posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 02:28 PM
This is a fascinating thread - I wish everyone could be so civil in expressing hteir points of view. There have been too many excellent comments for
me to give credit to here; please indulge me in one point that I think may be germaine.
Several posts have touched - and plunged into - the sensitive nature of the nature of our society. There is a lot of entertainment that many find
repugnant for a variety of reasons - many of them very good reasons. There are lifestyles that people may find repugnant. Certainly there are
philosophical and religious viewpoints that often annoy me. That's my problem. As my parish priest once told me - "We don't have to approve of
people who make lifestyle choices we find repugnant; we DO have to tolerate them - at the very least."
I can dislike a lot of things that are on TV, the radio, the movie screen, or walking down the street. I don't have to like it. I do have to tolerate
it. That is the price of freedom. This - for me - is a test of my Christian values, sometimes. Once again - if I have a problem with it, it's my
problem. I am very concerned with the increasingly intrusive actions of this administration. They have the right - and the reponsibility - to enforce
the Constitution of the United States. Nowhere in there - and I've read it so many times, I could likely recite it in my sleep - have I read anything
like "As Pat Robertson would Mote It, So Shall It Be." BUT ....
If this gang of theocratic thugs get away with their agenda, we let it happen. It seems like many people here are politically active. It's far past
time that people stopped letting the system run them. Take it back!
I thank you for your indulgence for humoring me in this latest epistle.....