posted on Mar, 26 2006 @ 10:51 PM
so the whole entire thing
was the internet equivilent of
**we interrupt this thread for a suggestion by its author**
suggestion: why not sell cuss words for 50 points each? i'd gladly part with 300 points the way i feel now.
**we now return to our thread**
come on, let's track down these bozos and but we'll do it the right way.....
we will IDENTIFY THEM, so that any future thing with their names on it is instantly disqualified as being worthy of our time and money. if enough
people get behind this plan it will work and really send a message to these clowns.
no more "thank you sir may i have another" okay?
i like these icons!
[edit on 26-3-2006 by victor was right]