posted on Oct, 23 2002 @ 06:05 AM
THIS is the real thing.
Steyr IWS 2500 Anti-Mat�riel Rifle
Although its not the best anti personl sniper rifle in the world, its definetly the best anti material rifle.
It uses a special 15.2x170mm cal - SLAP (Saboted Light Armor Penetrator) and APDS (Armor Piercing Discarding Sabot).
The barrel itself sits inside a sleeve-type hydro-pneumatic system which is normally found on artillery weapons rather than anything generally
associated with a sniper rifle.
(I'm sure theyre here remembers this picture.)
There are two parts in a SLAP/APDS payload. The first part is the armor-piercing (AP) bullet itself. This consists of a sub-caliber bullet (sometimes
called a flechette, dart, or penetrator) usually made out of a particularly hard and dense metal or metal alloy, such as tungsten carbide. This type
of bullet is very expensive, and would be of little practical benefit if used against soft body armor.
The second part of a SLAP/APDS payload is a discarding sabot (DS). This is a plastic collar that fits between the sub-caliber penetrator and the
rifle's bore, transferring spin from the barrel's rifling to the sub-caliber pentrator. The sabot lightens the load that the propellant charge must
push from the barrel, increasing the bullet's velocity substantially. This higher velocity facilitates greater penetration.
It can go thro 4 centimeters of steel at a 1000 yards boys.
The IWS 2500 has an extreme range of over 2,000 meters, making the presence of the weapon completely unnoticeable
[Edited on 23-10-2002 by Tyler]