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Majic: Amon's Planar Model Of Spiritual Reality Vol 2

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posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 12:32 AM

PODcast: Majic: Amon's Planar Model Of Spiritual Reality Vol 2
Majic continues to describe his planar model of spiritual reality and how it explains the nature of gods, worship, prayer, sacrifice and spiritual warfare.

length: 18:19
file: atspodcast_591.mp3
size: 3222k
feed: ats
status: live (at time of posting)

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 02:05 AM
Double Trouble

Oops! I should have made this a reply to the original thread:

I have asked the moderators to move this podcast over to the original thread, and request that any replies or comments be made in that thread.

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 07:49 AM
Hi Brother Amon/Majic,

I don't think you are practicing self-deception as you are considering, but I do think you are letting yourself be seduced by the energies of Group Entities and in letting them sway you into thinking that they have more merit than they actually do.

All a Group Entity consists of is a collective of people who are astrally combined. There are no Group Entities in the Higher Realms where people like Alia Vanessa and other discarnate Saints reside. Group Entities are always in the Mid Realms or the Lower Realms of Spirit. None of them are highly evolved beings but they appear to be so because of their collective energies. That is the deception that is being furthered.

The Group Entity that you have labeled The Beast and which you have stated has members in it with a decidedly orange energy (or Dominant Aura Color of orange), is, by definition, just below a basic level of spirituality.

This is nothing to be impressed about.

I agree with you that the "gods" are really just Group Entities and that when someone accepts a "god" into his heart, it is really just the energy of a particular GE that furthers that god icon (for more membership and greater power and influence), not an actual God Realized being. There are no God Realized beings or Ascended Masters yet in the Spirit.

But let us stay spiritually focused here...

The goal is to become God Realized and to develop a high degree of stability in being able to stay there, not to directly or indirectly promote Group Entities as being viable solutions for anything.

Group Entities cannot solve the problem of pollution, pestilence, governmental corruption, pedophilia and sexual abuse towards innocent children within their churches/temples, and a host of other societal ills.

But future Ascended God Realized Masters and The First Coming of The Original Creator can in fact amend these problems. appears that you are being seduced by the energies of Group Entities. You need to stop embracing those energies and REJECT THEM.

The other issue I feel a need to address is that of the fate of those on a dark path of abuse to innocents.

Evil contains the seeds of its own destruction.

In addition to what The Society Of Light teaches, I know from many years of personal experience in having been persecuted, at times severely, by Group Entities in many nightmarish episodes: that the only thing which stops them is their retrogression away from The Light and into oblivion.

Group Entities promote the idea that "all truth and morality is relative" because they want to get more members and thereby increase their power and sociological influence on those in the flesh. But the truth is that all truth and morality is absolute. That absoluteness is what dictates how far a soul can ascend into The Light. If it were all relative, then Group Entities would be creating temples and even planets, not just projecting telepathic images of their god icon and performing minor healings. The Light Of The God Force and the Universal Law which governs it, is bullish on spiritual principle. The Light does not respect persons or collectives, only virtue, truth and morality.

Do not be so impressed by large collectives of primitive spirits and do not let them seduce you into believing that a disciplined and individualistic path of selflessness through Heart Chakra Radiance is not as important as emotionally uniting with their energies.

Otherwise, you will not be able to stay, much less progress, on the Higher Stages of God Realization...which is actually what they prefer to happen.

You are starting to sound like an unofficial proponent of the Group Entity mindset...which is also something they want to happen.

You are an excellent orator, they know this, and they wish to further their agenda through you.

I was in a similar situation to yours centuries ago as Saul and learned the hard way that the collective mindset is not the way to raise consciousness and it certainly isn't the way back to The Original Creator. The deceptions they furthered through me caused me to experience great frustration after I left the flesh and returned to The Light.

I would like to save you from that deep humiliation.

Be at peace and know God through the Radiance of Purified Love and Compassion, not through your affiliation and emotional uniting with Group Entities who wish to use you to further their agendas.

[edit on 16-10-2005 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 10:32 AM

PODcast: Majic: Amon's Planar Model Of Spiritual Reality Vol 2 (reply 1)
NrKy's response to Majic's discussion on god spirits, consensus reality, and planes of existence between spirits.

length: 11:52
file: atspodcast_593.mp3
size: 3479k
status: hold (at time of posting)

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 01:28 AM

PODcast: Majic: Amon's Planar Model Of Spiritual Reality Vol 2 (reply 2)
Majic continues his rambling monolog about group entities (gods) and their ways. Also includes a footnote about Archangel Michael and Me.

length: 20:31
file: atsppodcast_641.mp3
size: 3608k
status: live (at time of posting)

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 07:09 AM
Brother Amon/Majic,

Comparing Group Entities to sharks is a good analogy.

Group Entities do indeed battle one another constantly.

Inherently, the collective mindset ultimately leads to retrogression away from The Light. So even the seemingly benevolent Group Entities eventually lessen also.

One point you miss on this issue...

Being on a relatively higher spiritual plane offers in itself a certain degree of protection in The Light.

Additionally, one can look down in vibration but cannot look up.

For example, subangels or common spirits cannot see angels and the latter cannot see discarnate Saints in the Higher Realms.

People in the flesh who are very spiritual are only vulnerable to Group Entity abuse while they remain incarnate. When Saints and Masters leave the Physical Plane, they can ascend into The Light beyond the Lower and Mid Realms of Spirit where Group Entities dwell and become invisible to them.

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 08:09 AM

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
People in the flesh who are very spiritual are only vulnerable to Group Entity abuse while they remain incarnate. When Saints and Masters leave the Physical Plane, they can ascend into The Light beyond the Lower and Mid Realms of Spirit where Group Entities dwell and become invisible to them.

Question Paul: So which group entity takes care of all the atheists and non believers? And what is that GE's agenda for those people?

Also, any chance next time you're in contact, you could ask one of em who caused 911? That's been a subject of much debate down here on earth.

And also, maybe ask em who shot JFK, too?

Oh, one more thing: Has the government been concealing aliens from us and do they have secret deals with the aliens?

I'd be really curious to hear the discarnate answers to those questions...

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 08:26 AM
Brother Amon/Majic,

Sometimes one has to fall back a few steps before being able to walk solidly.

The Bottom Line On Group Entities

The vast majority of people who have been in Group Entities have abused innocents and have lessened away from The Light and into oblivion. The influx of recently transitioned souls replenish the ranks of GE's constantly. By definition, Group Entities in the Mid and Lower Realms are only temporary. Some manage to escape them before they destroy themselves through retrogression, but the vast majority do not. Because of the inherent instability and subsequent abuse towards innocents among those of the collective mindset, uniting with the energies of GE's should be avoided completely.

Time For Psycho-Analysis

This is not a new issue with you. I feel that this problem is something that you grappled with for a long time. You want very badly to have the advantage of collective unity, culture and power, and to be a leader of a Group Entity, but never found a discarnate collective that was spiritually progressive enough to suit your needs and high ideals.

What you really want is to be part of a very spiritual Group Entity.

This is something that you sought after extensively. You explored hundreds, if not thousands, of GE's over the centuries, many of which were alien to the cultures of this planet. The thrust of doing so constitutes an unfulfilled desire and frustration on your part that goes way back before you were born this time around. For if you truly found that spiritually progressive Group Entity, you would not have incarnated in this life at all but would have stayed in the Mid Realms of Spirit with them

With a certain degree of disgust in never finding what you want, you begrudgingly chose the correct path of incarnating with the focus of eventually progressing to a level beyond Sainthood and into the beginning stages of God Realization. Relatively recently, you relearned the importance of using the innovative approach of Heart Chakra Radiance in order to accomplish this, but still harbor the unfulfilled goal of finding or being a founding member of a very spiritual Group Entity.

The Solution

The blissful, spiritual collective that you have desired for centuries will not be found in the Mid Realms of Spirit. You are in the process of relearning this important truth.

The only way you will find what you want is on the Other Side of your own God Realization with others of like mind and spiritual focus who are also God Realized -- the Magi.

If you ever re-reach the Higher Stages and then return to The Light, you will be able to form an Ascended Group Entity of Magi (also called a Super Collective Godhead Sun) who will truly embrace the spirituality you feel Group Entities should have in the first place.

If you stop looking for love and spiritual unity in all the wrong places and get back on the Path of Radiance, you will someday be able to form your own Ascended Group Entity of Magi and be able to experience the cultural bliss and progressive spirituality in a collective mindset that you have sought after for so long. You will then no longer feel the frustration and longing that is your currently experience.

The choice is yours. We strongly suggest the Path of Radiance.

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican

Question Paul: So which group entity takes care of all the atheists and non believers? And what is that GE's agenda for those people?

There are many Group Entities who do not follow traditional religious doctrine. All you need to form a GE is a bunch of people on the Other Side in the Lower or Mid Realms of Spirit who share a similar culture and value system. As such, there are Group Entities of secular humanists or secularists as well.

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
Also, any chance next time you're in contact, you could ask one of em who caused 911? That's been a subject of much debate down here on earth.

Rest assured that the Group Entities that powered and empowered the Islamic terrorists who orchestrated 9/11 -- as well as the terrorists themselves who died -- all retrogressed into oblivion quickly from the horrendous torture and suffering that they inflicted on innocents

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
And also, maybe ask em who shot JFK, too?

Group Entities are very much a part of the political landscape and influence events constantly. Even lottery winnings are largely determined by the telekinetic influence of Group Entities.

My take on the JFK assassination from the various testimonial evidence that has come out, is that his election to President was rigged in the first place. His father made a deal with the mob: rig the election in favor of his son and they will take off federal heat on organized crime. (Nixon actually won that Presidential election.) Once elected, JFK double-crossed the mob, which was a really stupid thing to do. He not only went after them but also had his brother, Bobby, head the team to do so. JFK also intended to disband the CIA. All these factors led to the mob, in coordination with the FBI and CIA, to assassinate JFK and to put the blame on a man who was chosen to take the fall. Lyndon Johnson, who became President, was in on the entire operation in advance.

Originally posted by TrueAmerican

Oh, one more thing: Has the government been concealing aliens from us and do they have secret deals with the aliens?

A popular conspiracy theory that is circulating is that there is a secret deal between facets of the US government and the Zetan-Greys, in exchange for technology. There is a certain degree of eyewitness testimony and documentation from the government to corroborate this.

[edit on 22-10-2005 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 09:10 AM
lol Paul thanks, but you were supposed to ask an incarnate!

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
lol Paul thanks, but you were supposed to ask an incarnate!

You and I are "incarnates."

I think you meant to use the word, "discarnate," as in someone on the Other Side.

It is a safe assumption to make that my views are constantly tweaked and influenced by The Society Of Light.

So I believe you have your answers.

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 09:32 AM
LOL....oops *smacks meeself*

Yes I meant discarnate!

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by Paul_Richard

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
Also, any chance next time you're in contact, you could ask one of em who caused 911? That's been a subject of much debate down here on earth.

Rest assured that the Group Entities that powered and empowered the Islamic terrorists who orchestrated 9/11 -- as well as the terrorists themselves who died -- all retrogressed into oblivion quickly from the horrendous torture and suffering that they inflicted on innocents

You see if 911 turns out to have been different, where will that leave you after 4 years of having the chance to really make sure that you had the correct viewpoint?.

What are the Karmic implications if you have the wrong view point regarding 911?.

Consider in the Light that you are one of the few who has the opportunity to be right about such things, so what do or did you choose?.

What Karma will it cause if spreading and choosing to believe what could turn out to be a not fully accurate belief pattern, and also if through your beliefs you have caused others to suffer?, for example, i have debated you over 911 and as a result was sent packing etc.

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by Paul_Richard

Rest assured that the Group Entities that powered and empowered the Islamic terrorists who orchestrated 9/11 -- as well as the terrorists themselves who died -- all retrogressed into oblivion quickly from the horrendous torture and suffering that they inflicted on innocents

Originally posted by ThePunisher
You see if 911 turns out to have been different, where will that leave you after 4 years of having the chance to really make sure that you had the correct viewpoint?

What are the Karmic implications if you have the wrong view point regarding 911?.

Consider in the Light that you are one of the few who has the opportunity to be right about such things, so what do or did you choose?

What Karma will it cause if spreading and choosing to believe what could turn out to be a not fully accurate belief pattern, and also if through your beliefs you have caused others to suffer?, for example, i have debated you over 911 and as a result was sent packing etc.

You were sent packing because you could not come up with a progressive solution to any of your far-left conspiracy theories -- and still can't.

Intellectual masturbation is a waste of time. I want solutions, not unfounded theories. Solists and The Society Of Light have our own ideas about improving upon the basic human condition -- through the innovative approach of Heart Chakra Radiance. To progress to a high spiritual level is our solution to societies ills. Much less talk and much more action is the agenda for positive change.

From my many years of dealing with discarnate demonic attack from Group Entities, I know that what ultimately stops their abuse is their retrogression away from The Light and into oblivion. I have also had the experience on a number of occasions of astrally facing up with people who were not spiritual in life (and I knew) but who crossed over.

They were not happy campers.

The old idea about "losing one's soul" is quite valid and occurs everyday.

By the way...the happy campers are the stable discarnate Saints and the future stable Ascended Masters.

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 03:05 PM

I believe i have worked to a decent understanding about the Solist system you talk about, and researched pretty much all the Solist system.

I bring up some good questions, which has nothing to do with a degradation of your system or having to stop what you do etc, or your other rebuttals.

You see at the end of the day it just doesnt look right and at the least is initially confusing when someone talks about "Absolute Truth" being important and then, picks and chooses truth, without consideration.

[edit on 22-10-2005 by ThePunisher]

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by ThePunisher

...I bring up some good questions, which has nothing to do with a degradation of your system or having to stop what you do etc, or your other rebuttals.

That is a good thing.

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 04:08 PM
What I Love Most

My "planar model" is just a model, and just as with all models, is at best a stylized representation of the original, and certainly doesn't tell the whole story.

Still, I am finding the exercise very educational, both about the spirits I sense and contact, and myself, of course, as alluded to above.

While I tend to be skeptical of long-distance psychiatry, I think Paul may well be on to something.

In my memories, there is definitely a recurring theme. I don't tend to fit in well with homogeneous groups.

I'm not sure why that is, but it is such a dominant pattern in my lives that I must accept the possibility that it is inherent to my nature.

I will no doubt have to ponder all this and -- naturally -- make a podcast about it.

At the very least, what is emerging from this endeavor is of sufficient value to me to more than justify the effort so far.

Thanks to all for the feedback. It's very, very helpful.

Heck, I think I may well be learning something.

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 05:40 PM
I think that this podcast thread needs a rebuttle, a voice of reason, and a psycho-analysis, to give both sides of the story.
Don't forget to take religious discussion (which is what this IS, this is RELIGIOUS not SPIRITUAL, because it isn't talking about INNER search for spirituality, it's talking about Majic's experiences. This is akin to the bible, which is also a collaboration of people's spiritual experiences.) with a grain of salt, and to look at it objectively. Try 'an open MIND', instead of just 'an open heart'.
Wouldn't want anyone to be misled or anything now, would we...

[edit on 23-10-2005 by nrky]

posted on Oct, 25 2005 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by nrky
Don't forget to take religious discussion (which is what this IS, this is RELIGIOUS not SPIRITUAL, because it isn't talking about INNER search for spirituality, it's talking about Majic's experiences.

Do you even know the difference between what is religious and what is spiritual?

The word, "religious," pertains to the traditional organized faiths like Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, etc., and in following their rituals and dogma. This discussion has pretty much avoided a religious connection, as there are many other threads which address that and there is no reason to rehash it here.

In contrast, the word, "spiritual," pertains to an inner search for meaning and emotional growth. It also entails the pursuit of higher awareness derived through direct mystical revelation (aka spiritual correspondence) -- as opposed to going through a priest, minister, rabbi, etc.

There are far more religious people on this planet than there are spiritual people. Only the latter have a chance of finding out the true nature of reality through direct experience.

In light of the above, the person who needs to have an open mind in this equation is YOU.

Oh, and by the way...

Where do you come off declaring that Majic's experiences are any less valid in terms of spirituality than your own?

posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 04:03 PM

PODcast: Majic: Amon's Planar Model Of Spiritual Reality Vol 2 (reply 3)
Wel mizar trys to throw some christan beleifs into it. He fails miserablly. haha

length: 06:50
file: atsppod_1156.mp3
size: 6400k
status: live (at time of posting)

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