posted on Sep, 13 2003 @ 09:20 PM
Now friends, would you give a lighter to a child. I don't know who
anyone here really is. Why would I openly blast out every little thing thought? I am not saying the people on ATS are children but
some visitors are of higher and lower levels of awareness. I will
not spell out utopian socialism and such to open masses as I will
not be responsible for anarchy. That is not the way to peace. When people realize that it is their right to create themselves as
they wish, as they have a right to true happiness, one must also
consider that forcing out words on everyone is stupid.
I will not teach nor will our organization, all the world for that as even a thought is also stupid. We are not that arrogant as to think it is our
right or that we even can do such a thing as there are many in the world smarter than I, my organization and our affiliated kind of thinkers. that
being said I will not force feed our concepts to those who would not care.
This is NOT because we care about having to defend ourselves. We believe in what we are for and some would die to preserve our ways of thinking. It
is so we can demographically determine our function and we know that those in the know or those who WANT to know more about us will be the responders.
We have the right to screen who we share our beliefs with. Those who do not understand by choice are different than those who cannot by lack of
ability to think in such a way.
Some see in pictures and some do not. Or maybe we all do and it comes down to what you CHOOSE to apply your mind to. We will
not spend a million hours defending ourselves to those who write
in their f**k yous. You say why not ignore them. If they read what we write it is in their heads whether they like it or not and it would then be our
responsibility to give them a reason for the things they read. It is also because we have respect for all human
beings in equality. Sure we all have variated differences in appearance, status, physiology, etc., etc. Those are perceptions
based on random assumption.
Our friends here believe that those who are meant to know shall and that is: We all ARE the same when we look to the soul of a human being. Do you
want to know all of my weaknesses, they are the same as yours if you are talking about being a sentient race. When you hear the word human being with
no reference to race, gender, appearance, status, class, intelligence, belief, etc., just based on the word human beings, what but yourself inside do
you look towards for an answer to what a human being is.
Further, what would one say if they met extra-terrestrial intelligence that requested said person to explain what it is to be human? Now, we are
terrribly sorry if you who attack our views have to feel the emotions that we did NOT intend to generate. Know that YOU as an individual are
responsible for management of your own feelings.
Who among all us in this world is perfect? No one. Who is in total control of their feelings, no one. Emotion is a gift when we appreciate. It is a
negative when not and there are people so deadened and hurt inside that they commit suicide or harm others. What right does a person have to become
angry at another to satisfy a need for wrath when someone angers them. We believe that it is a strength to be comfortable enough with oneself to not
waste the time to subjugate themselves to this pain.
If you allow another, who you know cannot change your own views or beliefs, to force you to defend yourself for their ego (for their own reasons they
wish to fight rather than communicate) rather than a justifiable question as to reason, then you do not believe what you are saying do you? You are
justifying to self when to another. I write this not to justify self doubts from within our group, we write this because circumstance and need for
clarification says:
They need to know we are passionate and real and believe me, none of us, not a one has ever been paid for giving their time to help those who do not
see, see better. This is why people get eyeglasses, rather than go blind. But could you get eyeglasses without a provider of a perscription?
Time and population with a coordinate system has brought humanity this far. Now a time faces us where people who are innocent and good, with
positive destinies are in jeopardy of being destroyed. Oppressors need to oppress to fill what they lack, power. Power is illusion they cannot take
away your soul, spirit, heart or mind. We desire to live for joyousness, peace and to learn greater appreciation for the world we live in.
The meek shall inherit the Earth and the meek have never been warriors so imagine how hard the paradox is: How do you show
love to those who reject it in favour of hate? How do you fight oppression when you are opposed to fighting? Balance.
Our organization is against violence, propaganda, self indulgence at the expense of others and judgement. If one considers the requirements any
human being must, in their own mind must
confront to reach the mastery required to have the peace of
mediatation in a world that is fairly predicatable when you know
everyone is capable of that which they believe, then it is apparent
that the only way to make a difference is passive aggression then
they will see.
Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Goutama Siddhartha, Martin Luther King, Mother Theresa and so many unknown human beings who now know heaven and we cannot
know now, all gave
their lives, (ironic that most were executed by those who benefitted by the mass ignorance they supported) WHY? They were born to do what they did and
they all cared THAT MUCH in their hearts for the value of human life that they were willing to throw away the easier simplicities offered by feeding
ego when they knew what they could accomplish?
Speculation is curiosity, opinion is when it is shared. But to not appreciate the gift of sentience, or see it AS A GIFT, is to either be naive or
arrogant. We could have been born all as beasts and bugs, but then we wouldn't be living as we do or care as egos do would we? Thank You.
We hope that this has made clear our sincere desire to change. It is not the world that is in need of change as God made
it perfect, it is our attitudes inside we require work on and as God
made us too then how can one give up and allow themselves to
be as best they can. Humankind just needs to know that it is
loved. Cursing existence is like telling one's parent they are at fault for them being. That is as unfair as cursing God, who probably only ever
wanted as a good parent the best and most
joyous existence for its children. With love to all who care to know
We have approval as by Amnesty International (We are registed by but are not affiliated. We give our lives away for humankind. If we all did this,
who would be left to hate and who would be left unloved?