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Alien Child's Skull Found With Mother?

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posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 07:23 PM
This is a rather old story, but I am fascinated with the relentless search-research being done of this skull, including mtDNA.
Can this be the only skull of this type on Earth.?.I say no..

[edit on 10/17/2005 by siriuslyone]

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 08:10 PM
very strange indeed, so i guess the latest report on it should be coming out around now huh.

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by Schmidt1989
very strange indeed, so i guess the latest report on it should be coming out around now huh.

Yes, He is having a problem with finding an ethical or at least open-minded scientist to DO the paternal side of the DNA.
This man has worked tirelessly seems for naught.
IF they can ONLY find the mtDNA because the Father was a alien--
THEN tell us!! Or has someone told science to never find any paternal DNA?
Just questions, no answers, but it is not a hydrocephalic skull.
As Joe Friday said--just the facts, sir..

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 09:00 PM

Again look at some numbers. If all 1500 of you gave $10, we'd have $15,000--nearly halfway to our total requirement of $40,000 dollars. (For a detailed breakdown of our needs, provided by those willing to do the work, see the list below this letter.) If all of you gave $20, we would have $30,000--3/4 of the way to the $40,000 we need. And if you all gave $30, we'd have $45,000--the $40,000 we need with $5,000 left over for contingencies. $30 from each of you would solve all the problems and allow us to move ahead with full steam.

lets all send $100, and then he'll have $150.000, Yipee!

I'm sorry but it looks a bit of a scam to me, he's taken the money and done a runner, his final update was 8 months ago,

Enough. In some ways I regret seeing the Starchild saga coming to an end, but those regrets are miniscule compared to the elation I feel about seeing it nearly finished. You can be sure I'll continue keeping everyone on the mailing list informed about developments via these periodic updates.

he may come back when he's skint,

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 09:08 PM
I thought they did tests on this in Vancouver Canada and claimed it 100 percent human.........


best part of the website:

Indeed, it could turn out to be nothing more than a butt-ugly kid with an extraordinary combination of cranial deformities never seen before.

[edit on 17-10-2005 by Dulcimer]

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 09:08 PM
As for me, he can wait until eternity for my dime.
I LOATHE $$ grubbers, but still the skull is fact, but his poor-mouthing is wasted on most true seekers..
I have hypnotized many people free, repaired watches for free or minimum for parts, as in my soul, if you NEED $$ that bad, I hope it will buy your way into the 'other side'
I see your point, believe me, but look at my avatar, this kid is not a human..

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by siriuslyone
but still the skull is fact, but his poor-mouthing is wasted on most true seekers..

do you know where is the Starchild skull been tested?

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by iamian

Originally posted by siriuslyone
but still the skull is fact, but his poor-mouthing is wasted on most true seekers..

do you know where is the Starchild skull been tested?

This is the reason he gives that the testers of the skull not be 'outed' for their own reasons?? Did you watch those 2 short videos?

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by siriuslyone

Originally posted by Schmidt1989
very strange indeed, so i guess the latest report on it should be coming out around now huh.

Yes, He is having a problem with finding an ethical or at least open-minded scientist to DO the paternal side of the DNA.

Actually, I believe he's having problems finding a scientist who will say it's an alien. Somewhere (I can't find it now) is a site with skulls showing various pathologies. There's a skull of a 3 year old child who died of hydrocephaly that looks very very similar to the "Starchild."

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 09:51 PM
>>>>Actually, I believe he's having problems finding a scientist who will say it's an alien. Somewhere (I can't find it now) is a site with skulls showing various pathologies. There's a skull of a 3 year old child who died of hydrocephaly that looks very very similar to the "Starchild."

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 09:57 PM
>>>I thought they did tests on this in Vancouver Canada and claimed it 100 percent human......

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 10:05 PM
My favorite part of the site is where he tells the story of "Zana" the Russian Alma. Apparantly, an Alma is basically a Bigfoot that lives in parts of Russia and China. He claims this one, named Zana, was captured by a Russian village and used as a slave for some 40 years. Even though she was covered from head to toe in long hair and stunk a horrible odor, she was used as a sex slave by many of the villagers. She even was able to produce offspring with them- 8 in total. Only 4 survived, and went on to marry and have kids of their own. He claims the offspring is still alive.

I've never heard of this story before, but if anyone could provide a link with some additional information, it would be greatly appreciated. He also mentions that it was buried and that there were still Russians who were in their 80's that remember Zana from when they were young, and tell a consistent story of her. I'm wondering, since he didn't mention it, if they know of the location of Zana's remains and if, in fact, they have been found and/or tested.

If you want to read about this, click on the link in the original post. Go down almost half-way, and click on "Analysis of forensic DNA report." Towards the bottom of that page, when making an argument for how the original DNA results of the Starchild have been misinterpreted, he tells the story of Zana.

Again, if anyone has any information on Zana please let us know! Thanks!

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 10:23 PM
Trying to explain the unexplainable, let me try:

It is the most difficult thing to watch besides a dying person, as I do hospice work is:

To watch beautiful young women in the prime of their lives telling you they were pregnant and around the second month, they are/were no longer pregnant and not bleeding as a miscarriage would, and I ask why.
The overall answer is that the fetus was removed and they then start crying as if the child had died.
I ask them to go forward and tell me what else they remember, and then the wailing starts, as they tell me they are told to hold a tiny being who has either very dark eyes or colorless eyes and wispy hair, and they KNOW it is theirs.
I try to comfort them, as they are in trance, but they then tell me they can live with knowing the child is alive and they will be called upon many times to hold the offspring and show them love and emotion.
Overall, they feel so relieved, their lives take a dramatic turn for the better, as for some reason, they are assured they were specially chosen to help a'new' type of human to be returned to them when it is old enough to understand what/why it has not always been with it's Mother.
If you think this is hard on the mother, imagine how impossible it us to make their husbands is a sad but very cathartic experience for the most part...for them and me..

My most controversial case is the birth of a colorless eyes, wispy haired infant born to a natural redhead and a Native American...will continue this saga as needed...

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by siriuslyone
>>>I thought they did tests on this in Vancouver Canada and claimed it 100 percent human......

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 10:41 PM
>>>These owners hear what they want.

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 11:05 PM
Am I missing something here? Trace Genetics did a mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) series of tests and detemined that the bone was human -- at least the mother was (that's what mitochondrial DNA tests do).

As far as the anomalous shape of the skull, do you suppose it might be a infant with hydrocephalus?

[edit on 17-10-2005 by Off_The_Street]

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 11:22 PM

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 12:29 AM
I like to look at everything and give it a chance. Sure it could be what he says it is. But it could also be just plain jane human.

Odds currently are in favour that it is human. Deformities are not rare.

This skull contains many strange features, and maybe some are very uncommon, but theres a first for everything.

Look at people like the "elephant man" Quite odd, but very much human. There are human conditions with only a handful of known cases around the globe.

Example this skull has no nasal abilities, if I remember correctly. Highly odd but not impossible.

And btw my avatar is george w. bush -> Paul Martin of Canada.

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by Dulcimer
I like to look at everything and give it a chance. Sure it could be what he says it is. But it could also be just plain jane human.

Odds currently are in favour that it is human. Deformities are not rare.

This skull contains many strange features, and maybe some are very uncommon, but theres a first for everything.

Look at people like the "elephant man" Quite odd, but very much human. There are human conditions with only a handful of known cases around the globe.

Example this skull has no nasal abilities, if I remember correctly. Highly odd but not impossible.

And btw my avatar is george w. bush -> Paul Martin of Canada.

This came to me overnight..
If mtDNA containss genetic deformities, and it shows hydrocephaly, then he is a scammer..BUT if not there is another answer?
I will doggedly stay on this...

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 12:50 PM
siriuslyone says:

It is amazing to me that so many bash threads because they are skeptics and I also wonder why people would hang out in a place that is of no interest to them.

I don't think anyone's "bashing" your thread. Of course I am skeptical about this skull being anything other than that of a deformed H. sapiens infant, as is my colleague Byrd.

But what's wrong with that? Denying ignorance means to question everything. Just because I'm skeptical does not mean that I automatically reject that idea that this skull might be from a different species; it's just that the idea of it being extra-specific (or an extra-species/human hybrid) is improbable, for the following reasons:

(1) There is a lot of document evidence of hydrocephalic babies out there -- indeed, we have all seen them -- yet we have no hard evidence for the existence of extraterrestrial beings.

(2) We already know that the mother was H. sapiens (of the American Indian flavor, to be precise). Since most species cannot interbreed and those which do tend to produce sterile offspring, the chances of it being a H. sapiens mother and any other kind of father are pretty small.

I am not a science nor religious buff, thus why would I want to hang with those types

Well, I can't say that you might want to "hang out" with them, but certainly, if you're looking for answers about a particular phenomenon, someone with a strong background in science, such as our colleague Byrd, would be invaluable in providing insights which you might not have considered.

If mtDNA containss genetic deformities, and it shows hydrocephaly, then he is a scammer

I'm not sure there is a genetic marker for hydrocephaly. From what I understand of such things, (and I am not an expert) hudrocephaly is simply that the water buildup in the cerebrum is not absorbed back in to the patient's body; the pressure builds up causing the head to grow and defoem (as long as there are fontanels and incomplete skull sutures).

And the fact that mtDNA evidence shows human-ness and there is no corresponding nuclear DNA is not surprising; mtDNA seems more amenable to being extracted over longer periods of time; in other words, it's easier to extract from bones.

Finally, mdDNA is quite often destroyed in interspecies hybrids such as the mule and the liger. Thus, the presence of mtDNA is a good indication tht the skull in question is not a hybrid.

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