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Iraqi Army Officer: British Military Involved in Acts of Terrorism

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posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 12:25 PM

An Iraqi army officer has said that the British military personnel and security forces were involved in acts of terrorism in Iraq.

The Iraqi officer, introduced himself to the Islamic Republic News Agency [IRNA] as Fayyadh Mas'ud, and said: The evidences at our disposal cannot be denied.

He added: Investigations show that the British Army's explosives and equipment were used in several instances of bomb blasts in Baghdad.
Political analysts believe that America and Britain are undermining security in Iraq in order to justify their own presence.


Is there evidence of what has been reported all around the Arab media circles over the last few months?

Is there really hard proof that the occupiers are the real terrorists?

The British are well known to incite unrest in occupied territories with the intent of maintaining justification of harsh measures and continuation of the occupation.

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 01:00 PM
This can be looked at from a few different angles.

1) The British had a bunch of supplies stolen from one of their bases and they never released information about it (this would not surprise me).

2) This could be true, but then again I highly doubt it. I really do not see why they would want to cause unrest in a country that they are trying to bring into democracy. Just seems like a dumb move to me.

But then again anything is possible with anything. I would like to read more about it if possible.

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 01:04 PM

The British are well known to incite unrest in occupied territories with the intent of maintaining justification of harsh measures and continuation of the occupation.

Where is your proof of this statement, why do people on this site post statements that have no justification or proof ? And who is this army officer ? wouldn't perhaps be from the old regime? and now he is out of a job is trying to cause trouble.

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 01:09 PM
IMO its BS, period.
Uk forces wouldnt commit acts of terror.
I want proof before I trust this.." Fayyadh Mas'ud". What kind of "officer" is he?

Who does he work for?

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 02:39 PM

Is there evidence of what has been reported all around the Arab media circles over the last few months?

Is there really hard proof that the occupiers are the real terrorists?

The British are well known to incite unrest in occupied territories with the intent of maintaining justification of harsh measures and continuation of the occupation.

Are we? We're well known to blow stuff up and cause unrest, getting our own men killed in the process and spending billions more than we can afford on an upopular war? Don't think so, mate.

Maybe back in the Victorian Era or before, when we "maintained" an Empire and set the natives (like in India) against each other, but certainly not now. It makes no sense and our Army would not do it. Our officers aren't the blue-blood idiots we had in the past, they are well trained and educated people who, simply put, would refuse an order to kill civilians.

When we go to great pains to not hurt civilians, unlike our American allies who term it "collateral damage" and we would call off an airstrike if it was even thought that civilains were nearby. This is just BS. Why doesn't this "officer" come out and speak publicaly, instead of to an Islamic Republic (sound familiar?) news agency?

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 02:46 PM

Why doesn't this "officer" come out and speak publicaly, instead of to an Islamic Republic (sound familiar?) news agency?

That is speaking openly......

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by ArchAngel

Why doesn't this "officer" come out and speak publicaly, instead of to an Islamic Republic (sound familiar?) news agency?

That is speaking openly......

Not really. Why, for such a big story, is no one, apart from the "Islamic Republic News Agency" running the story? I don't mean Fox, CNN or the BBC, but the Chinese or Russian (or even French) news agencies.

This is only coming from the Iranian News agency, who recently, have been accused of supporting the insurgents themselves. Its counter-propoganda.

Where is the photo of this Army officer? What is his background? Who is he? currently, he is just a name in an Iranian press report, which to honest, is probably trying to deflect attention from the fact that they have been found to be supplying militants in Iraq.

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 05:08 PM
So this "Iraqi Officer" walks up to a reporter, claims that they have evidence that British troops are responsible for terrorist bombings that "cannot be denied," and that's good enough for some of you? Before I go and accuse the respected British Armed Forces of committing acts of terrorism, I would at least like to see this evidence that allegedly cannot be ignored. The simple word of one man, who claims to be in a position of some authority, that approaches a reporter on the street is not evidence. If the situation was reversed, and a reporter was approached on the street saying something good about the Coalition efforts in Iraq and said he had clear evidence of Iranian involvement in terrorist attacks in Iraq, then you certainly would be calling for evidence.

How is it that so many whistleblowers come forward reporting stories like US troops putting panties on the heads of Abu Grahb prisoners, or the governments doctoring evidence to support their WMD claims, and so much more... yet we haven't had a single coalition soldier or officer come forward, even anonymously, to report that British troops are committing the most horrific acts of terrorism and blaming them on insurgents and terrorists? I would like to think that if this story is true that not every soldier who was approached by their superiors and offered the assignment of committing terrorist bombings said "yes I will." I still have enough faith in humanity, and in the citizens and soldiers of western democracy, that someone with knowledge of these terrorist acts would have come forward by now. And I'm not talking about a random Iraqi approaching a reporter on the street and not giving any evidence.

Say what you will about the American and British leadership. Say what you will about the War on Terror, and in particular the operations in Iraq. Everyone has a right to voice their opinions or their opposition to such things. But to actually believe an article like the one linked above, without a single shred of legitimate evidence, is completely absurd and serves to discredit your anti-war stance, regardless of its legitimacy. Just as fake UFO reports hurt the UFO community, these claims of British involvement in the very acts of terror that we are fighting to defeat, also hurt the Hippy community and their anti-war efforts.

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