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Return every single illegal

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posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 11:30 AM
Here we go, and just how pratical will this be. I guess it is job creation at its finest. Need lots of bus drivers soon. Sad thing is this will also affect the American economy as the "illegal" take jobs that many American do not want.

Return every single illegal entrant -- no exceptions," Chertoff said in prepared testimony to a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on proposals to overhaul the immigration system.

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 01:31 PM
I can tell you this: if they do it, the landscaping industry in NJ will collapse utterly. People in upscale neighborhoods will have to go back to mowing theirr own lawns. The horror... the horror...

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 01:47 PM
moving to Social Issues on PTS

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 03:05 PM
Yes they are here illegally, and yes they are technically invader's of the motherland, but they left a #ehole to be able to support their families back home. I've done so much reading and watching on this subject my heart goes out to them in that regard.

I'm a legal 'migrant' i've been waiting 2 years now and we've spent over $8000 trying to get me to be legal. I'm lucky that I don't come from a hard knock life like they do, I can wait it out. Alot of those folks can't.

While I support better laws on this issue, I do believe they should be issued temporary work visa's, which would give them a number to allow the gov to keep watch over them.

They do alot of work that reg folks wouldn't do, and they work hard.
I don't understand all the hate towards these folks.

What's wrong w/ temporary work visas? Why kick them all out when all they want is the money for their families back home?

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 03:53 PM
Sure is going to help create more jobs alright I wonder if when they gather them from the pecan farms in the south, will they bring workers from the north to replace them.

How about the peanut farms, cotton and peaches.

I forgot the onions and tomatoes.

There it goes the Mexican cuisine and the restaurants.

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 04:15 PM
Agribusiness, Construction, Reaturant almost all service industries DEPEND on illegals and their corresponding low wages to maintain their profit margins.

This is such obvious political posturing it's absurd. Just shows how the WH is grasping at straws to try and get the poll numbers up and try and deflect attention from the coming inditments and scandel revelations. Whoops to late!

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 11:11 AM
Don't be ridiculous, the construction industry would NOT collapse!

Why not try giving those jobs to AMERICAN CITIZENS who are unemployed?

And there are plenty of American citizens who'd be willing to pick fruit if it would help their families survive. I would if that's what it came to. Can't be any worse than throwing bags of chips into boxes (which is what I used to do at Frito-Lay). Just bring some sunscreen along!

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 12:18 PM

Don't be ridiculous, the construction industry would NOT collapse!

No, but you could expect the cost of homes to go up, as many contractors raise prices to protect profit margins.

Why not try giving those jobs to AMERICAN CITIZENS who are unemployed?

Because many people who are unemployed usually don't want to do the hard work typically involved in the construction business.

And there are plenty of American citizens who'd be willing to pick fruit if it would help their families survive.

Chances are the ones who are willing to do "menial" jobs, if that what it takes to get by, already have jobs.

While I can only speak from personnal experience, alot of people who are "looking" for work (in the area I live in) aren't really looking for work. They tend to be unemploymeny riders. They go in get a few apps to meet the quota and try to stay on unemployment. They don't want to get up at the crack of dawn to go to a back breaking job, they want to do as little work as possible.

Where I live, there is a huge backlog of work, many contractors are booking work many months even a year or more in advance because there is a shortage of workers. Yet there are still quite a few unemployed people(granted the unemployment rate here is below the average but still there is plenty of work out there for the ones who are really looking).

[edit on 22/10/05 by Skibum]

[edit on 22/10/05 by Skibum]

posted on Dec, 22 2005 @ 05:06 PM
I know a lot of people that would take jobs that the mexicans are taking.
First they should be only alowed to pick and then go home. I have friends that can not get jobs because they are aready filled by mexicans. send them all home and that is all. If it keeps going there will be war and then mexico will be in the dog house.

posted on Dec, 22 2005 @ 05:58 PM
This anti Mexican tirade is getting very stale.

The way to stop illegal immagration, is to make it a crime to hire an illegal.

This ain't gonna happen because in America the bottom line is HOLY. It's all about PROFITS; and to think American companys aren't going to use cheap labor is worse than naive, it's outright stupid.

posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 07:47 PM
Do you know how much it costs to support "illegals" here in the U.S.? True, most did come from a 3rd world country in hopes of bettering their lives but it comes at a great cost to us. Even if they did deport all "illegals", farms, landscaping, and other industries where a large chunk of the work force is comprised of illegal workers will NOT be affected. The basic Supply & Demand will naturally kick in and people will adjust accordingly. In the's okay to naturally feel sorry for "illegals" but they do hurt us more than help us.

posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by j619pinoy
Do you know how much it costs to support "illegals" here in the U.S.? True, most did come from a 3rd world country in hopes of bettering their lives but it comes at a great cost to us. Even if they did deport all "illegals", farms, landscaping, and other industries where a large chunk of the work force is comprised of illegal workers will NOT be affected. The basic Supply & Demand will naturally kick in and people will adjust accordingly. In the's okay to naturally feel sorry for "illegals" but they do hurt us more than help us.

Your'e just a kid parroting back what somebody told you. You live in the surburbs and go to highschool. To think the law of supply and demand wll naturally kick in is so stupid it dosen't even diserve a comment. Very little research will show you the symbotic relationship we have with Mexico.

We in the southwest that are in business, have a hard time dealing with the current racist BS that is coming out of the ignorant conservative dorks that live in NEW YORK or Washington. OK build the damn wall and watch the economy tank.

This is racist, scapegoating pure and simple, looking to find someplace to place the blame for the maliase that is so prevalant in todays society. If you think you can find anybody with lily white skin to pick strawberries for under min. wage, or grapes or lettuce.. please don't insult us that live on and make our living from the land.

[edit on 4-1-2006 by whaaa]

[edit on 4-1-2006 by whaaa]

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by whaaa

Your'e just a kid parroting back what somebody told you. You live in the surburbs and go to highschool. To think the law of supply and demand wll naturally kick in is so stupid it dosen't even diserve a comment. Very little research will show you the symbotic relationship we have with Mexico.

We in the southwest that are in business, have a hard time dealing with the current racist BS that is coming out of the ignorant conservative dorks that live in NEW YORK or Washington. OK build the damn wall and watch the economy tank.

This is racist, scapegoating pure and simple, looking to find someplace to place the blame for the maliase that is so prevalant in todays society. If you think you can find anybody with lily white skin to pick strawberries for under min. wage, or grapes or lettuce.. please don't insult us that live on and make our living from the land.

[edit on 4-1-2006 by whaaa]

So what you are saying is that you support illegal workers because it allows you to abuse their situation so that you can pay them as little as possible without legal benefits and line your own pockets with the profits.

Most people here will tell you I am quite liberal, when it comes to illegal workers... I am afraid I have to say out they go.

not for any anti-(insert race here) sentiment but for a number of reasons.

The whole .. they are doing jobs citizens don't want to do argument is a pile.. the citizens will do the work if the pay is there and if their handouts are taken from them.. these are the same people who abuse the welfare system saying "I can't find a job" .... take away their free ride and they will work. that is not to say there are not people who need help from the government.. bad things happen all the time.. but personally I think that unemployment benefits and welfare benefits need to be swapped for one another.

they are here illegally, there are no records, they cannot be traced to a valid database for crime investigation.

the use of public services, health services, are abused and comes out of our taxes.

They are illegal.. they don't pay taxes

The.. "but they come from a hard life" argument... join the club. I grew up abused, lived on the streets, and worked my butt off to get where I am with no-ones help. I have no pity for them. The cant feed their families? The come from a geographic location with natural foods... learn to hunt.

If people want to come here .. fine.. i have no problem with that.. but do it legally.

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 01:02 PM
I have been sort of debating this issue on a thread about a US/Mexican wall. I just thought I would cut and paste a post I made there to throw my opinion into the ring.
Let this sink in...YOU DONT MAKE ANY REAL MONEY. You cant bitch about these illegal immigrants stealing jobs or raping our economy because the amount is so minute it makes no impact. It looks big on paper, but if you look at other numbers (like how our overall economy is distributed) you will see that this is a silly argument.
There is also a lot to be said about why Mexico, or a majority of South America, has such an inflated economy. It is because of Western influence (mostly American businesses) that have raped their economies by moving corporations there, paying squat, and investing nothing back. All of our influence in Latin America has contributed to the ruin of their financial wellbeing. Read a book, and open your eyes to the real problem. US imperialism is the only reason these people cannot enjoy a fair standard of living in their own countries. If this makes me sound commie, so be it. Most of these countries are more rich in natural resources and tourist attractions that the US, yet their money is work s**t. Have you ever seen the resources Brazil, or Mexico has to offer? Of course, because we have set up companies to exploit everything their land has to offer, and we paid them enough wages to keep them happy, while none of the real money makes it back into their economies. It goes towards some CEO's new Benz, or a house in the Hamptons.
We should embrace them, not turn them away. If comming here legally were easy, I am sure most would. We owe them a shot here, legal or not. The medical care and schooling they are stealing should be human rights, not a matter of economics.
This being said, one of my best friends is Columbian and she has spent thousands of dollars and roughly 4 years trying to get legit citizenship. Luckily she is here on a student visa so they arent trying to deport her, but my point is comming here "legally" is not as easy as us yanks think it is.
The sad part is most poor/middleclass americans wont work the jobs that a lot of mexican "illegals" take. At least not at the same wage. Is this not capitalism is action?
Yet more proof that the almighty $ rules all, even morality.

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 02:27 PM
That depends on your sense of morality, is it moral for someone to sneak into a country, use programs that they do not contribute to, use schools that they do not contribute to while people like your friend make the effort to enter this country legally?

Human rights? Is it a human right for me to have to carry the weight no matter how slight, of someone who will not contribute to anything other than themselves and their direct family?

IS it not my human right to want to know who is and is not coming into my country and could potentially to harm to me or my family? Or are their human rights more important than mine because I have busted my butt to get where I am?

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 02:45 PM
Speaking of morality, maybe you should research whos land it was in the first place.
On the human rights thing, are illegal immigrants really denying you your human rights? I see your point. They missuse the hospitals, they fill the jails, they refuse to assimilate into our culture, etc... These are all valid arguements, however, I know just as many worthless citizens that do the same.
I just think we are fighting the wrong enemy here. Things like medical care, good jobs, the ability to feed your family, etc are human rights, or atleast they should be. Rather than morality, this is a question of economics is it not?
I guess I just dont see the "weight" you are forced to carry.
And which mexican immigrant is going to potentially harm you?
Show me on the doll where they touch you...

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by DaFunk13
Speaking of morality, maybe you should research whos land it was in the first place.
On the human rights thing, are illegal immigrants really denying you your human rights? I see your point. They missuse the hospitals, they fill the jails, they refuse to assimilate into our culture, etc... These are all valid arguements, however, I know just as many worthless citizens that do the same.
I just think we are fighting the wrong enemy here. Things like medical care, good jobs, the ability to feed your family, etc are human rights, or atleast they should be. Rather than morality, this is a question of economics is it not?
I guess I just dont see the "weight" you are forced to carry.
And which mexican immigrant is going to potentially harm you?
Show me on the doll where they touch you...

harm me? Well there was the guy in Arizona who pulled the 9mm on me that I found out was illegal after half the party was arrested.

it is not a morality issue.. I would say it is simply a legal issue that has been tied to economics by people who benefit from not having to pay full price for labor. It is also considered a social issue because most people are not capable of viewing some legal issues without emotion.. I admit.. I can be a callous person.

The weight I am forced to carry may be negligible.. but that is hardly the point. If i were to randomly come up to you.. not knowing you.. went through your wallet and took a dollar every 3 days.. .. it's only a dollar. that’s not a big deal.. the amount is immaterial. It's the simple fact that it is not my dollar to take.

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by MrBunny
Human rights? Is it a human right for me to have to carry the weight no matter how slight, of someone who will not contribute to anything other than themselves and their direct family?

Mr. Bunny, Have you ever heard of the "sales tax" Every gallon of gas, every 6 pack, every condom, every tire or sparkplug, every DVD, every asprin, every Tshirt and pair of jockey short, every bottle of formula for their kids, toys, Cokes and mountian Dew. All the above products are taxed and to say they contribute to nothing other than thenselves ignores the fact that they do contribute thru the taxes they pay when they buy anything. They too are busting their butt to buy stuff just like you or I.
Please do a little research and see who actually benifits the most from welfare. If you could see past your thinly vailed racism, you would see that Mexican workers in this country contribute to the economy much more than they take. Of course not all illegals are contributers to the economy but the vast majority are. Just like American Citizens.

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 06:58 AM
First of all, people are way to willing to throw out the "Racist" card, hell.. I'm Spanish and Welsh.. and I could give a pile of poo what color a person is or where they come from. I dislike all people quite equally.

Sales tax... fair enough, yes they do pay sales tax.

So are you saying that perhaps all American citizens should simply not pay any more taxes, not put any money at all into the system other than sales tax. After all, that’s all they put in and obviously this is about being fair right?

Obviously you think they should stay and continue to use the social programs, health care, schooling, and living conditions we have here even if they did come here and are living here illegally.

So in that.. you are saying that it's perfectly ok for people to break the law. In that you are saying it's ok that many people can just slap the face of people who make the effort to do the paperwork, to work hard to pay the fees to do the right thing and enter, live, and work here legally.

With that mindset.. I should be able to walk into any store, take any food and drink I want and walk out without paying. After all, the financial loss to the store is comparatively minor to such a large corporation. All they need to do is raise the price of groceries a little bit for the people who will still pay for it because they know it's the right thing to do. You can make up the cost of my theft... after all I need to feed my family right?

It's very simple.. I don't care if people come to this country, I don't care why as long as it is not to do anyone harm. The entire population of Mexico can move here for all I care.

As long as they do it legally, with the correct documentation and they pay taxes to live here... just like me.

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by whaaa

Originally posted by j619pinoy
Do you know how much it costs to support "illegals" here in the U.S.? True, most did come from a 3rd world country in hopes of bettering their lives but it comes at a great cost to us. Even if they did deport all "illegals", farms, landscaping, and other industries where a large chunk of the work force is comprised of illegal workers will NOT be affected. The basic Supply & Demand will naturally kick in and people will adjust accordingly. In the's okay to naturally feel sorry for "illegals" but they do hurt us more than help us.

Your'e just a kid parroting back what somebody told you. You live in the surburbs and go to highschool. To think the law of supply and demand wll naturally kick in is so stupid it dosen't even diserve a comment. Very little research will show you the symbotic relationship we have with Mexico.

We in the southwest that are in business, have a hard time dealing with the current racist BS that is coming out of the ignorant conservative dorks that live in NEW YORK or Washington. OK build the damn wall and watch the economy tank.

This is racist, scapegoating pure and simple, looking to find someplace to place the blame for the maliase that is so prevalant in todays society. If you think you can find anybody with lily white skin to pick strawberries for under min. wage, or grapes or lettuce.. please don't insult us that live on and make our living from the land.

[edit on 4-1-2006 by whaaa]

[edit on 4-1-2006 by whaaa]

You moron I'm not even white. Symbiotic relationship with Mexico? Are you kidding me? We are not that heavily dependent on Mexico. Where are you getting your research information? From Mexico? The 'Supply & Demand' does and will occur you idiot and there's nothing we can do. Have you not taken any Economic courses in college? IF we removed all illegals....the industry will evolve or implement some new program to get our product harvested one way or another. (Someone has a chip on their shoulder)

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