posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 09:31 PM
This topic is very multifaceted.
Not one person has mentioned (I think) the fact that mexicans are invading this country more NOW than at any other time in history.
They DO bring or create families here. Because they are "undocumented" they are given LOTS of welfare. Food stamps, housing based on their income,
their children are educated FOR FREE here with a better education than most of them could ever have recieved in Mexico.
Then, there's the prison or jail issue. Their "civil" rights in a lot of instances are not protected.
Case in point - I know this first hand, not by someone telling me about it, but I was involved with this case.
3 Mexican nationals are driving around in a 1987 Camero.
Man driving is 37, drunk, has a fake ID.
Woman passenger in front is somewhere between 25 and 30, fake ID , who knows what her real name is.
Woman passenger in the back seat same as above.
Both women are the man's girlfriends.
There are 3 children crammed into the backseat. ages 4, 10, 6.
All 3 go to foster care, and for the first year they are together, then they are separated. Turns out that the 4 and 10 year old are the children of
backseat woman and man. The 6 year old, who considers the other 2 kids her siblings, is the child of the front passenger.
The man driving is all 3's father.
Now, here is where it gets interesting.
A routine search comes up with 10 kilos of coc aine in the trunk. All 3 adults go to jail.
Within a month, the 2 women's charges are dropped because the man pleads guilty.
Their children go from foster home to foster home until finally they are let out of jail.
And do you know why they were finally let out?
One of the foster mothers called the city jail and asked when the mother was going to be released. The police immediately let them both go without
even a SORRY.
It takes another 3 months before the children see their mothers.
Because the kids are in the "system now".
but EVERYONE, even the kids were illegal.
No one got deported.
Fake ID's were winked at and the women got jobs, section 8 housing, and their kids back (with some help).
What a horrible experience this whole thing is.
Now, we have a system of enableing these illegals. Either we want them here or we don't . Someone has to make up their mind and do something.