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I just wanna thank everyone who posts on this web site

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posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 06:16 PM
If it were not you guys I would NOT of ever found out the truth about the whole 9-11 incident. Like many I was slave to the governments lies. I remember thinking how much I hated Bin laden and everything. Now Im so anti bush I cant believe it. And to think I was happy when he won the election. lol.

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by Ereng
If it were not you guys I would NOT of ever found out the truth about the whole 9-11 incident. Like many I was slave to the governments lies. I remember thinking how much I hated Bin laden and everything. Now Im so anti bush I cant believe it. And to think I was happy when he won the election. lol.

so maybe u like to go meet Osama and say i apologize for my govt for accusing of all those killings and other attacks since the 90s and the early 21st century. all those fatwa and other stuff was govt propaganda and not yer own voice and letters. i know u Osama is a very nice man that is equivalent to Santa Claus that is nice to children. no doubt u Osama did not want to kill infidels and other people because of yer ideology.

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 07:36 PM
deltaboy maybe U like to go meet Osama and say i apologize that my govt made those tapes that is so obviously not u. because the osama in those tapes doesnt have matching face and writes with teh wrong hand. and that is all that links him to teh attacks besides mr. bush & co. saying so but why should we believe him. just because he is the prez? that makes him honest? maybe our gov. just blamed osama so they could go back to war in the Mid-East like PNAC and others have been wanting for years! who would ever think dat lolz. no makes too much sense. maybe osama just got plastic surgery. and is ambidextrous. cause hes the only bad man in the world. no one else can do wrong.

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 09:11 PM
Why does it matter what hand Usama writes with. My father is left handed but trained himself to write with his right hand. According to some, if I made a video tape of my pops writing a letter, it would automatically be a fake. Are there any videos showing Usama writing with his left hand?

If not then we cannot draw conclusions from him writing with his right hand.

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 09:15 PM
Sniff, this is so touching, another one converted to the cause.

Soon you will also learn the truth that nazis are just misunderstood innocent babes who have been picked on by ignorant yobs, and the KKK is really just a community focused group trying to promote interracial relationships.

I think life is so unfair sometimes, especially all that aweful rubbish about Al-Zakawi who is really a fine person who just wants to love his mother and become a commerical butcher. Some people just feel the need to practice their cuts on live meat instead of dead. But who can doubt his enthusiasm? He also practices making fireworks and big bangers, but again the nasty distorted western media overlook these wonderful charactor traits and try to make him into a monster.

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by deltaboy

Originally posted by Ereng
If it were not you guys I would NOT of ever found out the truth about the whole 9-11 incident. Like many I was slave to the governments lies. I remember thinking how much I hated Bin laden and everything. Now Im so anti bush I cant believe it. And to think I was happy when he won the election. lol.

so maybe u like to go meet Osama and say i apologize for my govt for accusing of all those killings and other attacks since the 90s and the early 21st century. all those fatwa and other stuff was govt propaganda and not yer own voice and letters. i know u Osama is a very nice man that is equivalent to Santa Claus that is nice to children. no doubt u Osama did not want to kill infidels and other people because of yer ideology.

This is exactly why I don't post on ATS. A new member comes in to thank you and gets attacked.

Ereng... I don't post as much as I should... but welcome to ATS. The best place to deny ignorance.

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by Netchicken
Soon you will also learn the truth that nazis are just misunderstood innocent babes who have been picked on by ignorant yobs, and the KKK is really just a community focused group trying to promote interracial relationships.

I KNEW there was something off about you......

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 09:43 PM
Thankyou daystar, can I nominate you to help Al-Zakawi practice for his commerical butchery licence? The poor guy is running out of volunteers for some reason. All that blubber would certianly give him a good workout sawing through

Originally posted by Daystar
I KNEW there was something off about you......

[edit on 17-10-2005 by Netchicken]

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 09:45 PM
It's also nice how he never says anything in regards to even tolerating Osama, but only how he remembers how he used to hate Osama because of what he was told about 9/11.

And so he gets this response:

Soon you will also learn the truth that nazis are just misunderstood innocent babes who have been picked on by ignorant yobs, and the KKK is really just a community focused group trying to promote interracial relationships.

So utterly relevant.

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 09:46 PM
good way to start it off ereng. now watch the blood fly!
no seriously,welcome to ats.

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 09:47 PM
touche NC.

but i think he prefers chicken dishes. all your blubber will feed his starving insurgents for years.......

also, if you feel like taking your nazi friends over to 'Al Zarqawi Halal Butchery Co' dont let us stop you by any means

[edit on 17-10-2005 by Daystar]

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 10:30 PM
welcome, i myself have my suspecious about 9/11 and wasn't given any other 'point of view' other than OBL is the boogeyman solely responsible for the US attacks the day of sept. 11th and all the utter nonesense that does't make sense once you obtain more information on the event.

this site is truly great for research gathering and some good back and forth talk (self-evident in this thread:lol
.. try not to believe everything you read though .. never know who's supplying the (mis)info

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 04:32 AM
I think without question a small cabal within the millitary and the government
either allowed or perhaps had some form of orchestrated complicity in 9/11. Certainly the latter would make for better folkt ales, but the former is just as corrupt.

HOWEVER, just because the government at some level may have been complicit in some aspect of 9/11, doesnt detract at all from the brazen evil of Osama bin Laden and whatever sick terrorists there are out there.

Whether Osama did or did not have anything to do with 9/11, he certainly was the mastermind behind several very deadly attacks in the 90''s he not only bragged about(unlike 9/11) but to whom th emoney flowed from.

The United States created the monsters of Osama and al Qaeda in the 80's,
as well as funding them and the Taliban as far as the mid 90's.
The PNAC neocons needed their new boogeyman, and they sure got them.
Theyve suckered America into blindly following a very dangerous new policy and government, suckered America into hating every Muslim, and all sorts of stuff.

The mainstream media and skeptics like to throw the Occam's Razor BS
at us. And sadly yes, some people make EVERYTHING into a conspiracy.
However, history shows that for every conspiracy theory proved false or inconclusive, many many others are agreed upon as fact(MK Ultra, Tuskegee,
Operation Northwoods, Tonkin, Watergate, Iran Contra, CIA and drugs,
etc etc) I believe someday, hopefully history will show how a small criminal element in the US government or above government allowed or helped with something very very bad...and used this as the impetus for endless bloodshed and profit.

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 04:38 AM
Welcome to ATS, but you need to remember that though not all the official explanations are true, nor are all the conspiracies and alternative versions of events - something which many people fail to grasp the idea of.

I'm afraid the picture isn't that simple my friend, you need to choose what you believe very carefully and not be too hasty in wanting to be different.
Don't for one minute believe that everyone with an alternative explanation is automatically your friend or even on the same side.

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 05:44 AM
the government pertains to what we know they feed us about what they want us to hear, all else is underground and out of site. like i said before deep within a base 5 miles below the rockeys the true answer of all the diligence our country persists to garnish, through its hard work and determanation may beset the entire world if the entire ET US GOVT conspiracy holds true. the tech i feel might have been achieved up to this point would be mind boggling. so to say our govenrment had prior knowlegde or full blown complicity in the 9/11 matter, would not be all the daunting to the general scheme of things and our governments involvement in alternate and shadow operations.

phil schnieder

"I love the country I am living in more than I love my life, but I would not be standing before you now, risking my life, if I did not believe it was so. The first part of this talk is going to concern deep underground military bases and the black budget. The Black Budget is a secretive budget that garners 25% of the gross national product of the United States. The Black Budget currently consumes $1.25 trillion per year. At least this amount is used in black programs, like those concerned with deep underground military bases. Presently, there are 129 deep underground military bases in the United States...."

so lets say a deep cabal orginized the entire thing, which im not sure that they have, its entirely possible given the scope and magnitude of the entire secret underground compartments our government suposedly has your congressmens your senetors your house of representives even hell the president who for the most part dont know a thing about the underground compartments would probably not know the first thing about a deep complex intertwined conspiracy related to the entirety of americas new found hegemony over the entire globe. all of our sources and relavent factions of news would be that much further out of the loop. thanks, regards. have a good one. - stu

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by bsbray11
deltaboy maybe U like to go meet Osama and say i apologize that my govt made those tapes that is so obviously not u. because the osama in those tapes doesnt have matching face and writes with teh wrong hand.

then wat he has been saying since the 90s are fake as well right? those fatwas and attacks since 98 are govt sponsored attacks and not by Osama right? he never actually said that all Muslims must go kill Americans both military and civilian right?

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by Ereng
If it were not you guys I would NOT of ever found out the truth about the whole 9-11 incident. Like many I was slave to the governments lies. I remember thinking how much I hated Bin laden and everything. Now Im so anti bush I cant believe it. And to think I was happy when he won the election. lol.

I would like to break the mold and say that you are welcome.

I won't be sarcastic (here) like so many are choosing to do.

As Agent Smith said - do be discriminating. To believe everything offered by one side is as 'ignorant' as believing everything offered by the other side.

The truth is usually somewhere in the middle. Good luck in your search and welcome to ATS.

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by deltaboy
then wat he has been saying since the 90s are fake as well right? those fatwas and attacks since 98 are govt sponsored attacks and not by Osama right? he never actually said that all Muslims must go kill Americans both military and civilian right?

i have no reason to believe those are govt attacks but wat do they have to do with 9/11? just becuz they are real osama automatically did 9/11? you jump to 2 many conclusions. just becuz osama is bad man does not mean he did 9/11. your logic is flawed. ;(

And I've also never known Osama to have superpowers that allow him to cancel out certain laws of physics as he sees fit, even when they contradict his US-Government-stated goal of "kill lots of Americans."

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by bsbray11

i have no reason to believe those are govt attacks but wat do they have to do with 9/11? just becuz they are real osama automatically did 9/11? you jump to 2 many conclusions. just becuz osama is bad man does not mean he did 9/11. your logic is flawed. ;(

And I've also never known Osama to have superpowers that allow him to cancel out certain laws of physics as he sees fit, even when they contradict his US-Government-stated goal of "kill lots of Americans."

i have no idea where u got the idea about Osama having superpowers. u can ram into an American destroyer that is all high tech and that dont require superpowers. u can blow up embassies by having a couple of truck bombs and dont require superpowers. u can hijack a couple of planes and crash into buildings and that dont require superpowers. remember that guy who ram his small plane into the White House back in 97? he died and no superpower that required to ram a small plane into the house of the most powerful man in the world.
remember that one of Osama's videos where he gloats about that it cost his organization a couple of hundred thousand dollars and cost the U.S. trillion dollars in damage and long term effect on the U.S. economy. maybe u didnt see the video because u want to deny it.
remember Osama making a martyr video for the hijackers in hopes that others will do the same for his goals.

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 11:15 AM
The superpower I was mentioning is his apparent ability to suspend the laws concerning angular momentum, which did not perform correctly during the collapses, should the collapses have been gravity-driven. This problem has been outlined in a number of posts by now. The buildings began tilting outward but then somehow - and miraculously - totally lost all of the momentum they had going in that direction. Vanished. Nothing to resist the top floors, but what does that matter. He must be magic, I'm telling you. But I still don't understand why you're bringing up other events that were blamed on al-Qaeda, as if they somehow convict Osama of 9/11.

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