posted on Dec, 11 2012 @ 04:11 PM
It is disturbing to say the least. One video I watched said it had been used in 44 universities, 15 private companies, 12 hospitals, and prisons. It
might even go under the rebranding name of GWEN towers or the HAARP array. There is portable equipment I'm sure, but most I'll guess comes from
weather radar stations or police towers.
I've noticed the effects of it on several occasions in the past several years. One when I was in Arizona, I perceived backwards voices, particularly
of a voice that sounded like Obama. That source got knocked out after a powerful solar flare event making me think it came from a police station to
the north of my residence.
There was another time when I started writing conspiracy dissent online. I complain, the next day I get zapped. They have to know where you do your
complaining for it to work. It is precise and it can become painful. Thanks Wolfchase Naval Support Center for your in-house doppler mind control
radar. I can't believe I said that; at least it's 2012.
This stuff has driven people to do deadly acts, especially when they are unaware of the technology. And the battle goes inside political lines. Ds
and Rs do it on each other.
Another time I was in a hotel in Texas and was looking at a building. The kind with a bunch of antenne on the roof. Conspiracy theorist on a day
off. It's there, it's just windows, it's by a freeway in public, like most buildings. Well about 20 minutes into that I got a source from the
northeast, hitting me like a binaural beat hypnosis CD, trying to compel in me a sense of urgency, an internal thought-voice, like I was late for
something, or a sense of obligation, like my staff seargeant wouldn't want me to do this (except I'm not a soldier and haven't been). It went for
a while, I wrote down all the words, the times, the durations, and needless to say, it was electromagnetic invasion of privacy. After about a half an
hour I was nauseated, but the signal kept increasing. If I didn't already have an idea of who started it, why they did it, and what the machine's
motivation was, I'd think they were doing a voodoo spell in that building to get me to leave, but it was obviously a security network.
This goes into occult. Vibrations mean something. They have frequencies for every emotion every person has.