posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 12:09 PM
Anyone know of a place with a radiant rainbow sky, an immense
tower, and cubes all grey like the smooth ground stretching out
across the horizon? The soil is as clay malluable and soft. A place
where the size of something can be deceiving as some structures
are larger inside than out? I think it was thirteen hour time cycles
and circles of movement at the tower's base. It was a friend of mine who said he OBE'd this place and it had been quite far. he said he travelled
far enough beyond the Milky Way that there were no stars as he neared this single, tiny spark in space and then he was there. He also mentioned, (he
only saw the shadow
as it had been behind him) a large, large creature that as soon as he heard it, he was yanked back.