posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 07:50 AM
Interseting read.......
From "Three Conversations"
(published 1900)
by Vladimir Soloviev
Vladimir Soloviev, 1853-1900
In the September 2000 issue of "Touchstone" Fr Addison Hart wrote these words about Soloviev's "Tale of the Anti-Christ":
In the face of the world we live in right now, it is blindness and sheer folly to be fighting with other Christians about ecclesiological matters that
are daily becoming less defensible. "Catholic versus Orthodox" polemics would be wrong even in less troubled times, but in the context of the
current cultural situation they are precisely what the devil ordered. An eschatological perspective ever keeps in mind how imperative it is "to keep
Satan from gaining the advantage over us;" for we are not"--or, at least, should not be--"ignorant of his designs" (2 Cor. 2:11).
I will conclude by bringing tip the name of a writer I have always found engaging, though he remains controversial. Nevertheless, I suggest that we
might look to him for a classic presentation of the eschatological perspective. I refer to Vladimir Solovyov (1853-1900), who has been accused by some
of his Orthodox co-religionists of "cryptoCatholicism," and by some Catholics of "gnosticism" and being unhealthily influenced by German idealism.
I will leave such concerns to others, finding Solovyov remarkably prescient and often prophetic, and never more so than when he testifies to the
essential, underlying, ontological union of Orthodoxy and Catholicism, despite the historical schism between them.
continued in the link provided...helen.