Have you ever been unlucky enough to visit the ATS Store in the member center and been confronted with a horridly blank, infinitely black section
where the ATS Store should be?
Well, ATS member Toxic Fox did, and he
started a thread all about it, a thread where many
an ATSer came forth to tell their tales of woe and terror when confronted with the dark enigma that had somehow usurped the place of the ATS Store.
And hence was born the legend, the scourge that is...
The Big Black Nothing
The Big Black Nothing was worshiped by some, and feared by all. And the awe-struck members of ATS offered tribute to the
BBN in the only way
they knew how: By making silly animated gifs and pictures. The BBN actually wanted
gifts, but somewhere in the fog of history, the 'T' was
This thread is a tribute to the BBN and to its far-reaching and eternal affect on the lives of us all.
A Pictorial History of the BBN
Toxic Fox's initial avatar offering to the BBN...
The BBN becomes sentient and spreads through the member center...
The BBN becomes even darker...
The BBN alters the evolution of mankind...
The BBN takes over the Internet...
The BBN cult creates electronic altars for teenagers...
Toxic Fox leads a rebellion against the BBN...
The BBN is observed in paranormal incidents...later proven to be the source of the "big black monster in the closet" legends.
Internet Explorer users start a rival cult worshipping the Big Grey Nothing false god...
The BBN destroys the BGN Cult by commandeering the nuclear arsenal of the world superpowers...
The BBN takes over ATS completely, resulting in the unfortunate deaths of several astronauts...
The BGN Cult makes a short-lived resurgence, disguising itself as the Big Light Grey Nothing Cult...
The BBN institutes marshal law to quell the BLGN uprising, taking over entire states in the United States and setting up checkpoints on major
The BBN organizes massive propaganda rallies to maintain control of the populace, who are now completely in its thrall...
Fear the Big Black Nothing. The BBN is your god. Those who worship and give offering in the form of pictures and animated gifs shall be
That is all.
[edit on 2005-10-18 by wecomeinpeace]