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Bigfoot Real? Hundreds Gather for Conference

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posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 06:41 AM
Believers gather! ... Share stories, images, latest sightings and much more...

Full Article Link

While they can have a sense of humor about it, the search for the legendary Sasquatch is no joke for many of the nearly 400 people who came here to discuss the latest sightings and tracking techniques at the Texas Bigfoot Conference.

Outlandish theories about the origin of Bigfoot abound, including that it might be an extraterrestrial. Many believe that a towering, ape-like creature descended from a prehistoric 9- to 10-foot-tall gorilla called a Gigantopithecus, and that it now inhabits North American forests.

Hoaxes have been a large part of the making of the Bigfoot legend. California construction company owner Ray L. Wallace donned 16-inch wooden feet to create tracks in mud in 1958, and it led to a front-page story in a local paper that coined the term "Bigfoot."

I have found the stories, myths, speculation, hoaxes, witness accounts, and random sightings of this beast... More entertaining than anything else.

I am curious why people are still so willing to believe in “Bigfoot”.

Do they want to believe in monsters?

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 06:46 AM
People believe in far crazier things than Bigfoot in my opinion. I have a co-worker who is infactuated with Bigfoot, as a matter of fact he now has the nickname Yetiman from the rest of his peers.

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by UM_Gazz
Many believe that a towering, ape-like creature descended from a prehistoric 9- to 10-foot-tall gorilla called a Gigantopithecus, and that it now inhabits North American forests.

Hoaxes have been a large part of the making of the Bigfoot legend. California construction company owner Ray L. Wallace donned 16-inch wooden feet to create tracks in mud in 1958, and it led to a front-page story in a local paper that coined the term "Bigfoot."

I have found the stories, myths, speculation, hoaxes, witness accounts, and random sightings of this beast... More entertaining than anything else.

I am curious why people are still so willing to believe in “Bigfoot”.

Do they want to believe in monsters?

It still amazes me as to why something like Bigfoot is so hard to believe in. Why is it so hard to believe that a primate (other than human) lives in North America? We're not talking vampires & werewolves here, we're simply talking a large, highly endangered primate that has good reason to fear humans. Even mountain gorillas were only just discovered in the mid 1900's, before that people refused to believe in them and thought it was all a hoax as well. Also there is another new type of gorilla that was just recently discovered as well. (As in this past month). Primates live on other continents, why not North America?

Anyway, if I may play devil's advocate for just a moment: Allow me to rebut with a similar type of question. Which is harder to believe in: 1) Simply a large primate living in North America, that through the process of evolution and our changing world has become very endangered and very hunted. Or 2) An all-powerful creator who magically created our world along with all forms of life in it, offering us nothing more than blind faith. When there is no scientific evidence, no proof, no nothing; only hope and a need for humans to feel special, when really we're not.

Sorry to turn it into evolution vs. creation, just playing devil's advocate and trying to prove a point. I'm not trying to offend anyone!! I just don't understand why people feel it's so hard to believe in Bigfoot, it's just another animal.

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 12:06 PM
I definitely am staying open-minded on the existence of Mr. Sasquatchy. There are so many people who have reported to have seen these creatures for it to be dismissed. And when you take into account that a LOT of these people reporting their sightings are people who tend to spend a great deal of time in the woods hunting and such, then it gets harder to claim they just didn't know what they were looking at. I think one of the more impactful accounts is a very experienced hunter in east Texas who was up in a deer stand and watched through his scope, as a sasquatchy came out of the woods with a deer's hind quarter in one arm. The sasquatchy then started gathering and eating the apples this deer hunter had placed along the tree line to bait deer.

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 01:17 PM
Sasquatch is real. There is no such place as 'Texas'.

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by Valhall
I definitely am staying open-minded on the existence of Mr. Sasquatchy. There are so many people who have reported to have seen these creatures for it to be dismissed.

using that method of believing means you don't discount the chupcabra and nessie possibilities either then? lots of those sighting.

one guy sees what he describes as a bigfooted creature. others see the attention he is getting and claim they saw it too. over time more and more people claim they saw it. some are making it up, others saw something but the stories have taken over and what was actually a bear on its hind legs is now seen as a giant ape.

you plant the seeds and the mind can see what it wants.

lame example below

better versions at this link

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 03:37 PM
The native Americans claimed to have seen the sasquatch. They believed that if they harmed it they would have bad luck and they gave it food etc. It must be a real creature, because it has been spotted so many times during the years!

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by speight89
It must be a real creature, because it has been spotted so many times during the years!

therefore, aliens are real, chupacabra is real, nessie is real, champlain monster - real, NJ devil real etc.

indians talked a lot about shapeshifting. so werewolves also exist.

posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 08:25 AM
Bornean big cat

A new species of cat is identified for the first time in almost 200 years. Genetic and skin tests on the creature, now dubbed the Bornean clouded leopard, or Neofelis diardi, have shown that it is almost as different from clouded leopards found on the Asian mainland. This clouded leopard which feasts on monkeys, deer and pigs has been discovered living deep in the Borneo rain forest. With a body that measures just over a foot, the clouded leopard is the smallest of the ‘big cats’. But compared to the size of the rest of its body, it has the biggest teeth of any cat, being called a modern-day sabre-tooth tiger.

Info found

So with your logic it would be fair to say that whoever discovered this cat was Indian and didn't really know what he was talking about?

posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 04:34 PM
I believe because I've seen it. Simple as that.

Seeing is believing.

posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by KFISHCC

No offense, but there's a difference between a foot long cat living in a area where big cats are known to exist and had to be fully examined to fully acknowledge the difference in species is a far cry from a large primate found in areas where other primates (excepting humans) of similar size and shape do not exist.

posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by RuneSpider

I agree that there is a large difference between the two situations. No offense taken. My point and perhaps I did not state it effectively is that there is a possibility either way. There is not enough evidence for or against it at this point. Not every sighting can be a lie or mistaken identity. There is enough remote areas for such a creature to exist without our knowledge. The legend of sasquatch (or any other name for the creature) exist in multiple cultures. Cultures that do not or cannot communicate. On the other hand there is no physical proof that would be considered irrefutable to the scientific community.

I personally don't have any first hand knowledge of the creature. I did grow up in the woods of NE Oklahoma and know that there are areas that are not well documented or explored. Therefore, in my opinion, it is unfair to draw a conclusion either way. Unless you have first hand knowledge for or against it. That would require either being face to face with it or exploring and documenting every square inch of every wooded area.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 04:06 PM
Theyd have to get pretty lucky actually capturing bigfoot, it wont happen.

Bigfoot is not a native to Earth.


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