorry, i was a bit harsh there, didnt mean to come across as too much of an arse.

Not to be rude though, but i am willing to bet that most of the evidence you post with regards to an ancient civilisation has been heard before. For instance where you talk about accurate maps of antarctica, i would guess your talking about the Piri Reis map, which doesnt show anything of the sort, instead he simply got his latitudes confused, the area mistaken for antarctica corresponds with S. America.

However I could easily be totally wrong, and you may have something totally different.

in all fairness, i'm sure most of it is. but as i am fairly new here (just over a month), i havent had a chance to peruse all the past threads on this subject (in truth, the political threads have kept me occupied since i came aboard)....but i am starting to check them out now.

posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 07:51 AM
There are pyramids on Tenriffe, for those of you who don't know where tenerife is, it is an island in the canary islands which are located off the coast of north africa they are populated by the spanish.

for images of these pyramids click this link:

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